Chapter 1: Confusion

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Maya's POV

What a lovely day! The sun was shining, the birds were out and not a cloud in the sky. I pulled back the heavy drapery blocking the suns light from spilling into my bedroom. Glancing down at the street below where all the morning joggers passed by with their red faces and tight expressions. I smiled to myself and decided to do something today.

Myself and some friends decided to head to the beach since it was my only day off this week. And plus, it would be a waste to spend the whole day inside! I called up Caspar and Finn, Some friends I met at uni, and tolled them to invite some of their good mates from there.

"Hey so would that be okay? It's just I don't really want to spend the whole day inside if you know what I mean." I paused and waited for Caspar to reply.

"Yea that'll be great! I'll just let them know. What time did you mention again?"

I rolled my eyes and tolled Caspar the same time I told him merely two minutes ago!

"Noon, 12:00! Gosh, you're horrible at remembering things!" I teased as he chuckled on the other end.

"Okay well I'll write that down, and I'll talk to a few of them!"

"Thank you Casp, I'll see you soon then!" I pulled the screen away from my ear and pressed the end button. Sometimes I regret moving to a whole new country. Having to adapt to the new surroundings and living style. It's hard not having any family or friends that you've grown up with you're whole life, and who knew what you were going through and your deepest secrets. But then again, I did make that decision on my own and I sure as hell wasn't going back to that house where my parents despised me because I actually wanted to succeed in life! They tried convincing me that foot ball (soccer) wasn't a great career plan, and that I wouldn't have anything to fall back on. But that's not the case at all! All my life I've had nothing lower than a 'B' in school, and I have a very successful plan if this whole football career doesn't work out. But I have this feeling, a feeling that it will work and I'll show my parents how wrong they were about me. After arguing over the stupidest thing they kicked me out, all because I wasn't going by their rules or expectations. I still love my parents, but all of my respect for them has been lost. and nothing could ever help regain that.

I strolled to my small kitchen that was situated in the middle of my petty apartment, and took out some cereal and milk. I was never a late sleeper, I always had an internal alarm clock that would get me up every morning. I guess maybe it was because I hated wasting the day or just that I can't stand not doing anything. I pulled open the drawer and fetched myself a spoon. As I was pouring the milk a small thud was heard at the door. Still fully aware that I was in my pajamas, but I didn't really care. I slowly opened the door and peeked my head out. No one was out there so I opened the door further. The Horror movies kicked in and all I could think about was a white van pulling up and a burly man holding me at gun point until I got into the van. Yeah, I really shouldn't watch horror movies... I turned my head to the left then realized a rolled up newspaper sitting off to the side. I sighed a breath of relief and smiled to myself. It slipped my mind that every morning they delivered the paper this way; by throwing it. I snatched it between my fingers and sauntered back into my apartment pulling the door shut with my foot. I lied the newspaper onto the small kitchen island and sat back down in front of my cereal once more.

*Later on at 11:30am*

Heaving myself off of the couch I turned off the tv and wandered up the stairs. Pushing the door open to my bedroom and standing in front of my closet. What to wear... I stood there looking into my wardrobe and spotted a bathing suit in a basket above my head. I reached up and tugged it out by the string. That was a horrible idea because now the cups were all lopsided and distorted... I rummaged around for the bottoms, but only found some plain white ones. My best friend from back home told me to get a white bathing suit because it would look good with my skin tone. So I did, and it did look good until I would play in the sun for a few hours and end up looking South African. I pulled open a drawer and took out a pair of jean shorts and a loose tank. I stepped into my bathroom and changed into my beach clothes. I brushed through my wavy dark hair and pulled a bow in the back of it. I brushed my eyelashes through with a little bit of waterproof mascara, and applied chap stick. I clutched my knapsack and stuffed a towel and a pair of sunglasses into it. I took a quick glance around my room to see if I had missed or forgotten anything. I was satisfied with what I had gotten so I turned on my heals and walked downstairs into the kitchen. I snatched my car keys and shut all the lights off. Grabbing my bag I was out the door. I skipped to my car, unlocked the door and climbed in. setting the car in reverse and heading off to the warm sand of the nearby beach. Cruising down the strait stretch I cranked the radio and sung along. Macklemore was blasting out the speakers making my head bob to the beat. I came to a stop at a red light and rolled the windows down letting the music leak out the windows onto the street. I got a few stares, but I didn't really give a shit. I was having fun and nothing was going to ruin this beautiful day for me! I pulled into the paved parking lot, climbing out and stretching out my legs. Taking a deep breath in and retrieving my beach bag from the back seat. I reached into my knapsack and pulled out my Ray Bans to situate them on the bridge of my nose creating a shield from the luminescent sun, set high above in the clear blue sky. This was the definition of a perfect day! I strolled down onto the boardwalk towards the warm sand. Taking my shoes off I strode across the soft grains and walked to whom I presumed was Caspar and Finn. As I got closer I realized that it was only the two of them... Maybe the others were coming later? I crept up to the two of them and leaped up onto Caspar's back. He stumbled to his left a little and I think I may have heard a little gasp come from his mouth.

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