Ancient Greymon (Digimon) Good Creature Ch193

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Ancient Greymon is an Ancient Dragon Digimon. Possessing the attribute of "flame," it is one of the Ten Legendary Warriors that saved the ancient Digimon World. A Mega who existed only in the distant past, it is told that it's strength surpasses that of current Megas, and it is certainly a "Mega" being. It's abilities were later passed on to the "Dragon Digimon", such as the Greymon species. It is said that in the previous crusade, it survived to the end alongside AncientGarurumon, and sealed away Lucemon.

Tier: 1-C

Classification: Mega level Vaccine Attribute Ancient Dragon Digimon, Legendary Warrior of Flame

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, Digimon physiology, holy power, darkside power, regeneration, and duplication (Mid-High. Similar to Meramon; can regenerate as long as a single flame survives and once he regenerates, a new Ancient Greymon is born), fire manipulation (Controls the attribute of flame), flight, explosion manipulation (Via Omega Burst), sealing (Sealed Lucemon), power nullification, resistance to existence erasure (From Agunimon who resisted being erased in Dark Area), Hellfire manipulation, and conceptual erasure (As an incarnation of the Firewall, it should naturally be resistant to the flames of the Dark Area; Agunimon who inherited it's power had tanked Cerberumon's Hellfire)

Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse level (Comparable to Aldamon who inherited all its power. Alongside AncientGarurumon had aided Dynasmon, LordKnightmon, and Mastermon to seal Millenniummon; a task they needed help of another knight to do)

Speed: Immeasurable (Comparable to Aldamon. Can react to Lucemon's speed)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Complex Multiverse level

Durability: Complex Multiverse level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Extended Melee Range, a few kilometers with projectiles

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: AncientGreymon was able to fight against the likes of Lucemon and as the original Greymon it is likely that he is as skilled of a fighter as that family if not even more skilled.

Weakness: Date Attribute Digimon. Dragon slaying abilities and weapons such as the Dramon Killers.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

•Omega Burst: Induces a super-detonation over the surrounding kilometers with an intense flash.

•Gaia Tornado: Ensnares the helpless foe within a maelstrom of Earth's atmospheric energies.

•Power Null: An ability that nullifies the opponent's special abilities.

•Burning Salamander: His blazing fists release flames in the shape of a dragon.

•Salamander Break: A spinning lariat attack with both arms or legs ablaze.

•Fire Darts: Throws small bits of fire at his target from its gauntlets.

•Corona Blaster: Fires extremely hot blasts from his built in guns.

•Flame Storm: A wave of flames comes from within his armor.

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