i like YOU pt1

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"And honestly, I don't think she likes me back.. I mean, maybe? But also what if she doesn't?" "Red." "Then I'm just gonna end up looking stupid. But also, if she does , I'm gonna super happy." "Red" "I kinda feel like she's given me signs that she likes me back, but also she could also just be being nice. Because she's nice to everyone.","Red.", "Which is one of the reasons why I like her. She's so sweet and makes me feel so comfortable around her. And shes-", "RED!" Uma, finally shouts, getting tired of Red's ranting. Red, who was laying sideways in a chair across from Uma, at her desk, finally stops talking and looks a little shocked by her shouting.

"You have been in my office every week for the past month and a half, talking about Chloe, and i sick of it. I wouldn't mind it, really, if it was once in a while, like giving me updates on your life and stuff like that, but no. you come in here, make yourself real comfortable, and start ranting about the same stuff over and over again. Like, I do not care if Chloe does or does not like you back. I am your principal, not the guidance counselor, fairy godmother is. So if you need to talk to someone about your life problems, go talk to her, not me." Uma says again, sounding more aggravated and annoyed by Red's behavior.

"I can't talk to her! That's literally chloe's grandmother! Kinda. I think. I don't know. But still, can't talk to her about it!" Red starts again. "And I can't talk to adam because obviously, that's my 'ex', and that would be weird talking to him about how i like Chloe. I mean, not really. But still ,i dont wanna talk to him about it. It'll feel weird. he was the first one I told about Chloe, Then you. But other than you two, I can't tell anyone. I can't tell Maddox because I feel like he would tell my mom. And I'm scared to tell my mom, because what if she hates me after I tell her? Because it's not normal for girls to like other girls. And then she'll lock me in a tower. And I'll be stuck in there forever. Then i won't be able to see Chloe anymore.", "Red.", "And then never get to tell her how I feel.", "Red. Red. what are you even talking about? Your mother is the queen of hearts. The sweetest person known to men. And you're scared to tell her you like girls? That little thing?" Uma asks, annoyed, and cutting Red off before she starts ranting again.

Uma sighs, rubbing her forehead, looking frustrated, then says, "Listen, tomorrow's Thanksgiving break. So go back to your dorm, pack. Then go home and take a break from all of this. Ok? And LEAVE ME ALONE." Then smiling fakly and shooing red off. Red looks at her annoyed and says, "I thought you said I could come to you if I'm having a problem.", "Yeah, a problem with school. Not with your love life." Uma says, sounding annoyed by red. "Technically, if you think about it, this is a school problem. Because she's in my class, and the problem is, she's making me nervous." Red says, shrugging, thinking she made a good point. "Red, get out!" Uma says, finally having enough of Red for the day or even year. Red laughs, and sits up straight and scoots her chair back, standing up and walking towards the door. But before walking out, she says, "Well, seeya next week for our next session.", "OUT!" Uma yells, getting sick of Red, who walks out smiling, happy she got to annoy Uma for the day.

It had been two months since Red told Adam she liked Chloe. Ever since then, Adam was trying to test things on Red to make sure she actually liked Chloe or just like her as a really good friend, sense he obviously still liked her. But of course, Red failed, sense she could barely make eye contact with chloe without smiling or blushing. Red wanted to tell Chloe how she felt but was too afraid she didn't feel the same, even though part of her thought she did, especially since Chloe said she didn't like any boys here. What did she even mean by that? She still didn't know. Did she mean she didn't like boys in general? Or just any boys at Auradon prep? And when she tried to ask about it, Chloe would change the subject.

When Red finally got back to the dorm, Chloe was already finishing packing. "Oh hey, Red! Where were you?" Chloe asks, zipping up her bag and smiling at Red. Red smiles back and walks in, closing the door behind her. "Oh. Hey blue, I was in principle, Uma's office." Red says, walking over to Chloe. Chloe smiles even more, looking Red up and down, then saying, "Really? Again? You've been in there a lot, lately. Is everything alright?", "um..yes.. yeah, everything's fine. We've just been talking." Red says, getting a little nervous, by the way Chloe looks at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17 ⏰

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