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James looked at Amie.
"Why what?"
"Why did you do it?"
"What? I was angry"
"Thats the reason why you attacked a teacher?"
"Yeah, I was angry because she did just tell me on and on what's wrong mit me, and then she even said that I'm a usurper in her class, that I'm narcissistic and that I just a horrible person. Even if she didn't mean it, even if just because of my bps it did hit a nerv it shouldn't have, even then I would be mad!"
"Why then?"
"Because...I tried to kill myself many times, I don't want to be here, I don't want to be alive, so why do I constantly get criticised? Don't you think the world could be a little more forgiving?"
"And why did you kill yourself?"
He woke up.
"It's school time"
Said his personal living group assistant.
"No, not today"
I couldn't stop himself from smirking, but then he stopped immediately
"Because I head a dream, about something that happened at school, a long time ago"
"With her?"
"Yes, but that's not all, I want to keep dreaming, 'cause she was about to tell me"
"Why she did it?"
He nodded then he felt that tears ran down his cheeks
"Than keep dreaming, for this week, school isn't a priority, I'll call them and say that you lost a family member, they will understand"
"Sleep well"
His PS closed the door. Then he fell asleep. He stood in a black void, nothing around him made an sensible anything.
"Why did you do it, tell me why?"
His screams were swallowed by the abyss of blackness.
"Tell me pleas o god tell me why you did it?"
No answer.
"Right not god, I'm talking to you Amie, tell me why you did it?"
"Because what?"
"Because it was the only choice that was truly mine"
"And did you ever think about what would happen to us, the ones that loved you, the ones that cared about you"
"Yes I did but, the only choice I had was egotistical, I know how hard it is, but please..."
He woke up, it was late noon, the window in the roof was glazed with due. The sun was already sinking under the horizon. His base was giving of a bright glazed shine. The posters on his wall, gave of the same stench of freshly printed paper that they did since he moved in here, just over a year ago. Someone in from the friends that sleept by him made some food in the kitchen, while someone else was still sleeping in the living room.
"Please what?"
He thought he knew the answer.
"I will revenge you, just please stop haunting my dreams, I'm trying already, tomorrow I'll go to the police, and I will become a cop, for that I've stayed clean for a year now, then...then I can find him"

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