Part 4

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You story was officially out now. At least part of it.

Everyone gathered at that table had sat in silence as Tony pulled up parts of your file, sharing your Hydra upbringing. They all now knew that you had worked for the organization, that you had been taken prisoner and tortured.

Somehow, and for some reason, Tony and Fury had left out your involvement of Bucky's torture. Determined to get it all out in the open before someone else had the chance, you opened your mouth to speak up when Nat had defended you as a prisoner of war not the enemy.

But Tony had shot you a warning look and Fury had laid a heavy knowing hand on your shoulder. In response, your old training had kicked in for a moment, preventing you from speaking up.

But then Steve had spoken. "Bucky? You okay?"

You turned your gaze to look at the super soldier seated at the other end of the table. His hands were clenched in anger, the flesh of his knuckles turning white, his face set in a hard scowl as he looked at the table in front of him. 

You knew the memories were running through his head too. All the ones that disproved Nat's defending argument. You couldn't do that to him. You had put him through enough. He, and everyone seated there, deserved the truth to be said. All of it.

Keeping your eyes on Barnes, you raised your voice over everyone else's, ignoring Tony and Fury's warnings. "I was Barnes' handler." 

With those words, the room went silent. Tony let out a heartbroken sigh, dropping his head as his eyes pinched closed as if he'd been struck by pain. You knew he'd tried to protect you from your past. But you knew he couldn't. Nobody could.

Allowing your eyes to scan the room, you took in everyone's reactions. Everyone shared the same wide eyed shock. Looking at Steve, you could tell he was torn. It was written all over his face. He didn't know what to think. He had been one of the first to trust you, helping to bring the rest in. Letting your eyes trail across those gathered, you could feel that thin thread of trust snapping as you met each team member's eyes.

Returning to your stoic soldier gaze for strength, you continued on, giving them the facts, refusing to sugar coat anything. You didn't trying to defend your actions. You knew there was no excuse and they deserved the truth. 

"I was his handler for almost five years. I was born and bred for Hydra. I knew nothing else. I wasn't forced to join. I did it willingly. I rose through the ranks quickly and was soon after promoted to the handler of the Winter Soldier. I was relived of that duty when he regained his memories and escaped." 

You cleared your throat, refusing to look at the others. You didn't need too see the disgust and newly formed hatred in their eyes to know it was there. When you finished, the room was deathly silent. With a nod to yourself, you stood to attention. "I'll be on the jet ready to depart whenever you're ready, Director." Clinging to the familiarity of responding to a superior officer, you gave Fury a nod before leaving the room, making sure to keep your eyes trained straight ahead.

Fury watched you leave, an annoyed yet saddened look on his face. Tony shook his head at what had just transpired. "This is your fault you know." 

Fury didn't respond beyond fixing a glare in Tony's direction. 

"Fix this Stark." With that final command, Fury left, his coat flaring out behind him as he followed after you.

"Wanna tell us what the hell is going on, Stark?" Steve's hard voice broke the silence of the room. It was clear Steve was upset as he got to his feet in anger.

Sam watched from the corner, unsure what to make of what he'd just learned. Nat was quiet, pensive, as she watched the room. She had grown up in the RedRoom and was well aware that details were key when it came to being raised by terrorist organizations. She needed more facts before she could make a decision. Wanda sat quietly, her hands clenched together, making it known how upset she was. She had trusted you.

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