
18 1 39

!!TW!! Abuse, blood, self harm.


Giyu was heading home, since school ended shortly after lunch due to a big snow storm coming their way, and it would be pretty dangerous for them to walk home during the storm.

Giyu and Sabito were walking together, like they usually do, when Giyu suddenly stopped.

"Sabito... Why were you calling me cutie earlier? You never do that." Giyu asked, recounting earlier events.
"Oh..." Sabito sort of laughed while answering. "Well, you know how me, Tengen, and Shinobu have the same science class? We ended up playing T or D...." Sabito trailed off "and I was dared to do that."

"Oh.." Giyu said, as they reached Sabito's house. Giyu stopped, waiting for Sabito to go inside before he left. Sabito was about to walk through his gate, but then he stopped.

He quickly turned around and grabbed Giyu's hand, pulling him closer.
"Bye cutie~" Sabito said as he raised his eyebrows.
"B-B-Bye-..?" Giyu replied, shocked and blushing.
That's when suddenly, Sabito pulled Giyu even closer... And kisses his cheek, chuckling as Giyu's face turned red.

As Sabito ran past his gate, inside of his house, he looked back at Giyu, who just stood there shocked. Giyu then covered his mouth, then started to run home himself.

'What was that..? Did Sabito just kiss me? No... He's probably fooling with me... Why would anyone love me..? Of all people. Me?' Giyu thought, repeatedly. Finally, he reached his house. He entered, quietly... Hoping no one would notice him.

"Hey! Girl! What are you doing here!?" A female voice from behind him said.
"M-Mother... School e-ended early be-because of the snowstorm th-th-that's coming this way..!" Giyu said, mostly afraid.
"Hah. Like I care. You cou-----" Giyu tuned her out... It was unintentional though. He couldn't really seem to focus back up again until.... Until something went flying towards him.
"Boy! Are you listening!?!?" Giyu's mother yelled as she threw the bottle she was holding at him.

Giyu was now. Giyu ducked, just enough to avoid being hit by the bottle.

"Ugh! Asshole! How dare you!?!?" His mother got more and more mad, eventually grabbing a knife and throwing it at Giyu.

Giyu let out a scream of terror, but that did no good, since the knife still hit him. Right. In. The. Eye. Blood started dripping down his face, mixed with tears as they fell to the ground.

Giyu pulled the knife out, and quickly ran up to his room. 'IT HURTS!!' Giyu repeatedly yelled in his mind. He grabbed supplies to heal and get it bandaged up. He was in so much pain right now, he could barely bare it...

He got his eye bandaged up the best he could, and looked at the knife, which was on the floor. He set it down there since he never dropped it...

Giyu reached out for the knife, then brought it to his upper thigh. He lowered it down, stopping himself for a moment, then continued. He began to cut, finding it satisfying that he's causing himself to bleed.

After a few minutes, a drop of blood from his face landed on his thigh, causing him to snap back into reality. He cut himself once more, then realized what he was doing. He threw the knife at the wall and tried to clean all the blood up.
'Shit - Shit - Shit' is all he could think, and he started looking for his phone.

Once he found it, he opened it, and called a specific number.
"S-Sabi.." He said in-between tears as soon as the other person picked up.
"Yu!? Giyu!? Are you okay!?" Before Giyu had a chance to answer, Sabito continued "I'll be over there in a few." Then he hung up.

A few minutes later, Sabito came charging through his house, and into his room.

"Giyu! What happened!?" He said as he saw Giyu. Giyu's hands were bloody, and he was crying like the first time I ever saw him, with his knees to his chest and everything.

"Giyu!!!" Sabito said again. "Answer me! Please!" Sabito fell to his knees and immediately took Giyu into an embrace. "Shh.... I'm here... It'll be okay..." Sabito whispered, not caring if Giyu stained his clothes.
"S-Sabito..! I-I did it a-again..!" Giyu said the best he could.
Sabito only hugged him tighter. "Shhh... It's okay... It's alright..." Sabito repeated.
"N-No! It's not alright..! I said I'd stop! I said I would call you immediately if anything happens to me!" Giyu continued to cry into Sabito's shoulder.

"Shh... It's fine... I know it's hard... Just calm down... Explain to me what happened... Please?" Sabito asked with a calming tone.
"I came home..." Giyu tried to hold back his tears. "And my mother ended up getting mad at me... Then she threw a bottle at me, and then I dodged it..!" Tears started to run down his face again. "Then she got even m-more mad and threw a knife at me..." Giyu was starting to breathe heavily. "It hit me in the eye... It hurt so much! I then ran up here, and I lost my sense... I started to harm myself..! I'm sorry!!!" Giyu finished his explanation, and started to hug on Sabito as tightly as possible, and Sabito hugged back.

"Shhh... It's okay... Do you mind if I take a look at your eye..?" Sabito pulled away and gave Giyu a smile as he asked.
"N-No... Go ahead...." Giyu replied.
Sabito started to take his bandage off, and as he did so blood started to drip down Giyu's face again. Sabito gasped as he took the last bit off.

"G-Giyu... We need to get you to a hospital..!" Sabito said, looking extremely concerned.
"No..! I can't go! Sabito! Please don't make me go..!" Giyu begged, even slightly gripping onto Sabito's jacket.

"Giyu.. Can you see from your eye..?" Sabito asked.
"N-No..." Giyu replied, quickly catching on and realizing. "I-I'm blind!? Sabito! Please! I Still don't want to go to the hospital!" Giyu still begged, beginning to cry again.

Sabito took care of and bandaged up Giyu's eye, then pulled him close.
"Giyu... I'm here... I'll always be here..."
"Sabito... Why me..? Why do you stay friends with me? I'm nothing but a burden to you..!" Giyu asked, still pained.
"Because... You're still here. And as long as you're still here, I'll be here." Sabito responded, running his fingers through Giyu's hair.

"Thank you...." Giyu said, then proceeded to sob into Sabito's shoulder.

"Anything for you..." Sabito whispered, too quiet for Giyu to hear.

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