~Trip? Trouble.~

25 2 58

!!TW!!  Small cursing, a little bit of Suicidal thoughts


"Okay class! I have an announcement. Because we weren't able to have any the pas------" Giyu couldn't focus. He was still thinking about what happened of his birthday, even though it was almost a week ago.

Tengen avoided most of the group since that day, and he missed out on all of the other events that the group was going to. He was traumatized.

He tried to regain focus, but he kept getting distracted, when someone sat next to him. Sabito was on one side, and nobody else really liked Giyu, so nobody ever sat next to him, so who could have sat next to him?

Giyu looked over to see someone with black hair, and teal tips. "Muichiro..?" Said aloud.
"Oh... Yeah... Sorry if I disturbed you... I got here late so there were no other seats I could go to. I hope you don't mind..?" Muichiro was a transfer student, who was also a lot younger than everyone else. He moved up a few grades, since he was more advanced in smarts.

"N-No... It's fine.." Giyu replied.
"Muichiro!? Hey long time no see!!" Sabito said, a little too loud causing the teacher to shush them.
"Oh... Hey Sabito.." Muichiro said in a more hushed tone

The three of them turned their attention back to the teacher. "------- food wouldn't be necessary, but if you would like to you may bring your own, money will be provided, only about 100 yen though. No weapons of any sort! Exceptions for certain knives though. Anyth--------" Giyu's thoughts drifted off again.

'What if Tengen hates us now!? How would everyone else react if he leaves the group!? What if we're kicked out!? Or worse, Sabito is kicked out! Sabito can't be kicked out! Sabito.... Sabito....' "Mr. Tomioka!? Are you going to keep staring at Sabito or pay attention!?" That snapped Giyu out of his thoughts for good. He blushed, then quickly nodded.


After class, the teacher handed out papers, a clarification sheet, and a list of items to bring.

Giyu was walking with Sabito, per usual, and looking at the papers. "This is gonna be so fun! If we get to choose partners, wanna be mine!?"
"Yeah.... But Sabito, where are we going?"
"For the trip? We're going camping at Jodogahama Beach." Sabito answered, beginning to read the papers.
"Oh. But isn't that across the country? That would take a long time to get there wouldn't it..?" Giyu pulled out his phone, and started looking the place up.
"Mrs said it would probably take up to three days, but that we would stop at a hotel for each night, and stop at a few places for food." Sabito did the same as Giyu, but looked up information.

Sabito looked through it, and pointed out a few things. "Hm. It says here that it's one of the best places to go camping, especially in winter? I didn't even know there was a best place to go camping in winter." Sabito showed Giyu.
"Apparently it is. And despite being so cold at winter, the water's as warm as a hot tub?" Giyu read off of Sabito's phone.
"This is interesting. And now that I think about it, do you think your parents would sign your permission slip?" Sabito asked.
"Maybe if I catch my mother in the middle of the night, when she's not fully awake or drunk, or if I tell them I won't be back in a while." Giyu told Sabito.

Sabito nodded, and then they made it to their next class.


The teacher was in the middle of teaching, but Giyu's thoughts drifted off... Like usual. 'Tengen's not here.. He always shows up to language arts. I think Sabito messed up really bad! Tengen is really the life!! Hm... Maybe once Tengen gives Sabi the chance, Sabi will apologize! Yeah! Then everything will go back to normal and in a few years all this will be a laughing matter!' Giyu was still worried. He liked Tengen, and wanted him to stay in the group.

Even though he takes Sabito's side in this, he feels like he should have done something more to stop Sabito. As his thoughts drifted around, changing from different things, he just so happened to glace at the board in the front of the room, making him snap out of it.

"As you can see here, writing this is important. This is just review, since I will be quizzing you guys in about a month on mostly everything you learned. This is one we have only showed once, so please study it." The teacher pointed at the chalk board, and Giyu read what was on it.


Giyu wrote that down on a piece of paper, multiple times, since that was his strategy to memorizing it.

Suddenly, someone burst through the door, and because of just the reflection of light bouncing off of sparkles, Giyu was able to tell exactly who it is.

"Mr. Tengen. Was that very necessary? If your late just give me your excuse and go sit down. Quietly." The teacher was way over used to this, so she managed to say all of that with no actual emotion.
"Yes ma'am. But please, may I switch seats!?" Tengen asked the teacher.
"You may not. If your seat partner and you have problems, ignore each other, or work them out. If you are to engage in any fight, points will be taken off your next exam, and you will get a three day suspension. Both of you." The teacher waved to the seat beside Sabito, Tengen's usual seat.

Tengen rolled his eyes then went to go sit down. Him and Sabito avoided each other's glance, Giyu just watching the whole thing go down. Horrified that something is going to break out.

Luckily, they Sabito and Tengen managed to get through the rest of the class, with only a stare down.

When the bell rang, Tengen ran, literally, leaving Sabito and Giyu alone. "That bastard! He comes in here and asks for a seat change!? That's so fucking uncool!!" Sabito kicked the chair, then stormed out, Giyu trying to follow.

"Sabi! Hey! W-Wait up...!" Giyu quietly called from the classroom.
"Ugh. Fine. Your lucky you're my best friend." Sabito stopped walking, and waited for Giyu.
"You should.. M-Maybe calm down.? I mean, wh-what were you expecting..?" Giyu got even more silent as he spoke, clarifying that Sabito was scaring him a little.
"I'm sorry Yu. I-I've just been edge since that incident, and as much as he very much so deserved it, I'm wanting to apologize. Just to bring the group back together." Sabito sighed, then continued walking.

"Well, see you at lunch Giyu. Bye!" Sabito enthusiastically pat Giyu on the head, then left for his class.

'Why does my life have to be like this... I'm just a bad luck charm... Maybe I should just... End it all. Then they wouldn't have anymore bad luck! Yeah...' Giyu thought sadly, as he went to the restroom before his next class.

{Author's note}
Short note this time,
I apologize if my Japanese is bad, and if it's inaccurate please correct me!
And I would love Ideas! I am running out, making me go even slower updating and posting these. If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me. Ideas will be credited.

Love you<3

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