Chapter 3: Just My Luck

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Mia's POV

My breathing became heavy again, as I backed away from the enclosing group of scruffy looking young men.

I scanned the faces of these boys looking for a reason.

A reason to why they were doing this.

Or maybe just a look of regret, something telling me that they thought it wasn't the brightest idea either.

I wanted to believe. Believe that people wouldn't just scam an innocent person like this...

My thoughts began to overtake. Clouding the recent event taking place in front of me.

A sudden brush agains my forearm caught me off guard as my breath hitched in my throat.

I jerked away, giving the most convincing glare I could.

Apparently it was hysterical, according to a tall brunette that had a disgusting smirk on his face.

"You look cute when you're angry."

He took a step towards me.

Wanting to back away and shrink down I decided to stand my ground. I felt belittled, and under complete watch.

He strode towards me and caressed my cheek. I turned my head to get away from his cold, clammy touch.

Unfortunately this did not work.

He took his forefinger and thumb grasping my chin to turn my head. I tried to resist, but the force of his grasp started to sting my skin.

I reluctantly turned my head with a faint glint set in my eyes. Trying to convince him that I wasn't afraid or scared. But it was obviously noticeable because he showed a sickening toothy grin.

"What's wrong babe? Scared?"

He smirked, then slid his fingers from my cheek.

I took in a deep breath. Opening my mouth to think of something witty to say back. But in a situation like this, nothing seemed to flow to my brain.

So, I did the unthinkable.

I took a shallow breath and closed my mouth once again.

Then it all happened in a flash. With a quick motion I spat in the males face. Enough to send him stumbling backwards.

Before the other boys noticed, I lunged towards the boy that held my phone in his left hand. I snatched it from his grasp and shoulder checked him on my way past as I took off. Sprinting as fast as I could down the long alley way.

I never looked back or slowed down. In fear of them catching me and doing god knows what...

I reached my car in a panic, unlocking it in a hurry and jumping in.

Locking it again, I fumbled with the ignition key. Finally jamming it in giving it a forceful turn and the engine roared to life.

I panicked as I saw the mob of teenage boys coming closer to my car.

I backed out and sped out of the parking lot. In a hot mess I made it to the main road.

I took a quick glance in my rear view mirror, and slouched into my seat with a wave of relief cascading down my body.


Why would they chose me? Do I look week or vulnerable?

I just drove and drove.

Trying to forget what event occurred almost twenty minutes ago now.

But it wasn't working. The vivid image of that sick twisted smile still played on the inside of my eyelids.

I drove for hours. Not paying attention to where I was headed.

I finally calmed down and started my way back to my home. It was almost one in the morning.

Was I really driving for that long?

I took Exit 48 and headed down the paved road.

I drove past gas station after gas station. Looking at he deserted convenience stores with only the teller at the front counter.

Now that I've thought about it, I'm quite hungry.

But after that whole incident late in the afternoon I wasn't sure if I was ready to walk into a sketchy looking convenience store by myself at one in the morning.

I kept driving, ignoring the rumble of my stomach.

After twenty minutes I came to my turn off.

I took a left onto my road and noticed a sleeping neighborhood with street lamps illuminating the still air.

I pulled into my drive way and crept up to the front porch and unlocked the solid wood door.

I let it click begin me and quickly locked the front deadbolt and handle lock.

Tonight, I felt like being extra cautious.

I pulled out my phone and noticed twenty seven texts from Caspar and fourteen calls.

I opened each message that portrade the same words.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Why aren't you answering your phone?!"

I smiled at Caspar's assertiveness, and his concern over my well being.

I quickly shot him a text back, saying I would explain it all tomorrow. Oh, and that I'll be taking the day off...

I quickly ran up the stairs into my bedroom and plugged my phone into the charger.

Whipping my clothes off I changed into some pajamas.

I strode over to my window quickly closing the blinds and curtains, then turned my lamp on.

I'll admit it, I'm a little scared at what might be standing out side my window. Or who will be there...

I leaped onto my bed, avoiding the dark depths beneath my bed.

Yes, I am still scared of monsters under my bed!

I ruffled the blankets around and snuggled underneath them.

As I was about to reach for my lamp switch my phone vibrated on my side table.

Causing me to jump, and my heart to beat out of my chest!

I grasped my phone and slid the lock screen...

It was just Caspar, thank god!

I huffed out a deep breath and read the message.

"Oh alright! Well I'll see you tomorrow then. Sweet dreams :) <3"

I smiled at the bunch of words displayed on my screen, and typed back.

"Thanks, you too! <3"

I hovered over the send button for a few brief seconds before coming in contact with the screen.

I placed my phone back on the nightstand, still attached to the charger.

I turned the lamp off and cuddled into the excess blanket around me.

I tried drifting asleep without thinking about the tragic event that occurred earlier.

I closed my eyes and relaxed, but that was as far as I got before my ears suddenly became finely tuned to small noises...

Eventually, my exhaustion took over and I melted into my mattress. Dreaming of food that I had forgotten to eat...

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Hey y'all! Please comment and tell me if this is good so far?! Or if you're too shy just give it a quick vote! I swear it does nothing except help me decide if I should keep writing or not... And maybe tell your friends about my story! That would really be appreciated!! And for all of my readers so far, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORY!!!

Mwwaahh! Much love :) xx

-Chum <3

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