Siobhans childhood..

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Huge tw: mentions of mental, emotional and physical abuse. Alcohol. Violence, SH mentions and SA.

Siobhan's earliest memories were shadowed by the pungent stench of whiskey and the bruises that darkened her pale skin like unwelcome tattoos.
She felt an overwhelming sense of worthlessness, as if her very existence was a burden to those around her. Each dismissive glance and harsh word from her family cut deeper than any physical blow, leaving her drowning in a sea of self-doubt and despair. The toxic atmosphere suffocated her, making her feel trapped and powerless, yearning for a love and acceptance that seemed perpetually out of reach. In the quiet moments, she often wondered if she would ever escape the oppressive weight of their disdain, or if she was destined to remain invisible and unloved.
Her family? They wouldn't do this to her right?
They watched as she slowly disappeared into a girl nobody noticed. How she would flinch at any movement and cry softly in her room all alone.
No matter how hard she tried she would constantly fail everyone and in the end she truly gave up.
Being alone and and the feeling of desperation wanting an escape she wrote a letter to one of her closest high-school "friends" hoping this would help her find a way out as she couldn't do it herself.
Her friend however had other intentions with this letter.

Siobhan felt powerless and everything that had ever happened to her felt like it was happening again as she read her letter plastered on the walls of her school .

It read : dear brittany ,

I hope this letter finds you well. I've been struggling to write this, but I can't keep it inside any longer. I need your help, and I don't know who else to turn to.

Living here has become unbearable. My family is more toxic than ever, and their hatred and indifference towards me grow by the day. Every word they speak to me is filled with contempt, as if I'm nothing more than a burden to them. The constant criticism and neglect have made me feel worthless, like I'm drowning in a sea of their disapproval.

There's something even darker I need to tell you about. My uncle, who has been living with us for the past few months, has been doing things to me that I can't even begin to describe. It's been happening for a while now, and every time it happens, I feel a part of me die inside. I feel so dirty and ashamed, but I know it's not my fault. I try to stay away from him, but in this house, there's nowhere to hide. My parents don't believe me. They just say I'm making things up for attention or to cause trouble.

I can't keep living like this. I'm scared all the time, and I feel so alone. I'm writing to you because I trust you more than anyone. Please, can you help me get out of here? I don't know how much more I can take. Even just knowing that someone cares would mean the world to me.

I'm begging you, please help me.

With all my heart,

She cried as she read the words she wrote in an attempt to escape plastered everywhere. Everyone laughed at her whilst she walked the corridors her hands covering her face and her hands violently shaking.

"I can't do this anymore." She thought to herself.

Until a soft voice approached her.. it was one of the safeguarding teachers. Siobhan broke down in the presence of her as she guided her to the main office.

"This is not your fault siobhan. And we are gonna get you out of here." The teacher spoke.

Siobhan didn't know how to react she just sat there with her face burning from the tears and her head hurting from the amount of times she'd cried this week.
"I can't-" she whispered.

"We have people on their way to come and talk to you. I'll be by your side the entire time i promise. Just tell them everything okay? You've got this" the teacher wiped her tears and sat beside her in a comforting manner.

"They are going to kill me when they find out." Siobhan whispered with a shaky voice.

"Nobody is going to hurt you anymore I promise you that... how long has all of this been going on?" The teacher looked concerned.

"5years.? I don't know anymore." Siobhan sighed.

"We can talk more about it if you like. I'm here to listen" she smiled

Siobhan described the torture she had endured all of these years. Her dad being a drunk and the emotional and physical abuse she went through. The sexual abuse started a few months back by her mums brother and she still couldn't understand. Why her? She wasn't pretty or worth it. She had been told repeatedly since she was little. "NO man would ever want such a disgrace" .. she liked the attention from her uncle..when he would comment on her body and tell her how beautiful she was as it made her feel more grown up and worth something but then it became physical and she hated it. Every second of it. She had tried to tell her mother and get laughed at or told its not a big deal.

She finally felt listened to by this teacher and she let every dark secret unfold.

the police and social arrived. They all talked and it became clear she wasn't safe or okay to go back home.

"Foster care would be the only option at the moment.." the police officer exclaimed.

Siobhan didn't know what to expect but anywhere was better than "home."

Would she ever be loved the way she craved or was this going to be her life forever?.

Siobhan moved into a new family that barely acknowledged her existence
. A new school where she was also never seen and from here on she was just invisible to everyone.

The trauma was the only thing that stayed. It haunted her. Even in her sleep.
She would wake up in a cold sweat after the unbearable nightmares of her past.

Everyday she would force herself awake after 2 hours of sleep and with no energy she would fight her way through school. Everyday. It was a repetitive cycle that felt like it would never end. And it didn't. Ever. End.

Soon siobhan would find herself in a very dark place. Again.. but this time it was just purely the way she felt. She hated herself and hated the way everyone looked at her like she wasn't there. She needed an escape from these thoughts that would soon end her. She couldn't do it alone but she had no choice. Siobhan looked in the mirror and saw only a stranger staring back-a girl marked by flaws she couldn't escape, each reflection a cruel reminder of her darkest thoughts. At sixteen, she was haunted by an unrelenting inner voice that told her she was never enough, tainting every aspect of her self-image with self-doubt and loathing. The weight of her own harsh judgments felt like an anchor dragging her deeper into a sea of despair. Her mind was a battlefield where every fleeting moment of self-worth was swiftly overshadowed by a flood of negative thoughts, leaving her feeling isolated and consumed by an unshakable darkness. She stared at the razor in front of her. Wondering if it would take away some of the pain she was feeling. "Don't do it." She whispered to herself trying to shake this urge away. What would it feel like.? Would it burn? Would I even have the courage to do it? She shook this thoughts away and put it back in the bathroom cupboard "maybe later" she thought.

"Time to eat" a voice came from downstairs..

"Not this again" siobhan sighed.

Siobhan sat at the dinner table, her plate untouched, as her foster family chatted animatedly among themselves, seemingly oblivious to her presence. The clinking of silverware and laughter filled the room, but she felt like a ghost, her silence swallowed by the bustling noise around her. Each time she tried to join the conversation, her voice was lost, leaving her feelings of isolation to fester. The indifference of the family made her feel like a mere shadow, unseen and unimportant, intensifying the ache of loneliness that gnawed at her heart.

Soon she just decided to leave the table and go to bed. This was her night every night.

2 years of the exact same cycle went by until school finally ended. And she was now 18. She left the foster system and ended up in a small flat on her own .
She had to figure out her own life now.. but how ?! ...

(This chapter was just fictive and something I completely made up. I hope you all enjoy. If anyone needs to talk I'm here. I loovvee uu all deeply.♡)

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