💜 3 ❤️

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Sorry for the long wait, Lovelies! Here you go, lovely Lovelies 💜❤️


❤️ Red ❤️

I woke up to my mom blasting an air horn and playing music loudly. 

"RED! WAKE UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE!" Mom yelled, still playing the music at full blast. I showered, pulled on a hoodie and sweatpants and went downstairs.

"Are you really gonna go to school in that, Red?" I made a piece of toast.

"Yeah, I can wear this." It was almost time for school. It started in 20 minutes.

"Red, go to school right now." I hurried out of there and played All Too Well in my AirPods.

"Red! RED!" I didn't see Reputation running beside me.

"Yeah, Rep?" Lover was right behind Rep.

"Have you met Speak Now?" Lover asked.

"Yeah, I met her at your party last night." I replied. I went into the school and went to my first class, English.

"Hey, Red!" Fearless smiled.

"Hey, Fearless." Fearless and Taylor Swift were holding hands like always. Speak Now came running in 5 minutes late.

"Why are you late, Speak Now?" The teacher asked, writing notes on the whiteboard.

"I-I overslept." Speak Now sat in the chair next to mine.

"Hey, Speak Now!" I smiled brightly.

"I had a crazy morning, Red!" Speak Now swiftly took out her notebook.

"My mom woke me up with an air horn and music, it can't be any crazier." Speak Now chuckled. Speak Now explained every detail of her morning.

"Okay, that was crazier." The bell rang and we had different classes. I found myself missing Speak Now. I was walking to my next class when I saw the bully of the school, Diana, pinning Speak Now to a locker. 

"You better listen to me RIGHT NOW." Speak Now looked so scared.

"HEY! Let go of her!" I yelled, making Diana lose her grip on Speak Now.

"Stop bullying the new kids, Diana. Go pick on someone else, not her." I pointed at her. I punched Diana right in the face. Diana ran away.

"Hey, Speak, you okay?" Speak Now ran to the bathroom and I followed her. The bell rang and I didn't care at all.

"Speak Now?" I saw her crying in one of the bathroom stalls.

"R-Red?" She was obviously crying. I just held her.

"Are you okay, Speakie?" Speak Now slightly smiled.

"Bullies just get to me, you know? But honestly, I'm okay." 

"You can always talk to me, Speaks." We decided to skip class and go outside to a single oak tree.

"This is my spot to go when I skip class." I explained, sitting on the soft grass.

"I used to skip a lot. It's more fun than being in class." I laughed. We talked about a lot of things.

"What is the best Hailee Steinfeld song?" I asked.

"I Love Yous, hands down, argue with the wall." I looked at the flowers.

"Look at that pretty purple flower, Speakie." We admired the flowers for a while before the bell rang for lunch. 

"Speak Now! Red! Nice of you to join us!" Lover was in her cheerleading outfit. Everyone was talking to Speak Now, and I liked it. I walked home with Speak Now and flopped on my bed. I looked out the window and wished Speak Now was there.

"A message in a bottle....That could be a song!" I wrote down the song idea.

💜 Speak Now 💜

I was thinking of song lyrics when I got the perfect song idea

Same old tired lonely place....


Lovelies, I hoped you liked this! Long Live Lovelies!  ❤️💜

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