but i like you.

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For the rest of the week, all red could think about was what chloe said Monday night. she started getting quieter, being lost in her thoughts. Which wasn't really new, because if she was with Chloe and Adam, they would only really only talk to each other, and she didn't talk in class, and didn't like talking to Adam

It was Friday night, and in the morning parents could come and check in with their kids and see how they were doing. Chloe was fast asleep, but red was wide awake, starting at the ceiling. She looked over at Chloe, then at the alarm clock on her nightstand, that said 1:35, then just looked back up at the ceiling.

Did chloe mean what she thought she meant? and why did she tell Red? Out of all people, Red thought to herself. She  sighed loudly, sat up, and got out of her bed. She walked into the bathroom and cut on the light, turned on the sink, and splashed water in her face. She walked over to a towel that was hanging up and wiped her face. When her face was dry, she turned around to walk out, but standing in the doorway was chloe rubbing her eyes. Red jumps at screams, "chloe, what hell?!" "What are you doing?" Chloe asks, yawning covering her mouth. "Nothing, just couldn't sleep." Red says. "Why didn't you just turn on the tv?" Chloe asks. Red shrugs. "I don't know. why are you up?" Red, then asks. "Why couldn't you sleep?" Chloe asks. "Just thinking. Why aren't you sleep?" Red asks again. "Because the bathroom light woke me up." Chloe says, walking out of the bathroom and back to her bed. Red follows behind her, cutting off the bathroom before walking out.

The girls get back into their beds, cutting on their lamps. Chloe turns on the TV, then looks over at red and says, "What were you thinking  about, that was keeping you up?" Red looks over at chloe, sighs, and says,"Nothing important." Red shakes her head. "Tell me. You've been quiet lately." Chloe says, tilting her looking at Red a little concerned. "You really think Adam likes me?" Red finally says. Chloe looks down, starting to fidget with her fingers, and quietly says, "Yeah..." Red looks at chloe, a little disappointed, and looks down at her hands, noticing she was fidgeting with her fingers. "Do you like him?" Chloe asks, looking back up into Red's eye. Red shrugs, looks down and says,"I don't know." Hearing that hurt Chloe a little bit. She had pushed Red onto Adam, and now that Red was questioning if she liked Adam, she wanted to take it back. She wanted Red to be happy and with someone who could show her love, and treat her right like Adam could, but she didn't want it to be Adam, She wanted it to be her...

After that, the girls didn't say anything and just watched TV.  Eventually, Red fell asleep, leaving chloe up by herself now. Chloe just stayed up watching whatever came on TV, which was mostly just reality shows about King Ben and Queen Mal. After a while, chloe turns the tv off,  turns off their lamps, and lays down staring up and the ceiling, but couldn't fall asleep. "Red? Are you up?" Chloe whispered, looking over at Red whos sound asleep. Chloe sighs and just looks at her, and smiles softly. Red looked so peaceful for someone who always seemed grumpy. Chloe was really the only one who saw Red's softly side, aside from Maddox, and sometimes her mom. Since chloe had been woken up, she would be up for a while, so she just laid back on her back and stared back up at the ceiling.

She started to get lost in her thoughts. Why did she tell Red that Adam liked her? He did, but so did she, and she just pushed her feelings away. She pushed Red onto to Adam, so that he would be happy. Why did she keep doing this? She kept putting others before herself, especially with people she had just met. All she wanted was for people to like her, but she just kept getting hurt. But does Red like him? She has to, at least a little. Otherwise, she wouldn't have said she didn't know. What did she even mean, by she didn't know? It was either she does or she doesn't. Why was she even trying to convince herself that Red liked Adam, so much if she didn't want her to? What if she does? Were they going to get together? Or get married.. have kids. Then-

Suddenly, the chloes alarm clock goes of interrupting her thoughts. She flinches, breathing a little heavy. "Ughhhhhh, CHLOEEEEEEE TURN IT OFF!!" Red groaned, putting a pillow over her face. Chloe looked over at red and giggled. She turns off the alarm and says, "Maybe you should, get up." "ABSOLUTELY NOT! Why do you even have it set for the weekend?!" Red says, taking the pillow off her face and turing her head to look at chloe. Chloe smiles while sitting up.
"Because I have sword training in a little bit" chloe says, while getting out of her bed. Red just stays in her bed while watching chloe get up. "I don't understand how you can be so cheerful and happy IM THE MORNING!" Red says, quietly shouting the last part. Chloe laughs as she walks into their shared closet. "Why are you always so grumpy in the morning?" chloe asks. "Because I'm forced out of my peaceful sleep to do things I don't want to do and be around people I don't like being around" Red says, sitting up and laying her head back against her back bored. Chloe comes out holding her training uniform. And looks at Red with a smile on her face. "you like being around me, don't you?" Chloe asks. "Yeah, I do I guess bu-" Chloe inturpts Red, and says, "then you shouldn't be that upset."

