I slowly opened my eyes, the white ceiling meeting my iris. The buzzing of the mini fridge playing in my ears. I lazily got up, the little smidge of sun coming from the closed blinds hitting my tail. I trudged to the bathroom turning on the light, a weak lightbulb half lighting up the room. I freshened up enough to be presentable and I shape shifted to my human form. I got into my work uniform and sat at the small dining table eating breakfast alone. The mornings were always silent like this, and I loved it that way. It gives me time to think. To think about Tommy that is. He's the new intern that came to the company a few months ago but I already felt myself feeling some sort of attraction to him. We're also neighbors so this must be fate! Astelina's voice had spoken to me in my sleep saying we just had to be meant for one another! Astelina never lies about one's love life so I know it must be true. Though the time to arrive to work was approaching rapidly so I opened the blinds for the first time in ages and headed out the door of the small apartment. I went down the stairs and entered the parking garage, struggling to find where my keys had gone when... "Hey, uh, Purpled, was it? I think these are yours?" I looked up from my bag to find Tommy standing there my keys in his hands. He was smiling that same bright beautiful smile that he did every day. Even though it had only been a few months his uniform was already kind of torn at the side. But no matter how good or bad he looked to the human eye; he was still the most handsome person in mine. Our eyes met for a second making my insides do that tingly feeling again. His smile had now turned into an awkward one as we were sitting there for quite a while looking at one another... "Are these your keys?" He said jingling the keys toward my face again. I just stood there like an idiot staring at him not knowing how to respond almost as if I was frozen. "Hello?" "Yes! Yes, those are mine... t-thank you." I said in a low voice snatching my keys from his hands still looking at him. "Oh, You're welcome!" Tommy said a little chuckle following after his words. Every little noise he made, got me all fluffy inside like I was a marshmallow. "I'll see you at work!" He said cheerfully going to his car. I did a small smile and waved goodbye to Tommy slowly and awkwardly. I don't know it's just that every time he gets close to me it feels different than being close to other humans like my other co-workers and my boss. The feeling around them is neutral but when it comes to Tommy... all sorts of things fizzle up inside me. After standing there for a good few minutes trying to process all the feelings I was having, I got into my car, actually excited for work today.
Week 1, Monday, 9:30 AM
I arrived at the Las Nevadas Management office. Which is where I work. No, we don't work in the casino we work in the background of everything. Rigging machines, getting investments and whatever else human stuff you need to do to run a business. I got out my car and went into the building. The buzz of florescent lights was eerie yet calming. I clocked in and started heading to the main room where all the employees were, it seems that everyone was talking about something. Maybe a new project? I entered the room the noise of chatter filling my ears. I scanned the room to find my team manager, Foolish trying to get my attention in the flood of employees. I pushed through multiple people trying to get to him when I saw Tommy, Ranboo, and Fundy already surrounding Foolish in a semi-circle. "Good morning, Purpled!" Foolish said with a cheerful smile. "Good morning Mr. Foolish." I said trying to avoid eye contact with Tommy but how could you avoid looking at someone so majestical? His messy but fluffy looking blonde hair, his soft blue eyes just enough to make an Orkling's heart flutter, and- "Um, Purpled?" "Huh? Yes? What?" My thoughts were rudely interrupted by Fundy waving his hand in front of my face. "Were you listening to anything I said just now?" Foolish said leaning back on the file cabinets. "No, sorry, sir." I said scratching my neck. "No, no! It's fine, you just looked like you were lost in thought there for a second. Everything alright?" He said looking at me intensely trying to figure out if there was something wrong. "All good. Just a bit sleepy today." "Well, aren't we all?" He said everyone in the group letting out a chuckle. "Morning everyone!" I tensed up a bit hoping that wasn't who I thought it was. "Hey Tubbo! Good morning!" Tommy said with a cheerful little wave. I looked to my left to see Tubbo standing right next to me. I almost wanted to puke. Even his presence makes me angry. No, there was generally nothing wrong with Toby... it's just that... He's best friends with Tommy... and I don't like that. I hate him so much. I can't even express how much I want him gone. I can't stand them being close to one another! "Morning Purpled!" He said shooting me a friendly smile. "Good... morning, Tubbo." I said sucking back my hatred. I wanted to choke him and then bash his head into the file cabinets until there was no more blood left to bleed. "Good now that everyone is here, we can finally start the official meeting! Come, follow along!" Foolish said flipping through some papers in his clipboard walking quickly as we all staggered to keep up. Every day was like this, but no one had the courage to tell him he was walking too fast. We made it to the Branch X meeting room and took our seats as Foolish closed the doors behind us. He went to the project file cabinet and unlocked with the thousands of keys he carried. He took out a fat file and plopped it in the middle of the table making everyone jump a bit. He locked up the file cabinet and went to sit down at his big fancy manager chair. He took a deep breath as everyone in the room stared at him waiting for him to speak. "Alright, so, something BIG is happening a few weeks from now that we have to get ready for." A few groans could be heard from around the room. "Yes, I know four weeks isn't enough time to prepare for a project, but you'll learn how to flawlessly work under pressure one day, like me!" Foolish said in a slight egotistical tone. "How well we perform in this venture will change the course of the company forever! Whether it be good or bad! But you know Quackity is looking for everything good and beyond. We Branch X, the branch filled with mostly interns can actually make an impact on the company for once! Maybe you might even get spotted for your intellectual work and move up a rank! Who knows?" Foolish went on and on talking about this big party including three big bosses and how their really influential. Our job was to make sure everything went smoothly and that we presented the company in a good light so that these bosses would be willing to invest in it. It seemed pretty easy by it just being said but though humans are dumb they're not dumb with their money! Well... most of them are not dumb with their money... nevermind I'm giving humans too much credit, half of them aren't dumb with their money. Yeah, that seems like a better way to put it. So, we'll have to be running around the party venue pleasing people and informing them about our business with a little slideshow, pamphlet, card, or whatever. We haven't decided yet. But the meeting went well, everyone was voicing their ideas and opinions, people made jokes, a lot of staring at Tommy secretly off to the side, a lot of thoughts of Tubbo being better off dead, the usual workday. It was boring but human work was always boring.

♥ Alien Heart ♥
FanficAn Office Yandere Romance featuring the GoldenDuo. A story about jealousy and blood, lots of blood. Purpled can't stand seeing Tommy with anybody else other than him! It makes his heart feel heavy, he feels tense, and anger all at the same time. Ye...