7:32 PM
After Tubbo stopped moving the blood was still gushing a ton out his throat. This is going to be quite the mess to clean up, isn't it? I bent down to examine his lifeless body further, but I heard a feminine scream of pure terror. "AHHHHHHHHHH! OH MY GOD!" I darted my gaze toward the doorway. It was Niki! But I locked the door! No one was supposed to be in here for a while! I... I perfectly coordinated this kill! No worries... I'd just have to kill her too! With speed I rushed over to her I she began to run and--
Another one down... Now I had two bodies to clean up! this is just great! This isn't going how I planned it at all! But it'll be fine. It'll be fine. Everything will be just fine. Then there was this sudden thought inside my head. I wouldn't have to fight any more if everyone in my way was gone. There wouldn't have to be any potential witnesses because everyone would be dead. If I just got rid of everyone... then I could have Tommy all to myself. It wouldn't be a lengthy, planned out process. It would be quick and easy, and I could have love in seconds flat! Or would that be too much work? Well, who said I had to clean up the bodies? I'm in my Orkling form right now! Nobody would know that it was me! Even if they did know I wouldn't care! I could take us far away from this mess... far away from this town. There'd be no one left from our past and-- "AHHHH!!" "AHHHH" "THERE'S A MONSTER!" Oh my... I just got trapped in my own thoughts, didn't I? Three more wouldn't hurt.
How clumsy of me... I somehow stumbled into the kitchen and killed all the cooks! Oh no!
Now, I'm in the main room and there's screams and guts all over the floor...
I got ahead of myself and ended up killing... most of the venue, I'm lying all of the people in the venue. Some people put up a good fight! But it's me versus all these stupid, naive, wealthy, deceitful, horrible humans... Of course. I won! Everyone was gone! Everything was quiet... Just like I wanted. All I had to do was fine my beautiful, lovely blonde! He must be hiding somewhere... But oh! Do I like a good game of hide n seek! "Tommy!" I called. "Where are you? Don't hide from me! If you come out... I'll show you just how much I love you!!" I heard a noise echo throughout the venue. Stepping over the blood, guts, and bodies I ran over. No one. "Stop running from me! You're not making it easy on yourself." I searched everywhere and broke everything in my path till I found him trying to hide amongst the piles of bodies some still fresh bleeding out. I pulled him up from the pile of human flesh smiling brightly. "WHAT ARE YOU! Who are you! And... and... HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?" I put up my fake human disguise hoping it would give him a hint. "Do I look familiar, love?" "...AHHHHHHHH...... MHMMMmmmm........" I huffed angrily. "Well, that isn't a very nice way to greet your future spouse now, is it? I'll take the tie out your mouth once you learned to behave!" Grabbing my phone out of my pocket with bloody hands I dialed the one who's always been there for me. "H--Hey Purpled! Is uh now a really great time I'm kinda busy..." "Oh, please brother, I could care about your sexual affairs!" "...Rude. Fine! What do you want?" "A place to stay. I can't go back home it's not safe anymore. In fact, this whole town isn't safe anymore. We need to leave." He was silent for a while. "Purpled... what did you do?" "I killed too many humans." "Oh! I get it! How much did you get paid?" "I got paid in a forever partner." "I mean money. How much money?" I killed people for love, but he killed people for money. We were two totally different Orklings... "Just get us out of here! How about you use that rich boyfriend of yours to use?" "Jeez! Fine! I'm coming!" His voice became lower seemingly talking to someone in the background. "We're gonna have to do this another time... We need outta this town! Can you do that for me, baby?" There were some murmurs in the background and then he came back to the phone. "Get rid of your phone! I'm on my way!" With that he hung up. Using my tail, I cracked the phone to smithereens. "Oh Tommy, our lives are just beginning..."
10:53 PM
"I got to the scene as soon as I could! What's up?" "You're not gonna like this one Nigel... It's awful in there." I nodded telling him I would heed his warning. I walked inside and it smelt and looked just how Caelum had described it. Fucking awful. "What the fuck happened here!? An animal must've done this!" I exclaimed choking on the horrible small "Or maybe it was just a genocide of the wealthy?" Another officer suggested. "Whatever it is it's bigger than what any of us are probably doing. Is there any sign of the killer or killers still possibly being in the building?" I said as I began to search the perimeter. "Uh, no sir! But we did find completely destroyed pieces of a cellular device." "Were the cameras running?" "Yes sir, but when the screams began all of the cameras went black and only turned back on when we first entered." "Audio distorted?" "Yes sir." Damn it. Whoever this mass murder is must've been planning this for a while... "Well, then I need all the evidence we can find, and I need a guest list now!"
3 years later...
Just like how I wanted. Everything was peaceful. We moved far, far away from our past. My brother, his boyfriend (now husband! Not legally but who cares!), myself, and Tommy all live in harmonious peace. Yes, though Tommy doesn't want to be here, where will he run? He's in the middle of no where! This is the desolate countryside! The type of countryside where people build their own homes, raise a family, and there's a little town not too far from home! This was the dream! My dream... Me and Tommy alone and loving each other forever! Even though he doesn't seem happy I swear he cuddles with me at night! But it's been three years since he's seen his family. So... I gave him one of the local town radios for his 23rd birthday and I found a news station that would report on old missing people's cases... And oh boy did his case pop up a lot! Though this seems like psychological torture I promise he loves hearing his family's weeping voices on the radio every day! He's even started being nice to me! Calling me babe, baby, and love! I think he's starting to accept the fact that we were meant for one another! Sometimes he even gives me kisses on the cheek! He even started joining in whenever me and Punz did Astelina's Prayer on Friday evenings. All of this is great and all but the best thing of all is that Tommy won't be able to leave my sight. Ever. Again.
Insanity Ending
Now that it's the end I would love to talk to you all. THANK YOU! Like BIG, BIG Thank you! For reading this book! I appreciate all the support you've given me and I'm really happy I finished this! I feel very accomplished with this! Lookout for the next book I'm going to be doing! It's going to be about the Roblox game, Flicker but MCYT edition so look out for that! Okayyyy! Bye!!! :3
☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

♥ Alien Heart ♥
Hayran KurguAn Office Yandere Romance featuring the GoldenDuo. A story about jealousy and blood, lots of blood. Purpled can't stand seeing Tommy with anybody else other than him! It makes his heart feel heavy, he feels tense, and anger all at the same time. Ye...