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Alright, Lovelies, here's my very first SpeakRed! ❤️💜


💜 Speak Now 💜

I walked through the doors on my first day at my new school. I was carrying a purple backpack. I wasn't looking when I crashed into another girl with very curly hair.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I tried picking up her books. 

"It's okay! I'm Taylor Swift, by the way." Taylor said once we got the books in the right backpacks.

"I'm the new girl, Speak Now." Taylor has a country accent that makes me wonder if she was born on a farm.

"Well, Speak Now, should I show you to your first class? You can meet all my friends!" I smile. 

"I don't have many friends, so I would love to meet yours!" Taylor seems like a nice person, and I bet her friends are nice too. 

"Weelll, I have math first." Taylor made a gagging sound. 

"Oh I have math first too!" Taylor says happily.

"That's a good thing." I say, looking at her bright blue eyes. We get to the classroom and the teacher flocks around me and Taylor.

"Taylor, sit down. Okay, everyone, this is the new student, Speak Now! Please welcome her!" The teacher smiles warmly. 

"Hey, I'm Speak Now..." I wave shyly. I sit next to a girl with red streaks in her hair. 

"Hey, I'm Red!" Red looks over at the teacher, who's collecting homework.

"I'm Speak Now, but you already know that!" I laughed nervously.

"So, have you met Taylor Swift?" Red looks at her red-painted nails. 

"Yeah, I bumped into her. I'm a very clumsy person." Red laughed.

"Oh, I'm clumsy too. My mom says I should be in bubble wrap by how many times I've gotten hurt." Red just smiled.

"Okay, Red, do you have the homework?" The teacher asked, tapping her long nails on Red's desk.

"Yeah, I have it...Wait, where is it?" Red searched her bag. 

"I have it!" Red gave the teacher a packet. It looked like a ten page packet.

"Okay, is THAT the homework for this class?" I was kinda scared. 

"Yep, if we misbehave we get that much homework." Red pointed at the teacher, who was yelling at a girl in a wheelchair. 

"Aww, I feel bad for that girl." I pointed at her.

"Her name's Kathryn, and she's barely at school. Watch out for her friend Lia though, she's a spoiled brat." Red seems to know a lot about this school. The lesson dragged on and finally the bell rang. I went to my next class, which I had with Red. After that class, it was lunch and Taylor waved me over. 

"Speak Now, meet me at the table by the window when you get lunch." It took me forever to get my lunch, but I eventually found the table that Taylor was sitting at. 

"Everyone, this is Speak Now!" Taylor said excitedly, like she wanted to be my best friend.

"I'm Fearless, this is Red!" I saw Red again and smiled widely.

"I'm 1989!" 

"Reputation, but you can call me Rep." Reputation looked like she could kill somebody, but she sounded nice. 

"We're Folklore and Evermore!" Two girls who looked like twins shook my hand. The next girl, Midnights looked interesting. 

"Hey, Lover and Poets!" Two more girls joined us. 

"Hey, I'm Speak Now!" I took a sip of my milk.

"I'm Lover, and this is Poets." We had a very interesting conversation about the best Taylor Swift song.

"Love Story is the best!" Fearless exclaimed.

"No, it's obviously Lover!" Lover remarked. 

"Oh, you know it's Haunted!" We had that argument for the whole lunch hour. It was the end of the day and I was at my locker when an invitation fell out.

"You're invited to Lover's party tonight!" I read out loud. I found a spot near where my mom was gonna pick me up and started writing in my diary. 

Dear Diary, this is the best day of my life! I met some new friends and also got invited to a party! I've never been to a party before, and I'm kinda excited! - Love, Speak Now 


Alright, Lovelies! Do we love it? Hate it? Long Live Lovelies!

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