9. Run away

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Alex stormed into the house, his face a mask of frustration, with Grayson trailing reluctantly behind him. The tension in the air was palpable. As they crossed the threshold, Julian was the first to greet them. He wrapped his arms around Alex in a tight hug, which Alex acknowledged with a tired but genuine smile. Grayson, however, stood still, staring blankly into space, as if he were somewhere far away.

"Hi, Grayson," Julian greeted, his tone uncertain and tinged with hope. Grayson met Julian's eyes briefly, his gaze cold and unyielding. Without a word, he turned to walk away, only to be grabbed by Alex.

"You'll respond when you're spoken to, understood?" Alex's voice was firm, brooking no argument.

Grayson yanked his hand free, his eyes narrowing. "Hello, bleached face," he spat at Julian, his words laced with venom. Julian flinched, taken back by the unexpected cruelty.

"That's it!" Alex's patience snapped. He grabbed Grayson by the bicep and began to drag him away. Gray, seething with defiance, shot Julian the finger, completing his insult.

Julian watched them disappear upstairs, his heart heavy. Alex's voice echoed down the hallway, a mix of frustration and exasperation as he ranted about how Grayson had been nothing but a headache. Julian's chest tightened with a mix of anger and sadness.

Julian slipped out of the house, seeking comfort in the garden where Russell was tending to the plants. "Hi, Russ," he called out, his voice barely hiding his distress. He sank on the bench, feeling the weight of the morning's events pressing down on him.

Russell, sensing his cousin's turmoil, set down his tools and joined him. "What's up?" he asked, his tone gentle and concerned.

Julian rubbed his temples, his mind racing. "How did Gray's parents die?" he asked, his blue eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of fear.

Russell sighed, a shadow passing over his face. "Aunt Alexa died in an accident. That's what Uncle Alex told Dad. Grayson was in the accident too, but he survived. What a waste," he muttered, not realizing Julian heard him.

"You mean he should have died?" Julian's voice trembled.

Russell's eyes widened. "I didn't say that. I just meant... it's a waste because he's so troubled. He causes problems, and it's been tough on Uncle Alex. Ever since he arrived, it's been chaos. He talks and acts like a street kid. He's not a nice person, Julian. He's going to get us all into trouble, maybe even end up in juvie."

Julian's heart sank. "But he doesn't have anyone else. Where would he go if we kicked him out?"

Russell shrugged. "Maybe back to his stepfather. I heard that's where he was living. In Chicago."

Julian shook his head, his voice soft. "But that's not his real family. He should have come here sooner, like you did when your parents divorced."

Russell's expression hardened. "It's not the same. Aunt Alexa was practically disowned by Grandfather. She made a mistake, and that mistake was Gray. It's no wonder he's so messed up. He looks like trouble, acts like trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if he's on drugs."

"Russell!" Julian scolded. "You don't know that. Do you even like him at all?"

Russell shrugged again. "I'm just saying, stay away from him. He's bad news."

Julian nodded reluctantly. "I guess you're right. But let's give him a chance when he calms down."

Dinner that evening was a tense affair. The whole family, including Damien, gathered around the table, trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy. As they said their prayers and prepared to eat, Julian couldn't help but glance at the empty spot where Grayson should have been.

"What about Gray?" he asked, breaking the uneasy silence.

Alex shook his head, his expression calm but firm. "It's best if he stays in his room for now. Don't worry, Rosa already served him dinner."

Russell smirked, his voice dripping with disdain. "Yeah, Uncle Alex is right. He's quite a storm."

Alex scolded him gently. "Russell, don't talk about people like that. It's all new to him, but he'll come around."

"With a little push," Damien added, his tone ominous.

After dinner, Alex and Damien retreated to the study, their conversation serious and urgent. As Alex recounted the day's events, Damien's concern deepened. Grayson's behavior was becoming a real issue. He was not safe to be around with and replied to everything with aggression.

"We need to the rules to him and see how he reacts," Alex suggested, his voice heavy with determination.

Damien nodded. "Agreed. But we need to be firm. He's wild and needs strict discipline."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a frantic knock on the door. Rosa burst in, her face pale with worry. "We can't find Grayson," she announced, her voice trembling.

Alex and Damien jumped to their feet and rushed to Grayson's room. Everything seemed normal, but Grayson was gone. Damien approached the window, noticing it was slightly ajar.

"He ran away," Damien stated, his voice grim and Alex groaned.

"I'll bring him back in no time. Quite impressive how he landed the ground." He added as he stepped away. "I knew I should have done something about the window yesterday, it was all written over his face." He said reaching for his phone.

The speaking on the phone, "Hit the road, we have a rebel on the loose."


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