~I said no!~

23 1 73

!!TW!! Fighting, heavy cursing


Eventually, the day ended. Giyu considered that day, as the best one in his life. He hasn't had that much fun in so long, he forgot what it was like. Like, actually like.

They ended up all going to a park after they left, and somehow managed to play on everything. Giyu mostly sat on a bench, and watched everyone else.

Sabito and Giyu left together, as always, also since Giyu was going to stay at Sabito's again. "I can tell your better? You can speak now at least right?" Sabito decided to bring up conversation.
"Yes... I'm glad that that's that." Giyu said ever so casually.
"Great!" Sabito started to think for a moment, then stopped walking. "Giyu, let me see your eye." Sabito demanded, and Giyu took his eye patch off.

Sabito gasped at the sight, and immediately took Giyu into a hug. "Giyu! You have to go to the hospital! Your eye is literally white!"
"No... I don't need to... And even if I did they're just gonna ask about my personal life. I don't want, nor like that." Giyu brushed the problem off like it was just dust on a bookshelf.

"Giyu!" Sabito was starting to yell. "Giyu! Please! You can't go on! I'm worried about you!" Sabito began to tear up, and Giyu pulled him closer.
"Don't, Sabito. I'm not worth it." Giyu still was/ was trying to brush it off.
"I can't help it! You are my very best friend, and I'm probably closer to you than I am with my dad! I'm worried about you! You're literally blind! Please! Please go to a hospital!" Sabito was full on sobbing at this point.

Giyu sighed, then buried his face in Sabito's shoulder. "I know! And I would, if I wasn't so scared! My parents know more ways to get out of trouble than you have hair! They would figure out a way, still keep authority of me, and abuse me even worse! Believe me! I know my parents!" Giyu started sobbing into Sabito's shoulder, so that they both just sat on the ground.

Sabito pulled Giyu closer, and continued to name reasons he should try, while Giyu kept saying that nothing will work.

{Giyu was right. His parents know thousands of ways to get out of trouble, and cover up anything they've done. Or they could simply, just make it look like an accident.}

"Please! At least go to the hospital! If you come up with an excuse I'll help and cover for you! Just go to the hospital! I'd even pay!!" Sabito still tried to get Giyu to go to the hospital, though Giyu continued to say no.

"PLEASE!!" Sabito was begging at this point.
"Fine..! I'll go! Just not now! I'll go in a few days!!" Giyu finally agreed, he has to admit that Sabito's tone became terrifying.
"Thank you! I promise I'll do whatever you want, or need!" Sabito began to cry again, this time burying his face in Giyu's shoulder.

After everything that just went on, with Sabito glad that Giyu will finally go to the hospital, and Giyu just.... Giyu, they got up, and though still unhappy, continued their way.


Sabito and Giyu arrived at Sabito's place, and to their surprise, there were already lights on.
"That's weird. I swear I turned all the lights out before I left!" Sabito observed that every light in his house was on, except for his dad's room.

Giyu suddenly gasped, and pointed at something. Sabito looked and gasped as well.

There was a moving figure in the house! Sabito and Giyu rushed into the house, just to find party decorations everywhere. Music was playing, and it sounded like there was chatter going on in the main room.

As the two entered even further, the scent of freshly baked cookies, curry, and just... Soup filled the air.

"Oh! Sabito! Giyu! It seems you guys are finally here!" Said a loud voice from the kitchen.
"Ugh! Is this a party!? Tengen Francis Uzui! I told you not to!!" Sabito was clearly angered.
"But I already bought the stuff. And too late." Tengen replied in a mocking tone, though he wasn't mocking anyone.
"I still said no! So get your mother fucking ass out here, or I'm going to tell all your darkest secrets to your beloved Kyojuro!" Sabito knew how to get Tengen to listen, and he used that to his advantage.
"You wouldn't dare!" Tengen, now exasperated, came out of the kitchen.
"I would. Now you have ten seconds to end this party or I'm beating your ass!" Sabito glared at Tengen.

Tengen sighed, the shook his head. "No! I worked so hard to set this up! And I didn't do it for nothing!!" Now Tengen was glaring at Sabito.

Sabito was about to jump on Tengen, when Giyu grabbed his shoulder. "Sabi... You wouldn't, would you?" Giyu looked Sabito in the eyes, trying his hardest to change his mind from beating Tengen up, but as expected, failed.
"Giyu, I love you, But I'm going to beat his ass for not listening to my simple objection!!!!" Sabito then launched himself at Tengen, and began to fight him.

Mitsuri and Kanae ran in to try and stop the fight, while Shinobu, Sanemi, and Obanai watched and recorded it. Giyu stood there frozen in fear of what might happen.

"You bastard! I said no! Go host it at your own house!!" Sabito yelled at Tengen, and punched his face before he could reply.
"Your dad isn't here! Have some fucking fun would you!?" Tengen spat back.
"Not like this!! Go host it at your own fucking place, or don't show your ugly ass face here again!!" Sabito was now on top of Tengen punching the lights out of him.
"Fine then! But don't expect to be invited to any of mine ever again!!" Tengen managed to say, then he got knocked unconscious.

Everyone gasped, except for the ones watching to see what happened (Sanemi, Obanai, and Shinobu).
"Hah! That bastard deserved it!!" Sanemi cheered, causing Kanae to hit his shoulder.

Sabito got up, and started taking all the decor down, while Kanae forced Sanemi to help Mitsuri with Tengen. Giyu stood there, horrified and in shock, and didn't move a muscle until Shinobu began to calm him down.

Obanai started to help Sabito take everything down, and Kanae cleaned up the bloody mess that was left. Shinobu continued to try and calm Giyu down, but after he saw all the blood, he went into a panic attack.

"G-Giyu! Hey! Listen to me! Everything's alright! Everything will be fine! My sister and I are great with medicine, and are studying to be doctors, so we'll heal Tengen up! It's alright!" Shinobu said all that with a calming voice. "Shhhh. We're all here, everything's fine.."

Sabito then came over and pulled Giyu into a hug. "Shh. Shinobu is right... Everything's fine... I'm sorry if I sent you into panicking. All his well.." Sabito soothed Giyu, and Shinobu went to help with Tengen.

Her and Kanae bandaged him, and Sanemi got scolded for cheering Sabito on by Kanae. Mitsuri was talking to Obanai, about how concerned she is for Tengen, but how much he kind of deserved it, while Shinobu takes care of Tengen until he wakes up, hearing a little bit of scolding from Kanae for doing nothing to prevent what happened and instead sat on the side, watching.

Eventually, Tengen woke up, and just got out of Sabito's house, while everyone followed. Shinobu watched him, making sure he didn't fall, and Kanae apologized for Tengen. Then when they finally left, Giyu and Sabito sat on the couch... And eventually fell asleep.

{Author's note}

Apologies for the heavy language, and for the fact that Tengen was beat up.
In case you were wondering, Gyomei and Kyojuro didn't show up, since they both thought it was wrong. Kanae and Shinobu went because they had a feeling something was gonna happen, Mitsuri went because Obanai, Kanae, and Shinobu went, and Sanemi and Obanai went... Just because.
I must say, that I spent probably around an hour trying to remember/figure out what 'Caitpatmosh' gave Tengen as a middle name. It's crazy.
Anyways, I hope you all have a good day/night, thank you for resding the story and the Author's note,
Love you <3

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