Tanabata Special (七夕)🎋

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With all the begging from clingy and affectionate people who claimed to be rekindled friends, Ryuzoji has no choice but agree to go celebrate tanabata with them. She has no idea why her friends wanted her to go and celebrate this festive event that it's less possible to have their wishes come true.

Yet, people still go there as part of the culture in Japan they celebrate every year. While still wearing yukata and hakama pants, Ryuzoji wears her haori that Tanjirou bought for her in fashion or handy to carry things. She sees figures who are waving at her to go over there and turns out to be her friends supposedly to meet them. She notices them wearing get ups based on the myth of two stars crossed lovers who meets each other once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month if working hard. Tanjirou blushes to see her wearing the haori he bought for her and thinks she looks good in it. Nezuko, Inosuke and Zenitsu glare daggers at him for being lucky to see Ryuzoji wear his gift while Genya and Kanao having no knowledge why their friends glare at Tanjirou until they get a clue and pouts angrily. "Ryuzoji, I- we're so glad that you can make it to tanabata and want to hang wishes!" Nezuko said gleefully and takes her wrist to go somewhere. "H-hey! Wait for us, Nezuko-chan!" Zenitsu shouts and others follow their tails. Since it's evening, nobody have to worry about getting sun burn and the sun is out which gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy the cool night. Tanjirou passes out pieces of papers to each of his friends to write down their wishes and hang them on bamboos. While writing, Zenitsu finishes his and peeks at everyone's shoulders to see what they wish for. He sees Inosuke's wish and he laughs at what he wrote. It says I'm gonna become the king of mountains and have lots of tempuras. "Inosuke, not going to lie, but your wish is like a child and your handwriting is messy!" Zenitsu laughed, earning Inosuke growl at him. Inosuke smirked, "Oh yeah? Your wish is to marry Nezu and knowing it's not going to happen!" That shots fired Zenitsu and stares at him hysterically. " How do you know that?! I didn't show you my wish and it's Nezuko, not Nezu!" "It's quite obvious since I have the instinct by reading your stupid face!" They start going at each other's throats that Tanjirou gets between them and separates them from fighting. "Please, don't fight and showing each other's wishes is personal. We're here to enjoy this festivities. How about that?" Tanjirou reassured them with kind smile. The mood gone sour when Genya opens his mouth.
"Tanjirou, I know you're trying to be nice to others, but it won't go nowhere and solve problems. Your wish is still the same like taking over the bakery," Genya stated which stabs Tanjirou to the chest. "However, I begin to notice you're writing something else. What are you writing?" Tanjirou freezes, bringing everyone's attention on him. Tanjirou's face morphs into so-called straight face due to his honest nature that he can't lie. "Nothing important! Just want my family to live and stay healthy!" Some are unsure and others let it slide to take his lie. "Uh-huh, yeah, sure. Whatever you say," Genya said sarcastically making Tanjirou sighs of relief. Kanao shows everyone her wishes is to create beautiful garden with variety of flowers in this city. "Kanao, are you sure you want to show us your wish? It's personal," Tanjirou asked. Kanao shakes her head, "It's just a wish and it's fair for others to know." They agree and smiles. Genya just hangs his wish to the bamboo stalk not telling his friends what he wished for. His wish that he and Sanemi be together and in goid terms but has added next wish which will reveal later. "Look, everybody! My wish is I want a pony and name her Anko," Nezuko said with glimmers in her eyes. The friends nod at the Nezuko's wish and hang their wishes to each bamboo stalks. Truth be told about everyone's main wishes, their hidden wishes is to be closer to Ryuzoji romantically which can be embarrassing if revealed. They begin to notice why it's so quiet although there are some people walking around that time of night to see Ryuzoji's missing. It starts to freak them out and went off searching for her. The friends starts to worry suddenly Inosuke shouts at them. "Oi! There's Koji! Up in that tree!" Everyone looks up and he's right, Ryuzoji is there. "How did Ryuzoji get up there? Do you perhaps they climbed up there and gets stuck?" Tanjirou exclaimed with worry. "Ryuzoji, are you stuck?! Don't worry, I will save you!" Zenitsu shouted and about to climb up until to see bundle full of persimmons being lowered to the ground. "Eh, persimmons? The tree Ryuzoji climbed up to is persimmon tree?" Nezuko said and Inosuke hits his fist on his palm of remembering. "Ah, I get it! I made Tanoji to find fruits for me since I'm hungry and thought I made them to find them as a joke! Hahaha! My minion actually did it for Great Inosuke!" He triumphantly said with proud grin. It earns disappointed looks from his friends but brushes it off. They watch her climb down the tree that she almost lost her footing and everyone panicks to come save her from falling just in case.
Fortunately, Ryuzoji lands on the ground safely like a cat and brushes off leaves. "Ryuzoji, where have you been?! We were getting worried sick for you if you hurt yourself somewhere and don't know what to do if you did that! Just...let us know where you're going, okay?" Kanao said with concerned look. Ryuzoji responds to her with a nod in the head. "Say, did you write something on your tanabata for your wish?" Nezuko asked with curiosity in her eyes, gleaming. But all she gets is a shake in the head, making her pout. Tanjirou comforts Nezuko, "It's okay. Whatever they're thinking is that they join tanabata with us which we sort of beg them to come. We're sorry if you're not enjoying this and get annoyed from our pleas." Again with the shake in the head, Ryuzoji offers the Kamboko squads persimmons to eat. "You're really are the odd one out who just gives anyone a surprise," Genya retorted but accepts the fruit from her with small blush. "Geez, you picked so many that none of us be able to eat all of it, except boar headed idiot here," Zenitsu mumured on the last part that Inosuke won't hear however still hears it. "HUH?! Who you calling an idiot, fry ass face?!" Inosuke yelled at Zenitsu that they start to bicker. Kanao, Nezuko and Tanjirou ignores the bickering and eat tasty fruits they are given by their crush. Ryuzoji got in between Zenitsu and Inosuke by flicking them in the foreheads. "Ow! Wha was that fo-!" Before they say anything, she shoves two fruits in their mouths to shut up. They blush in hue pink, slowly chew the persimmons when being fed by Ryuzoji and forgetting the pain on their foreheads. The friends notices that persimmons shines a bit like fiery stars and sees Ryuzoji illuminates with fireflies which make them in awe of falling for her again. While Ryuzoji and her friends enjoy eating fruits and staring at the shooting stars, the tanabata hanging from the other side of bamboo stalks was Ryuzoji's that read, Wished things stay this way and wanting to go back to everyone with dreams.

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