News in town

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Moving out, moving in, ugh. I can hardly name something more nerve-racking.

My parents filed for divorce earlier this year and I've decided to stay with my mom. And ever since, we've been ceaselessly searching for a place to stay, but with no luck. Therefore, my mom decided to head back to her hometown Sigswood to live with my grandparents for a while.

I can't lie, I did like all the holidays spent at my grandparents' house, it was very spacious and welcoming. And even though the town was small and there wasn't much to do out there, I've always felt safe pacing the streets, even later at night. But what I absolutely hated about this was leaving my friends from home and high school behind, and needing to readjust at a small local school, the only one in town actually. And the thought of everyone knowing everyone and having your every each move watched, was slowly sucking the life out of my soul.

"Are you ready to go, B?" I heard my mother yell from downstairs, as I taped the last cardboard box with few of my things inside.

"Coming", I loudly but emotionlessly say, as I take one last look at my childhood bedroom. Even though most memories in this house are unpleasant, it's still the place where I've grown and inevitably became who I am today, with bad and with good. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second, then immediately closed the door and headed downstairs. I could clearly and loudly hear my every step on each stair, as the entire house was empty; only the wind was softly echoing around from the opened window in the living room. My dad was long gone from our house, as he already found a new, better life somewhere else. But I wasn't very upset, as I never let myself think too much about it. The moment I reached the bottom of the stairs, I took a last glance at the empty house over my shoulder, then I made my way to my mom who was already in the car, waiting for me.

I tried my best to fit the last box into the fully loaded backseat, I then opened the passenger's door and got in my seat, adjusting my seatbelt and meeting my mother's tired eyes, which she tried to hide with a soft smile. I smiled back and nodded, then she started the car; and there we were, saying goodbye to what we thought it was our forever home.


After a relatively long drive, which kind of felt like an eternity to me, we got to my grandparents' house. It was around 6 pm and the sky was partially cloudy, but clear enough for a couple sun rays to make their way through. I nostalgically stared at the sky for a couple moments, then my grandma's warm voice interrupted me, and made my eyes shift back down.

"Oh Blair, you've grown so much since the last time I've seen you!" she exclaimed, as she quickly pulled me into her tight embrace.

"Granny, it's been like a month" I giggle into her chest as I lovingly hug her back.

The love I hold for my grandma is like no other; you can call me crazy, but I really believe she's an angel sent on earth to watch over me and everyone else. In my 17 years on this earth, I've never met someone so kind, helping and magnanimous as her. As I'm completely aware I'll never be able to even dream about reaching her level, I will still always look up to her, as a role model and protector.

My grandma invited us in, as my mother and grandpa were starting to unload our things from the car. I was walking towards the front door, and then I hesitated for a second; I swiftly turned around to face my family again, who were already all looking my way.

"Actually, I'd like to take a walk around before we settle in, if you don't mind", I stated quietly.

"Of course", my mom replied smiling.

"Just don't go too far", my grandma warned me, sounding slightly concerned. "The sun is about to set. And the dinner's almost ready too!" she almost interrupted herself.

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