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Today, everything changed. First of all, i was late for work. Which sucks. I'm a therapist at a mental hospital. I have a new patient coming in today. My car breaks down on the way to work. That's what caused me to be late. I think about my new patient. His name is sal.

I smile at the name, I used to know a sal. God, I still miss him. That is proof that I'll never get over anything ever. I mean, it's been 8 years. But at least now I can think about him with a smile and not with tears in my eyes.

I opened the door to the hospital and walked to my office. The walls of my office are white, there's arm chairs and a desk. I sit at my desk in my head, resting in my hands.

Shit, I have to meet this new patient in 10 minutes. He came in last night. His brother and dad brought him in after he had a mental breakdown last night. They said they were worried. He's a grown adult, so it was his choice to be here. I guess he was worried for himself, too.

I clean up the room a bit for a while before hearing a knock on my door. Opening it, I see a short male with blue hair. But the only thing about his appearance that shocked me was the mask he wore. Well, it's not a mask.

Holy shit. Sal fucking fisher.

I wonder if he can remember me. I stand still for a second. I'm trying to stay calm and be professional. But I'm freaking the fuck out.

"Hello, sal. Come in." I say, opening the door fully. He walks in.

"Sit down." I say. He sits and I follow him, sitting in the arm chair across from him.

"Alright, my name is y/n l/n." I tell him, fighting back a smile as I see him freeze up.

"Wait. Did- did you go to Nockfell High by any chance?" He asks. Fuck, I missed his voice. I nod.

"And is your second name fisher.. by any chance?" I ask. Now he nods.

"Oh- Oh my god. Y/n."

I'm fucking speechless. He remembers me. He stands up, walking around the coffee table that's separating us. I stand up and he wraps his arms around me.

"Sal. I missed you so much." I tell him. Part of me wants to be angry. He never called. He never replied to my texts. He blocked me. But I've missed him too much to care.

"I missed you too. Oh my god, y/n. How have you been?" He asks, pulling away from the hug and sitting back down in his chair.

"I've been good. What about you?" I reply. He nods, smiling. I've learnt yo know when he's smiling. The way his eyes look, the way his prosthetic moves a small bit.

"I've been good." He says. An akward silence fills the room and neither of us have any clue what to say.

"You never replied to my letters, or my texts." I tell him. He looks up, confushed.

"You sent letters?"

Oh. He didn't get them. I swear I out the right address and all. I snap myself out of my thoughts and speak up with a nod.

"Yeah. Did you not get them?" I ask him. He nods.

"Yeah. I- uhm.. my dad wasn't the biggest fan of you after what happened. He told me to block you, never text you, never call you. I found a letter addressed to me once, and he wouldn't give it to me." Sal explains. Oh, that makes sense. Sals dad never really liked me in the first place. This definitely didn't help.

"Oh. Okay." I nod. I have no clue what to do. Should i let him tell me why he's here? Should I act as if this is normal and he's any other patient. But he's not.

I'm just trying to be professional or whatever the fuck. I don't care.

"So. Why are you here? Commit mass murder?" I joke. He laughs softly.

"Uh no, actually. My mental health just got really, really bad. I started getting high a lot. Larry and my dad were worried, and I realised they were right, so I allowed them to bring me here. I guess it won't be that bad, though, since you're here." He tells me. I smile.

"Yeah. I missed you, sal. I never really got over what happened." I tell him. It's true. I've only dated like 2 people since me and sal broke up. I am definitely not telling sal that, though.

He looks different. Not in a bad way. His hair is down, he's wearing black nail polish and a bunch of rings. I mean, his style is still the same as it was in high school. And he is still short as fuck. Some things never change, I guess.

We probably should've spent this time talking about sals mental health. But instead, we just talked about random shit. We caught up on everything that's been going on. He told me how larry, Ash, and todd are. I didn't hear from them either. Maybe their parents had the same issue with me. 

But what matters is that sal is here. He's sitting there, looking even more perfect than he did 8 years ago.
I hope he's gone insane so that he'll stay here for a long time.

That night, when I try to go to sleep, my eyes close. I'm lying down. But my brain is still on. It won't turn off. Thoughts of sal fill my head. Like, what if he hates me now for ruining what he used to have. He probably wouldn't have been so nice. I wonder how much I missed of his life that I'll have to live through old photographs and videos.

I wonder if he'll let me back into his life.

[A/N: HIHIHI !! wooooo first (kinda) long chapter! Who cheeried🙏 as always I hope yall enjoyed thissssss. And plsplspls (sabrina carpenter who) stick around for the rest of the story:3 also yes the part where y/n asks if he commits mass murder... I  very much did that on purpose🤭🤭 btw updates will happen like at least once a week (hopefully) :3]

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