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Alright, Lovelies, here's the next chapter! 


💜 Speak Now 💜

I picked out a very purple dress for the party. I looked at my white high heels. 

"Should I wear these? Or should I go with the purple ones?" I picked up my purple ones. I ended up choosing the purple ones. The party was at seven and it was six. I did my makeup and sprayed my Wonderstruck perfume. I heard a car honk. I quickly picked up my purse and went outside where I saw that Reputation girl with Taylor Swift. 

"Speak Now!" Taylor Swift was wearing a beautiful white dress and Rep was wearing a long black dress with some pink.

"Hey, Tay!" I sat next to her in the car. 

"Should we go get Fearless?" Rep asked Taylor. 

"Fearless is riding her bike over to Lover's." Taylor told Lover. 

"Hey, Speaks, want some music?" Rep asked. 

"Yeah, sure!" Taylor Swift was wearing a lot of blush. 

"So, is Rep your sister or something?" I asked. I

"Yeah, she is!" Taylor Swift smiles at Rep.

"Yep, and she's the best sister ever!" Taylor Swift and I looked at Rep, who was jamming to a song. We got to a house and Rep stopped the car.

"Come on, Taylor!" We saw a yellow bike parked. Fearless, in a short dress, came running towards Taylor. 

"FEARLESS!" Fearless and Taylor Swift kissed. I just knew they were together. We went up to the door and Lover answered.

"Come on y'all, we gotta get this party starteddd!" Lover was already holding a drink. I was the last to walk in. I saw Red dancing to the music. She's wearing a beautiful dress. I took a cup of fruit punch.

"Hey, Speak Now, right?" Folklore stood next to me, both of us watching some of the girls dance to the Hailee song playing. 

"Yeah, I'm Speak Now." Folklore's wearing a flowy white dress. 

"So, how are you liking this party?" Folklore asked, looking at her twin sister, Evermore. 

"I really like it! I've never been to a party before, actually." Folklore's eyes widened.

"Speak Now, you gotta dance! A party is not a party until you start dancing!" Folklore grabbed my hand and we danced for a little bit. I got tired and left Folklore stranded on the dance floor. I saw Red's silhouette start to make its way to me. 

"Hey, Speak Now, wanna dance with me?" Red asked, her voice hoarse from singing all the songs at the top of her lungs.

"Yeah, sure!" I saw Reputation and Lover slow dancing, their faces so close to each other. I shook it off and focused on Red. We danced for half an hour. 

"WHO WANTS TO DO KARAOKE?" Lover asked loudly. It wasn't really karaoke, it turned into all 11 of us in the room screaming the songs. It was really fun, and I smiled at Red. Her face was so red from trying to be the loudest. I walked over to the twins, who were stocking up on the candy. 

"Hey, Speaks!" The music started again and Red came up to the three of us. 

"So, Speak Now, how are you liking this?" I smiled.

"I love it! I hope there's more parties!" Midnights was hogging the drinks. I saw her getting a fifth drink. 

"Well, Midnights throws a lot of parties, so you'll definitely get invited!" Rep and Lover went upstairs along with 1989 and Midnights.

"Well, we're gonna leave, but see you around, Speak Now!" Folklore and Evermore left the party. 

"Hey, Speak, want a ride home?" Red asked. I knew Rep and Lover were busy by the sounds I was hearing from upstairs. 

"Yeah, that would be great!" I rode home with Red. I said goodbye to Red, got in my pajamas, and laid on my bed. I wrote down a few song lyrics and went to sleep thinking of Red. 


There's the second chapter, Lovelies! Love it? Hate it? Long Live Lovelies!

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