Yoomin Smut

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Yoongi pov:

Finally I can back to my room with this short human beside me. He looks so happy for everyone and I am happy for him. But deep down I want to make love with him not like before just starting or teasing. I want a proper time with him. I don't even know how will he react. I know he loves me so much but it's completely different.

I just want to ask him and my thoughts interreped when he open the bathroom door and come outside and looking cute like always. But before asking him that I want to give him something. I went to my closet to bring something.

"chimmy here" I said before giving him a box which I brought a few days back. He smiled widely and open the little box excitedly. I can't stop my nervousness and smile while looking at him.

It's a ring box and there is a couple rings and jimin frowned while looking at this. "hyungiee for whom this rings for". He asked making me more nervous.

I wrap my one hand around his small waist and pull him a little clouser. Without saying anything I just pick a ring and put it too his finger and I can see his eyes getting teary and his heart is beating fast.

I didn't said anything but I put my hand in front of him to do the same with me too while looking in to his eyes. But I don't know why he didn't even move from his place and now I understand why.

He is too happy and confused that why all of a sudden which making me smile. I hug him softly while wrapping my both hands around his waist and pull him closer softly while placing my chin in his shoulder.

"chimmy I love you. I want to tell you this from long time but I am nervous but I don't want to make you wait even more. One again I love you my baby, my chimmy". I said while kissing his cheeks and he suddenly hug me tight by my neck and he started to cry which make me smile.

I let him hug me the way he want and I sit in the bed and make him sit in my lap which he didn't complain. I forward my hand again and this time he did it with out thinking twice. I heard door sound and when I look at it aaahhh Jin hyung.

"jin hyung why are you filming us", I asked in a frustrated and fake angry voice and he seems like he understand it. He started to laugh mischievously and gives us a flying kiss and close the door and went away.

"this jin hyung never leaves a chance to tease me", I said and I look at my baby he is blushing mess in my chest. How God first time jin hyung did a good thing. I softly stroke his hair while kissing his forehead.

I leaned in to his ear level and said seductively "chimmy I want you if you don't have any objection". I said and he is blushing even more. I know he is feeling shy but I want to hear his confirmation clearly.

"chimmy are you OK with it, do you also want it", I ask him he is even blushing more but he didn't gave me the answer. "chimmy if you are OK then go and lock the door or if you want any time then go and lay on the bed I will come and cuddle with you like every day".

I told him and he slowly get up from my lap and went to the door and locked it slowly. Without saying anything he stand infront of me. What the hell I am getting hard just the thought of jimin is under me. I get up from the bed and pull him into my arms softly and place a long peck on his forehead which he close his eyes.

Slowly he wrapped his arms around my neck and without my permission my kisses started to trail from his forehead to his cheeks, then his little nose, then his chin, lastly his soft lips. I want to taste it from soon long and it's worth to wait. It is so tasty and I can't leave it this early.

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