💜 5 ❤️

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Here's the next SpeakRed, loves 💜❤️

💜 Speak Now 💜

I got to school the next day panting because panting because I was almost late.

"Speak Now! Nice of you to join us!" Red, Taylor Swift and Fearless were standing by the lockers.

"Sorry, I was almost late again." I explained, leaning on the locker.

"Oh, you slept late again?" I nodded.

"Speak Now, we're gonna have a sleepover at my house, wanna go? Tayless, Lover and Rep, the twins and Poets are gonna be there." Red smiles as Lover and Rep come to the lockers.

"Oh, I'll definitely join!" I was excited.

"That's great, Speakie! It's tonight. Hi, Poets and Folklore!" Folklore looked my way.

"Hey, Speak, you okay?" Fearless asked, knocking me out of my daze.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, totally." I looked away from Folklore. The bell rang and we separated to go to class.

"Speak Now. SPEAK NOW!" The teacher knocked me out of the second daze I had that day.

"Answer this question, Speak Now." There was a really complicated math problem. 

"One?" I squeaked when the teacher tapped her ruler at my desk.

"No, Speak Now, it is NOT one." I felt my cheeks turn red. I wished Red sat next to me, but I was sitting next to Fearless.

"You okay, Speak Now? You seem a little off." Fearless looked over at Red in the corner, doodling.

"Yeah, I'm fine." At lunch, I was sitting alone at the oak tree when Red came, holding her lunch. 

"Hey, Speak Now! Mind if I join?" Red was carrying a red lunchbox.

"Yeah, sure!" I patted the spot next to me.

"Fearless was being so clumsy earlier. She almost tripped over nothing! And she almost got hit by a ball in gym today. If there was no TS, Fearless would be hurt." I laughed.

"Stay away from Fearless." I smiled at Red.

"Not Red, Fearless!" We both laughed. I saw a red flower.

"Look, Red, your favorite color!" I pointed at the flower.

"That flower looks beautiful." I was close to blushing at that moment.

"It reminds me of that Miley Cyrus song Flowers." Red and I just leaned against the tree.

"I can buy myself flowers...." I sang.

"We probably should go back into the school, Speakie." I spent the rest of the day daydreaming about Red.

"Speak Nowww, get back to Earth." Taylor Swift snapped her fingers in front of my face. 

"Are you okay?" Rep asked.

"I just have A LOT of things on my mind." I awkwardly laughed.

"Oh, makes sense. See you at this sleepover Red randomly decided to have." Taylor Swift and Rep left and I walked home alone.

"Hmm, what should I pack?" I turned on the Speak Now album and started packing things in my purple bag.

"This nightgown? Red would love it!" I finished packing and flopped on the bed, Long Live softly playing.

"Okay, lyrics." I went down to the piano and started to play.

"Here I was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles, same old tired lonely place....I'll think of the rest later." I heard a car honk.

"Rep again? Hey, Rep! Hey, Tay!" I climbed into the car, right by Taylor Swift.

"Hey, Speak Now!" We had a really funny argument about cats.

"Cats are cats, they will be aggressive sometimes. I've had cats bite me before." Reputation was telling this story about this cat she used to have.

"Don't traumatize poor Speak Now with your stories, Rep." Taylor covered my ears.

"I'm traumatized enough by my cat Meredith, she doesn't like me unless it's a treat. She once tried to bite MY WHOLE ARM off." Rep and Taylor both laughed.

"1989's bringing her cat, Olivia. Red's a total cat lover." I noted that in my head.

"Speaking of Red, we're here!" We got out of the car to see 1989 and Midnights wrestling with a cat carrier.

"Hey, Speak Now! Can you help us with this cat? She's being feisty." 

"I have my own cat, just bribe her with a treat." 1989 gave a white cat, which must be Olivia, a treat.

"You have a cat, Speak Now?" Midnights asked, smelling like drinks.

"Yeah, her name is Meredith and she hates people." 1989 laughed so hard, she turned red.

"Olivia LOVES people. She will say hi to everyone." Olivia meowed.

"Now let's go inside. Can you watch Olivia? Midnights and I are gonna be busy." I saw Red.

"Hey, Red!" I picked up the cat carrier once 1989 and Midnights started making out.

"Speak Now! Take a spot on this couch." I sat on the couch between Taylor Swift and Fearless.

"I wanna sit near Speak Now, you two move." Red made Taylor and Fearless stop kissing. Olivia, who Rep let out of her carrier, hopped on, laying herself between me and Red.

"Any movie choices? I ordered pizza and I have a big bucket of popcorn that Folklore is hogging." We had an argument about the movie, but we ended up choosing Harry Potter.

"The pizza's here!" 1989 and Midnights were making sounds upstairs. I ignored them and got the pizza, which all of us in the living room chowed down in ten minutes.

"Can we use your other guest room, Red?" Lover asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Red has a big house with lots of rooms.

"Yeehaws, make yourself comfy over there." Red and I got our pajamas on and laid on the couch. 

"Night, Red." I was awake for a while. Red was asleep and Taylor and Fearless were snoring.

"Red, what is this feeling I have? I feel butterflies, I kept daydreaming today....Is it love? Do I LOVE you? Who do you love, Red? It's 2 am right now, why am I even awake? I guess I have a crush, Red. I love you, and you'll know that someday." I fell asleep snuggled with Olivia and thinking of how to get Red.

Are we in love? 

❤️ Red ❤️

I was asleep, but I woke up at 2 am to get water. Speak Now was awake too, but she was confessing...love? 

Do we love each other? 


I hoped you liked this chapter, Lovelies! Long Live SpeakRed and Lovelies! ❤️💜

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