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It's Sunday morning or early afternoon, and both girls were both still in bed. But suddenly, there was a knock at their door. Red groans and says, "chloe, go see who's at the door!!! Then, falling back to sleep. Chloe opens her eyes slightly, she sighs, and closes them again. But the knocking didn't stop, and someone says from the other side of the door, "Guys, are yall up? It's like 11:30, and they just stop severing breakfast, down stairs. But I saved some waffles for you guys."

As soon as the person started talking, both Red and Chloe knew who it was. Adam. They both let out an annoyed sigh, but Chloe sits up, rubbing her eyes, just sitting there for a moment. After a few seconds, she stands up and walks to the door slowly. She opens the door slowly and sees Adam there smiling. Chloe looks at him blankly and just turns around and walks back to her bed, leaving the door open for him. Adam looks a little confused but walks in and closes the door. Chloe is walking into the bathroom, but Red is still in bed, half asleep.

Adam walks to one of their desks and places the plate of waffles on it and turns back to Red and says, "Uhh Red you u-", "Don't. Don't wake her up. She hates being woken up. Just sit there and be quiet. " Chole interrupts Adam while looking out the bathroom and brushing her teeth. Adam jumps a little at her sudden words, then looks back at Red, tilting his head and smiling softly.

He thought she looked beautiful, like the sleeping beauty. Chloe sees this and sighs and rolls her eyes, and spits into the sink. Chloe washes her face, then walks out the bathroom and to her bed. Adam, who was still just standing in the middle of the room, walks over to the bench that's in front of Chloe's bed and sits down on it, still looking at Red.

Adam is just watching Red sleep and says, "she looks so... so beautiful." Chloe looks at him, slightly annoyed, and rolls her eyes and plops back down on her pillow. Adam looks over at Chloe, a little concerned and confused, and says, "Why are you two so tired?", "I'm not just wanna lay in bed for a while. Red, on the other hand, I'm pretty sure Red will sleep till noon if she gets the chance." Chloe says, looking up at the ceiling. Adam, still a little concerned, says, "Is there a reason why you just wanna lay in bed?" Chloe shakes her head and says quietly, "Nope. Just want to." Adam nods, then looks over at Red, and notices she is laying on a stuffed rabbit and points at it and asks, "Is the a bunny?" Chloe sits up slightly and looks over at Red and says, shaking her head, "Nope.", "Are you sure? it looks like one." Adam says while looking back over at Chloe. "I mean... yeah, kinda.. BUT you can't tell anyone, or she might literally..hurt you." Chloe quietly blurts out. Adam nods, looking a little shock.

He relaxes and looks back at Red, tilting his head and smiling sweetly. Chloe looks at him, slightly disgusted, but doesn't say anything about it and just sits up straight, leaning against her backboard and asks, "Uh so, Adam, do you have anything planned for today?" Adam looks over at her and leans on her bed and says, "If you count, bothering you two, then taking Archery lessons later, Then yeah. Chloe giggles lightly and says, "Well, that sounds like an amazing day." And smiling at him. Adam laughs and asks, "Do you have anything planned today?" "Nah. Not at all. I don't have practice today, and I think it's going to rain later, so I'm probably just going to be here." Chloe says, sitting her hands lap and fidgeting with them. "Oh, i git a good idea. Maybe I can ask my coach if you can practice with us today. If you want." Adam suggests. Chloe thinks for a second and says, smiling, "Sure! But I'm not best at archery. I kinda have bad aim, soooo..

"BULLSEYE!" The archery coach shouts, clapping his hands. Chloe lowers the bow, smiling as she hits the target directly in the middle from 30 feet away. "Wow!! You're a natural! You've literally hit four bullseyes in a row. I'm worried you might be better than me." Adam says, clapping for her on the side lines.

Chloe walks over to him, holding the bow by her side. "Thanks! I know!" Chloe says, smiling cheekily and closing her eyes. Adam laughs and says, "I thought you said you weren't good at archery", "no I didn't. I said I wasn't the best." Chloe says, smiling again, walking over to some more arrows and grabbing one. "Yeah, you also said you had bad aim. And yet you haven't missed one shot." Adam says, chuckling and walking on the field and grabbing a bow and some arrows and putting them in his bag, then walking to a spot next to Chloe, in front of a target.

