Chapter 1

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Hey, I'm IG// @/alpha.exo
This is a ChanBaek fanfiction told from Chanyeol's P.O.V.
Some parts may be inside jokes of EXO-Ls, hope you guys like it❤


I groaned as I turned around to shut off the alarm clock, accidentally slamming my fingers on the table. I sat up drowsily and looked next to me, expecting to find a sleepy Baekhyun. I reached forward to snatch up the note Baekhyun has left in his place and scanned it over quickly.

"Yehet! Thanks for letting me crash last night, Chanyeol, I'm going to meet Taeyeon today, sorry for the short notice...

I love you brother,


I frowned to myself, this is our one day off and he decided to go meet up with Taeyeon? At least Baekhyun promised to eat dinner with the band tonight. Rereading the message, my eyes were being held by the words "I love you". Sigh... If only he meant it... If only we were more than brothers... If only he felt the same...

I tucked the note in my wallet and somewhat made the bed. I got dressed in a white polo shirt and black pants. I ran my fingers through my tangled gray hair and pulled on a pair of black converse. My hand found my phone somewhere in my bag and I quickly flipped through my Instagram, only to see that it was blowing up with "Baekyeon" pics. I quickly logged out in disgust and checked my texts. I clicked on the first text.

From: Kyungsoo the mean

"Yo dummy, Kai wants to know if you want to go to the mall today, I didn't want to invite you but he made me. "

To: Kyungsoo the mean

"Kyungsooooooooooo, don't be like that"

From: Kyungsoo the mean

"Are you going to answer or not?"

I ignored him and clicked on the second text.

From: My Rich Leader SuSu

"Chanyeol! Wake up! Do you want breakfast? I can buy some for you!"

To: My Rich Leader SuSu

"Yeah, can I have Starbucks"

From: My Rich Leader SuSu

"Fine, but only because I'm rich. Btw, Kyungsoo says if you don't reply he'll kill you..."

I kept scrolling and found a text from Xiumin.

From: A Delicious Chinese Food

"We're all going to the mall, wanna come? And bring Baekhyun, too!"

To: A Delicious Chinese Food

"Okay okay! Tell everyone I'm coming, but Baekhyun went to meet up with Taeyeon..."

From: A Delicious Chinese Food

"Again? Ew...."

I smiled, called my driver, and got in the car. My phone started to vibrate, and "The Manliest Girl" flashed on the screen as the caller ID.

"Hey LuLu!"

"ChanChan! Pick me up pleaseeeeeeeeeeee! My driver is sick and I just did my nails so I can't drive myself! PLEASEEEE"

"OKAY OKAY fine byeeeeeee!"

The driver made a U-turn and sped towards Luhan's house. He ran out the door and jumped in. I pulled the sound-proof glass between us and the driver and turned towards him.

"So? How's it going?" I asked him in a hushed tone.

"Pretty good, Sehun called last night and we just talked for a while. I was so happy!" He said, eyes twinkling.

I smiled to show that I was happy for him, but couldn't help frowning, shamefully wishing that was me and Baekhyun. Luhan peered at me in concern.

"Hey... Where's Baekhyun? Why do you flinch at the sound of his name?"

I looked down. Luhan and Xiumin are the only ones I've told about my true feelings toward Baekhyun.

"He's out with Taeyeon... Again. Am I not enough?"

Luhan put his arm around me.

"Aw, don't be sad, he'll come to his senses. But until then, let's have fun and shop till we drop! I mean, it doesn't matter because it's Suho's money anyway..."

I laughed and got out to the car with him, and put on my signature smile as we met up with the rest of the guys. They were huddled together and peering at Chen's phone.

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked.

Xiumin touched my shoulders and leaned in my ear. "You may not want to see that... "

I snatched it out of Chen's hand and saw a picture of a Baekhyun and Taeyeon... With their back turned and holding hands happily...

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