acknowledging the wounds: the first step to healing.

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This chapter is not filled with facts like the characters real ages and roles have been shifted a little and the time she joined etc.. (This is just a semi fictive story I'm writing.).

At twenty-one, Siobhan was navigating a fragile path toward healing. The trauma of her past was still a heavy presence in her life, but she was determined to piece together some semblance of normalcy. Each day was a test of her resolve, a challenge to believe that she could rebuild her life, even though the weight of her experiences often threatened to drag her back into the darkness she had fought so hard to escape. Finding a sense of purpose became her priority, something that could anchor her as she tried to move forward.

After months of searching for the right opportunity, Siobhan stumbled upon a job listing for an assistant manager position at The Knight Nursery. The name struck a chord with her—a knight represented protection and strength, two things she desperately craved in her life. The nursery was a well-established, family-run business, known for its nurturing environment and long-standing ties to the community. Despite her doubts about her own capabilities, she decided to apply, hoping that this job could be the fresh start she needed.

The interview process was straightforward, but from the moment she stepped into the nursery, she could sense an underlying tension. The space was charming, with walls adorned in soft colors and children's artwork, and the sounds of laughter echoed through the halls. But beneath the surface, there was an undercurrent of unease that Siobhan couldn't quite place.

During her interview, she met Marjorie, the overall manager of the nursery. Marjorie was a stern woman in her late thirties, with sharp eyes that seemed to miss nothing and glasses that seemed to just put everything together. . She had been with the nursery for years and ran it with a no-nonsense attitude. Siobhan could tell immediately that Marjorie was not someone easily impressed, or maybe it was just towards her. The interview felt more like an interrogation than a conversation.

"You're quite young for an assistant manager," Marjorie remarked, her tone neutral but her eyes appraising Siobhan critically. "Do you think you can handle the responsibilities?"

Siobhan straightened in her chair, refusing to let her nerves show. "I believe I can. I'm dedicated, organized, and eager to learn. I think I can bring a fresh perspective to the nursery."

Marjorie didn't seem convinced, but she nodded curtly. "We'll see. Autumn will be your immediate supervisor, and she's very particular about how things are done around here. I suggest you learn quickly and stay out of her way... unless you want to see her .. scary side." Marjorie look at her with an unsettling look

Autumn, the other assistant manager responsible for safeguarding, was a woman in her early thirties with a quite serious demeanor and an air of strong authority. When Siobhan met her, Autumn greeted her with a look.. that almost looked like she wanted to kill someone. From the start, there was an unspoken tension between them. Autumn was a beautiful women she was efficient and detail-oriented, but there was an edge to her interactions with Siobhan, as if she viewed her as more of a burden than a colleague.

As the days passed, it became clear to Siobhan that Marjorie and Autumn didn’t particularly like her. They seemed to be watching her every move, waiting for her to make a mistake. Siobhan tried to stay positive, focusing on her work and doing her best to fit in, but the constant scrutiny began to wear on her. It didn’t help that her past had made her more guarded, her demeanor more withdrawn, which only seemed to reinforce their negative opinions of her. They saw her as aloof, perhaps even cold, not understanding that it was simply her way of coping with the overwhelming fear of being hurt again.

Despite the chilly reception from Marjorie and Autumn, Siobhan found solace in the children. Their innocence and joy were a welcome distraction from the stress of the job. She threw herself into her work, determined to prove herself, but the loneliness was palpable. The nursery was supposed to be a place of healing, yet here she was, feeling more isolated than ever.

She also met some of the other staff that day . And it was clear Marjorie or autumn had been talking about her in a not so pleasant way.
Nobody looked at her or even treated her like she belonged.

Then came the day that changed everything.

One afternoon, as she was organizing the classroom after a particularly chaotic morning, she heard the door to the nursery open. Glancing up, she saw a man walking in, his presence immediately commanding attention. Siobhan froze, her breath catching in her throat as recognition dawned on her. It was him—the man who had saved her life that night on the bridge.

His name was roger Knight, and he was the owner of the nursery. Siobhan had heard his name mentioned in passing but had never expected to see him in person. Their eyes met, and for a moment, it was as if the world fell away, leaving only the memory of that fateful night when she had stood on the edge, ready to end it all. He had been her lifeline, pulling her back from the brink, and now, here he was, in the very place where she had come to rebuild her life.

"Siobhan," he greeted her with a warm smile, his voice just as calm and steady as she remembered. "It’s good to see you again."

She managed a weak smile, her mind racing with the implications of his presence. "… I didn’t expect to see you here." She was wearing the necklace he gave her that night and she held it tight as she looked at him with a soft glare.

"I own the nursery," he said simply, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "I’m glad you found your way here. I always wondered what happened to you after that night."

Siobhan felt a swirl of emotions—gratitude, fear, confusion. She had never forgotten what he had done for her, but she had also never imagined they would cross paths again. The last thing she wanted was for her new life to be tangled up with memories of the worst night of her life, but it seemed fate had other plans.

Over the next few weeks, roger made a point of checking in on her, offering support and guidance as she settled into her role. At first, Siobhan was grateful. He was kind and understanding, someone who had seen her at her lowest and still believed in her. But as time went on, his attention began to feel overwhelming. He was always there, always watching, and his interest in her started to feel more intrusive than supportive.

Roger's demeanor shifted subtly, from friendly concern to something more possessive. He began to make comments about how she owed him for saving her life, how he had done her a favor and she should be grateful. His words, once comforting, now felt like a trap, binding her to him in a way that made her uncomfortable.

Siobhan found herself agreeing to things she didn’t want to do, accepting his advances not because she felt anything for him, but because she was too afraid to say no. The gratitude she had once felt was now a heavy burden, a debt she didn’t know how to repay. He was pushy, insistent, and though he never said it outright, there was an unspoken expectation that she would be with him because of what he had done for her.

The tension at work only grew worse. Marjorie and Autumn seemed to sense something was off, but they remained distant, their disapproval of her palpable. Siobhan felt trapped, caught between the cold indifference of her colleagues and the suffocating attention of the man who had once been her savior.

The nursery, once a place of hope, was becoming a prison of its own. Every day, she felt the walls closing in on her a little more, the weight of Roger's expectations crushing her spirit. She didn’t know how to escape, didn’t know how to reclaim her life from the man who had saved it, yet now seemed intent on controlling it.

As she lay in bed one night, staring at the ceiling, Siobhan realized that her journey to healing was far from over. She had thought she was moving forward, but in reality, she had only exchanged one form of captivity for another. The strength she had found in herself that night on the bridge, the courage to step back from the edge, was something she would have to summon again.

Siobhan felt guilty like she owed this man everything for saving her that day.
So.. she agreed to start seeing him and from that day on. She was trapped. In a controlled environment with no way out. He had full control of every little move she made. He wasn't the man who saved her that day he was just an envision of wanting to be saved.

And now.. siobhan was just another glass piece to the Knight family waiting to be broken.

Part 4 shall be coming soon. Love you all deeply.  <3

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