The Orkling Race
If you don't feel like boring yourself reading my interpretation of Purpled's and Punz's alien species, then you can skip this part. But without this info some things probably won't make sense. So, it's highly recommended that you do read this whole thing. But if you choose to skip or not to skip is totally up to you! Enjoy!
Orkling Appearance
The appearance of an Orkling isn't that complicated. Try to imagine this. If you can't imagine it, draw it instead. They have 3 glowing, almost sparkling enchanting-like eyes, these eyes are located where regular human eyes would be while their third eye is located on their forehead. They don't have pupils but have way more better vision then humans do. Their iris is big and bright in color like Purpled's eyes are... well purple! Their sclera is void black like there's nothing there at all but there is! I promise you! Their skin is a toned-down version of their eyes but still vibrant. They have squiggly antennas that have star shaped figures at the very top of them. They have tails the same color as their skin that are straight and long but swing off to the side laid out on the floor. The end of their tails have a crab like shaped claw that holds a dangerous poison meant to kill enemies. For example, if they bit another Orkling with their tail nothing would happen, and it would be seen as casual play fighting. But if they bit a human or animal, they'd die a slow, painful, and agonizing death as the poison soared slowly through their skin to their brain killing them. Graphic to think about, I know! The tails are pretty cool though because they emit a cool glowing light! Also, some say the tails can tend to have a mind of their own or that they act on an Orkling's inner feelings.
The Stellars
The Stellars are three big balls of light in the sky (that are actually stars but how would they know that?) that lay above the planet. The Orklings worshipped them dearly, the three Stellars called Stelina, Astelina, and Neptune. The Stellars have no genders as they are balls of heavenly light in the sky. There are... well there were three different churches for the three different gods/Stellars. Punz and Purpled personally their family worshipped Stelina more than the other gods because they signified strength and fertility. Which was all their mother and father cared about because they only had two sons but wanted more than that. All of the Stellars do care about fertility a lot, but Stelina has a very big belief on fertility more than the others. Astelina signified trust and beauty with more beauty, came more fertility. (For some reason...) Neptune signified knowledge and peace, with knowledge came good power and with good power comes peace and with peace comes more fertility. (Yeah, the Orklings were obsessed with fertility so it's a reoccurring theme in their religion.) That's pretty much all you need to know about the Stellars! The only reason why I needed to put it in here is because sometimes Purpled and Punz in the story might reference to them at some points. Which is why I'm so glad you stayed to read all this! Okay! No more chit chat! It's time for the last section.
The Planet of Octivia: The Sad(?) Backstory
Octivia is a planet far, far, away from Earth. Well, not that far but it's far! As you already know, the species that live on that planet call themselves the Orklings and the children Orklas. The rise of the planet started like any other. The Orklings started discovering stuff and using them to their advantage. They built homes, schools, and all that good stuff. They made a religion soon establishing a social pyramid and then a monarchy. Orklings had jobs, duties, and big families. The average family having 6 members at most. Which is most likely due to their high fertility genes! It's more common for an Orkling to have two sets of twins than two children alone. Purpled and Punz's mother was just on the unlucky side of the Orkling race only having two sons six years apart from each other. Which is REALLY bad in their culture! So, you can already tell she was shamed lots. All good things eventually have to come to an end though... When Purpled was fifteen and Punz was twenty-one, their planet started to receive massive shifts in the environment and horrible earthquakes. No one knew why the planet started crack all the sudden... It got so bad that Orklings started to evacuate from the planet, obviously Purpled and Punz were one of the first ones to start acting on evacuating the planet. Their parents tried to deny that the planet was going to break. Purpled wanted to stay but Punz was not going to leave him there! So, on the day they started to fly away the planet exploded and broke into pieces right in front of their eyes. It was obvious that everything they had was gone but they had each other. While looking for other survivors while trying to find other habitable places to stay they came across the Milky Way and found Earth. No where else was really habitable for them so they had no choice. After a year of hiding from humans they- well Punz learned everything he had to know about humans. The brothers came out of hiding and lived among the human race disguised as their human personas. Everything went seamless and no one seemed to notice even though Purpled made some slip ups from time to time, but Punz was always there to save him. Purpled felt like he owed his older brother his life without him he wouldn't have been surviving that long. Enough with the sad backstory! It's time for the actually story to begin! Thank you for taking your time to read this I actually appreciate it! 〒▽〒
Just for a little background in this alternative universe they are all their current 2024 ages!
Also, you're gonna need this info...
Branch X
Foolish - Team Manager
Fundy - Branch X Employee
Tubbo - Branch X Employee
Ranboo - Advanced Intern
Purpled - Advanced Intern
Tommy - Intern
Now it's time for the real story enjoy! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

♥ Alien Heart ♥
FanficAn Office Yandere Romance featuring the GoldenDuo. A story about jealousy and blood, lots of blood. Purpled can't stand seeing Tommy with anybody else other than him! It makes his heart feel heavy, he feels tense, and anger all at the same time. Ye...