He grabs an arrow and slides it onto his bow, then pulls back slowly, aiming the best he could and releasing it. The arrow shoots quickly to the target, hitting it right next to the bullseye. He sighs and shakes his head. Chloe laughs softly and says teasing, "Don't worry, one day you'll be better than me. But not today." Adam shakes his head and laughs, getting ready to shoot another arrow. Chloe smiles, then turns back, and grabs an arrow, sliding it onto the bow and pulling it back. Right before she let it go, someone taps her shoulder, which makes her jump a little, letting go of the arrow, which hits the side of the target.

She sighs annoyed, then turns around and sees a blond boy and a group of 3 boys behind him, laughing amongst themselves. Chloe looks at them, a bit confused, and says, "Uh hi?", "Hey Chloe.. so uhh I've seen you around school, and thought you were kinda cute, and wanted to ask if you might wanna go out with me?" The boy says, looking down, blushing slightly. Chloe's eyes widen, in shock, and says, "oh! Umm, thank you. But I'm not really looking for a relationship right now... sorry.", "please, just give me a chance.. you're beautiful and have a beautiful smile and-" Chloe cuts off the boy and says, "Sorry, I'm just not ready for relationship. Plus, I don't even know your name.." The boy sighs and nods, then turns back to his friends, who were snickering at him.

As the boys walk away, Chloe looks over at Adam in disbelief. Adam had watched the whole interaction and was snickering himself. Chloe giggles and says, "I can't believe that, that happened again.." Adam laughs and says, "Yep. And he kinda looked like you brother too." Chloe scrunches her face and says, "ewww, don't say that!" Adam laughs and turns back to the target.

Later that day, Adam and Chloe are walking in the lunch line and talking. When they get everything they want, they walk to the table, they usually eat at. "You should definitely join the archery team. You're literally amazing at it." Adam says while sitting down and looking over at Chloe. "Yeah, I don't know, I might. It's fun and cool, but it's kind of too easy. I like a challenge. See, with fencing, I actually have an opponent, and we're actually fighting against each other. But with archery, you take turns aiming at an object and see who hits it the best." Chloe says while sitting down next to him and taking a bite out of one of her fries. "That's not all we do. Sometimes, there are moving targets, and you get points on how many you hit and how close you hit near the bullseye." Adam says, shrugging, Chloe looks at him annoyed and says, "ok, but still. I like fencing more." And smiling cheekily when saying the last part.

"Hey nerds!" Red says suddenly, and sitting in front of them and smiling. "Hi." Adam says, smiling softly at Red. Red looks at him awkwardly, sighs, then looks over at Chloe. "Red, where's your food?" Chloe asks, looking at Red. "I'm not really hungry. Plus, I have to ask fairy godmother if I can call into Wonder Land , in a little bit." Red says, smiling a little excitedly. "Oh, you calling your mom?" Adan asks. Red looks at him and shakes her head and says, "what? No. I saw her yesterday. I'll be fine not seeing her for a little while." Then looks back at Chloe and says, "I'm gonna try and call Chester, since my mom and Maddox brought hi. up yester-" Adam cuts her off and says, sounding a bit jealous, "Wait, who's Chester?", "he a friend, from wonder land." Red says, then turning back to Chloe. "Anyway, he-" before Red could finish her sentence, Adam says, "Wait, why can't you just call him on your phone?" Red looks at him, tilting her head and squinting her eye, and says, "because-"  Chloe knowing Red was about to say something rude, interrupts her this time and says to adam, "because they don't really have or use phones in wonder land. So obviously Chester doesn't have one or Red. So she can't 'just' call him" , "ohhh. So uh red, how long have you known, Chester?" Adam asks, still sounding a little jealous. Red sighs and looks at him annoyed, knowing she has to actually talk to him. "Since, like middle school, 7th grade, I think." Red says, grabbing one of Cnhloe's French fries and eating it. Chloe smirks and tilts her head, but then Adam says again, "That's cool. But Why didn't he come to Auradon Prep?", "he didn't get an invitation, plus he doesn't really like auradon. He says,'everyone here thinks they're better than everyone else.' So he didn't come." Red says, shrugging and grabbing another one of Chloe's fries.

After a little bit of silence, adam says, "Hey, Red, i got a question", "what?" Red asks, grabbing more of Chloe's fries. "Last night, when we-", Reds eyes widen and she interrupts adam and says, "uhhh I gotta use the bathroom!" Red puts the fries she had in her hand, back onto chloe's plate, standing up and walking away from the table.

Chloe looks back at Red as she walks away, confused. She turns back to adam and says, "what happened? What did yall do?" Adam looks at her and says, "oh she didn't tell you? Yeah, we kissed."


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