Red rolls her eyes and says,"Did you ever go back to sleep last night?" "Umm" chloe says while she thinks back to herself for a little bit. "Yeah, but only got a little sleep." chloe says before going into the bathroom. While Res waits for Chloe to come out of the bathroom, she leans over and grabs her cards

After a little while, Chloe finally comes out of the bathroom, dressed in her  training uniform, which was most white with hints of blue. And her hair pinned back. (basically how she looked in the first scene she was in, in the movie) red raises her eyebrows and says, "you look... not horrible" chloe laughs and says "thanks, I guess" "you're very welcome" Red says with a small smile on her face, and still playing with her cards. Chloe walks over her bed and plops down, letting out a sigh and closing her eyes. Red looks over at her, smiling sweetly. Chloe opens her eyes and asks, "what time is your mom gonna be here?" Red shrugs "I don't know. Whenever I ge-" Suddenly Red is interrupted by a knock, then some one walks in.

"Hello, darling!" Bridget says walking into the room and over to Red's bed. Red looks over at her mother confused, sits her cards down, and jumps up out of her bed. "mom w-what are you doing here so early?!" Red asks while her mother hugs her and kissing her cheek. "Oh we've been here for a little while, but they didn't let us come see you until 6" Bridget says letting go and smiling at her daughter. Red looks at her mom still confused and asks "We? Who else did you bring?"  "Oh, Maddox of course!" Bridget says, as Maddox walks in behind her. Red looks at him, a little pissed. he puts his hands up Surrendering and says, "I had no choice, she said I was going so I had to." "Oh sweetheart why are you still in your pajamas?" Bridget asks. Red looks down at her pajamas and back at her mom, and says "uhh I was up late and kinda just woke up" and giving her a fake awkward smile. "Well , that's alright. Just hurry and get dressed we have a very busy day today" Bridget says, excitedly. "Busy day?" Red asks looking between Maddox and her mother confused. "You'll see just get dressed" Maddox says. Red sighs and grabs some clothes out her closet and goes into the bathroom.

While red was in the bathroom, chloe was left in the room with Bridget and Maddox. Bout time they had came into the room she was sitting up straight on her bed. "Soooo... what time did you guys get here?" Chloe asks awkwardly. "Um around 5 am." Maddox answers. Chloe nods, "that's pretty early" she says looking down, not really knowing what she say, and the room falls into an awkward silence.

"So you fence?" Bridget asks, noticing  chloes uniform. "Oh yeah, for 10 years now" chloe says looking down at her uniform and smiling. "Oh really? What got you interested?" Bridget asks again. "Umm I don't really know" chloe says. "Hmm, well think about how you feel during a match, or the best part of it is" Bridget says, looking at chloe sweetly. Chloe smiles and looks down to think, then says "I don't know.." "dear you have to know, you don't do it for no reason. Think about why you do it" Bridget says still smiling sweetly. "Um I guess I feel strong and brave, when I'm fencing. And  knowing I could protect myself and others if I needed to, it makes me feel good" chloe finally say, while looking down at her fingers still fidgeting with them. "Well there you go! You do it cause you're caring and want to protect the people you love. Might not be why were you're interested in it, but it's why you continue to do it!" Bridget says smiling. Chloe smiles to and says "you sound just like my mom" "I do, don't i?' Bridget says right before Red comes out wearing black tights and a black skirt with 2 belts one is red and with studs on it, and the other one is black with silver holes in it and a red shirt. (idk how to write/describe outfits soooo this is what your gonna get)

"im ready" red says walking out the bathroom and looking at her mom. "Excellent! And you look amazing" Bridget says, smiling at red. "Thanks..." Red says quietly. "Well we should leave. And chloe if you would like, after your training. You could join us later" Maddox says, while standing up. Chloe smiles and stands up and walks over to her sword, while saying, "thank you, and I might" "sounds wonderful, well we'll see you later, princess" Maddox says, while  opening the door for Bridget and red.

"See ya. Bye red" chloe says waving to them. Red looks back while walking out and waving bye to chloe, looking slightly annoyed, then looking back forward, and closing the door behind them.

Chloe sighs and plops back down on her bed. She was back to being stuck with her thoughts.

And all she could think about was red...

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