finding safety within her.

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LAST CHAPTER MY ANGELS I HOPE YOU ENJOYED. these have been written out for a  while nowwww. < 3.

The warm glow of the sun poured through the open window, bathing Siobhan’s new apartment in a golden light. She stretched lazily, savoring the freedom that now defined her life. The past few months had been a whirlwind of change, but finally, she felt a sense of peace she had long thought impossible. The noise of the city outside served as a gentle reminder of how far she had come—far away from Roger, far away from the suffocating expectations of her old life.

Siobhan rolled over, smiling at the sight of Vivian beside her. Her hair spilled across the pillow, and her face was serene in the morning light. The last few weeks had been a whirlwind—packed with long drives, laughter, and countless shared moments that had deepened their bond in ways Siobhan never imagined.

Quietly, Siobhan slipped out of bed and made her way to the kitchen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as she prepared two steaming mugs. As she poured the coffee, she couldn’t help but feel grateful for this new life they had built together. They had settled in a charming neighborhood filled with quaint cafés and eclectic shops, each corner a new adventure waiting to unfold.

“Morning, Bon Bon,” Vivian’s voice floated in from the bedroom, sleep still heavy in her tone. Siobhan turned to see her stretching and yawning, a smile creeping across her face as she approached.

“Good morning!” Siobhan replied, handing Vivian a steaming mug. “I made your favorite.”

“Black coffee—my savior,” Vivian laughed, taking a sip. “You spoil me, you know that?”

Siobhan grinned, feeling warmth flood her heart. “Just trying to keep you happy.”

They settled at the small kitchen table, sunlight streaming in around them as they sipped their coffee. Siobhan gazed out the window, watching the world awaken outside. People hurried past, each lost in their own lives, but she felt a strange sense of belonging. For the first time, she wasn’t just an observer; she was part of something bigger.

“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” Vivian asked, breaking the comfortable silence. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Siobhan thought for a moment, her mind racing with possibilities. “How about we explore that park we saw last week? I heard there’s a little festival happening.”

“Sounds perfect!” Vivian exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious. “I could use some fresh air and people-watching.”

After they finished their coffee, they dressed quickly, excitement bubbling in their chests as they stepped out into the vibrant city. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow on their surroundings, and Siobhan felt a giddy sense of freedom as they walked hand in hand, weaving through the streets.

As they arrived at the park, the atmosphere was electric. Colorful stalls filled with handmade crafts, local food vendors, and the sound of laughter and music surrounded them. Children ran around with balloons, and couples strolled leisurely, their joy palpable.

“Look at all of this!” Siobhan said, her eyes wide with wonder. “It’s beautiful.”

“It really is,” Vivian agreed, her smile radiant. “Let’s try some food first. I’m starving!”

They wandered through the festival, sampling everything from artisanal cheeses to decadent pastries. As they shared bites, laughter filled the air, and Siobhan couldn’t help but feel a sense of bliss enveloping them.

After filling their bellies, they found a quiet spot under a large oak tree, the leaves rustling gently in the breeze. Siobhan leaned against the trunk, her heart swelling as she watched Vivian animatedly describe her favorite parts of the festival.

“Can you believe we’re really here? After everything we went through?” Vivian asked, her eyes sparkling.

Siobhan’s heart swelled with gratitude. “I never thought I could be this happy again, especially after leaving everything behind. But being with you makes it all worth it.”

Vivian leaned closer, resting her head on Siobhan’s shoulder. “I’m so proud of you for making that leap, Siobhan. You chose yourself, and that’s the bravest thing you could have done.”

Siobhan sighed contentedly, wrapping her arm around Vivian. “I couldn’t have done it without you. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.”

They sat in comfortable silence, the noise of the festival fading into the background. Siobhan took a moment to appreciate the life they were building together. The chaos and pressure of her past felt like a distant memory, washed away by the waves of laughter and love they now shared.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue across the park, Vivian suddenly turned to Siobhan with a playful grin. “Okay, now for the real fun! Let’s try that Ferris wheel!”

“Are you serious? You want to go on that?” Siobhan’s eyes widened in mock horror, but she couldn’t help but laugh. Heights had never been her favorite, but the excitement in Vivian’s eyes was irresistible.

“Yes! It’ll be amazing!” Vivian insisted, her enthusiasm infectious. “Come on, it’ll be a blast!”

With a deep breath, Siobhan relented, allowing Vivian to lead her toward the towering Ferris wheel. The line moved quickly, and soon they were strapped in, suspended high above the park. Siobhan’s stomach twisted with nervous excitement, but as the wheel began to move, she caught a glimpse of the view.

“Look at the sunset!” Vivian exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder as they reached the top. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, and Siobhan felt her breath catch at the breathtaking sight.

“It’s beautiful,” Siobhan whispered, turning to see Vivian’s face alight with joy. “I’m so glad we came here.”

Vivian reached for Siobhan’s hand, their fingers intertwining as they soaked in the moment. “This is just the beginning, you know. We have so much ahead of us.”

Siobhan nodded, her heart soaring with possibility. “I can’t wait to see where life takes us.”

As the Ferris wheel slowly descended, Siobhan felt a sense of completeness settle within her. She had escaped the life that had held her captive for far too long, and in its place was a new world filled with love, laughter, and the promise of endless adventures.

They stepped off the ride, laughter spilling from their lips as they walked back into the heart of the festival, hand in hand. Siobhan knew she had finally found her place, far away from the shadows of her past. And with Vivian by her side, she was ready to embrace whatever came next.

The future stretched before them like an unwritten page, and for the first time, Siobhan felt ready to write her own story—one filled with love, happiness, and the freedom to be exactly who she was meant to be.

New story starting tonight. 💋

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