Chapter 6

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The next day was pretty unpleasant.

We had a dance rehearsal, and Baekhyun ignored us the whole time.

While our choreographer was teaching us moves to Overdose, I numbily stared at Baek's head, wondering why our friendship is slowly crumbling down. Baek wasn't being himself either, he forgets steps and collides with other member every time we change formation. I could tell Kai and Sehun were getting annoyed, but nobody said anything because we were all worried. When we finally got to my rap part, I finally concentrated and started to enjoy myself.

" 난 너를 맛보고 너를 마신다
온 몸이 떨려와.
계속 들이켜도 아직 모자라.
손끝까지 전율시킨 갈증
이 순간을 잡아.
질주를 멈추지 마 너무 좋아,

I can't stop"

I turned, smiling, and slammed hard into Baekhyun, who was once again in the wrong place.

He looked apologetic and opened his mouth to speak, but quickly clamped it shut and walked away, not meeting my eyes. I still smiled, but the good feeling was gone as sudden as it came.

"Take a break, guys."

I sat down on the floor and started to chug my water. Baekhyun left without a single word.

The rest of us all sat around, looking longily at the door.

"What should we do?" Chen said.

"Should we apologize?" I asked.

"No..." Suho said, unsure himself.

"I want the old Baekhyun back, the one before Tae-"

The door swung open.

My face flushed, scared that Baekhyun has caught us talking about him, but it was Nicole, followed by Vivian.

"Relax, guys. It's just us." Nicole laughed, sitting down between Xiumin and Sehun. Vivian plopped down next to me.

"Remind me to bring an air freshener next time, this place smells like gym locker rooms. " Vivian said, making a face.

Chen, who was sitting on the other side of Vivian, glanced at me. I nodded and we both threw our sweaty arms around her.I saw Sehun and Xiumin do the same to Nicole. They screamed, which only made me hug Vivian tighter.

Suho looked at us, and jokingly hugged Lay. Just then, Baekhyun walked through the door, I noticed that he did not look happy to see the girls...

We started practicing again, with Vivian and Nicole watching, I could tell we were all trying to impress them, our moves were more precised, our turns were sharper, even our voices were stronger.

Our manger pulled Vivian and Nicole aside for a while, and we all became sloppy again.

"That's it for today, go home to rest and pack, we're heading to LA first thing tomorrow."

We all murmured excitedly, it was our first time going to the US, and I could tell there was no way we're ending our day now.

"It's only 6, anyone want to go to the Dongdaemun night market? " Suho suggested.

"Yessssssssss!" We all chorus, even Baekhyun nodded a little.

"Then let's go!"

We split up into 2 cars, Kai's Ferrari with him, D.O. , Lay, Chen, and Tao, and the rest of us in Suho's van, including him, me, Baek, Vivian, Nicole, Xiumin, Luhan, and Sehun.

It was going to be a 10 minute drive, where I sit awkwardly between Vivian and Baek.

"Where do you guys want to visit in America?" Suho called to us.

"Times Square!" Luhan said.

"Disney World."

"United Center!"

Vivian and Nicole looked at each other, "SIX FLAGS!"

I laughed, though I had no idea where that is.

"Maybe we'll find the El Dorado there!" Sehun laughed.

We continued to blab about the trip, and was still blabbing when we got out of the car.

The night market was lit brightly and had amazing smells coming from all directions. We started to walk, though many fans were starting to recongnize us, I felt thankful that we have fans that respected our privacy.

The first store we went into was a clothes store. It has black and white Jersey, for both guys and girls.

"Channnnnnnnn!" I turned to Vivian, who was calling me from the back of the store.

"Try this one!" She said, throwing a #61 Jersey that had "Derp Squad Leader" written on the back. I laughed and put it on, looking in the mirror.

Vivian and Chen both put on different numbers' "Derp Squad Member" shirt on.

"You guys look stupid... But cute... But still stupid!" Luhan laughed.

We brought the shirts and started browsing again.

A store in the distance caught my eyes. It had lot of rainbows and a cat... Or is it a poptart?

"NYAN CAT!" I heard from either sides of me. Xiumin and Nicole stared wide-eyed at each other, then both ran towards the store, high-fiving on the way. This store was covered from inside to out with nyan cat things. Shirts, stuffed animals, posters, keychains. They even had a person in a Nyan Cat suit... Xiumin and Nicole were basically in heaven, while half the group went into a chicken restrauant to order chickens.

Sehun walked over to me, pulling me aside.

"Hey, Chanyeol..."

"Yeah? "

"Can you do me a favor?" He did his giyomi face.

"Sure," I laughed, "that's what hyungs do for you maknaes."

"So, since Vivian is like your girlfriend and all..."

My face flushed, wondering where this was going.

"... Can you get her to talk Nicole into going out for me?"

I stopped.

"But but, you said you love Luhan the most..."

"I don't know... I think I'm starting to like Nicole a little bit more."

"U-um yeah... Sure..." I mumbled.

Sehun smiled happily and gave me a hug. I laughed, and released him, turning around only to find a Baekhyun looking very crushed...

I gasped, and started to think of what to say, when a voice pierced through the air.

"Baek Baek!"

Unmistakingly... It was Taeyeon

Hope you guys like this chapter, the next one will be longer...
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