Letters Of Regret.

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IM POSTING ALL OF THE CHAPTERS TODAY GUYS AS I WANT THIS STORY FINISHED. !!!!!!! (Remember it's all fictional created by meee. Enjoy sweethearts)

The months after Vivian confessed her feelings to Siobhan and found those bruises painted all over her skin felt like a fog rolling in, thick and suffocating. It wasn't the kind of silence that came from a peaceful pause; it was the kind of silence that haunted, the kind that grew between two people who had once been inseparable, now standing on opposite sides of a chasm they didn't know how to cross.

Vivian's words that night still echoed in Siobhan's mind, replaying in the quiet moments when she was alone. "I like you more than a friend, Bon Bon," Vivian had said, her voice soft but trembling with the weight of her confession. She had used the nickname she'd given Siobhan years ago, when their friendship was simple, untainted by the complexities of feelings they had never spoken aloud.

Siobhan remembered how her heart had stuttered in her chest, how she had felt both terrified and elated all at once. But Roger was there, hovering in the background like a shadow she couldn't shake. His presence, the looming engagement, the weight of everyone's expectations-it all pressed down on her. So, instead of telling Vivian the truth, instead of admitting that maybe, just maybe, she had felt the same way for longer than she wanted to admit, Siobhan had pulled away.

She had said something vague, something dismissive, and then she had fled, not just from the conversation but from the connection she and Vivian had shared for years. And after that night, everything changed.

They stopped seeing each other as much, stopped texting, stopped grabbing coffee at their favorite café. Every time Siobhan saw Vivian around town, her heart would seize in her chest, her gaze dropping before their eyes could meet. It was too painful to look at her, to see the hurt and confusion that Siobhan had caused.

The silence between them grew like a wall, and with each passing day, Siobhan felt herself sinking deeper into a life that wasn't hers. Roger was part of that life. He wasn't kind or supportive; he was controlling, manipulative, and demanding. She had started to see it more clearly over time, but by then, she was trapped in the machinery of a wedding she didn't want. He had a temper that left her feeling small, and though he rarely showed that side in public, behind closed doors, his words cut deep.

But the worst part wasn't even Roger. The worst part was knowing that she had pushed away the one person who saw her for who she really was-Vivian.

It was unbearable, the way the distance between them seemed to grow with every passing week. Vivian had tried, at first. She had reached out, sent small messages to test the waters, but Siobhan hadn't responded. She couldn't. Not with Roger watching. Not when she hadn't figured out her own feelings.

Then, as the wedding drew nearer, Siobhan began to feel like she was suffocating. The dress fittings, the guest lists, the plans-all of it felt like a prison, and Roger was the warden. He dismissed her doubts, smoothed over her fears with condescending reassurances. "It's just nerves," he would say, smiling that tight, knowing smile that never reached his eyes.

But it wasn't nerves. It was dread.

One night, about three weeks before the wedding, Siobhan sat alone in her apartment. Roger was out, likely with his friends, reveling in the final days of his bachelorhood while Siobhan stared blankly at the wedding invitations still unsent, the wedding dress still in its garment bag, untouched since the first fitting.

Her mind drifted back to Vivian again, as it had so many times. She could see her clearly-her kind eyes, her soft smile, the way she had always been there, even when Siobhan hadn't deserved it. A knot formed in her chest, and suddenly, the truth became impossible to ignore.

She couldn't marry Roger. She didn't love him. She couldn't keep pretending that this was the life she wanted.

Her heart pounded as she thought of Vivian's confession, the words that had scared her so much because deep down, she had felt the same way. She had been too afraid to acknowledge it, too caught up in the expectations of everyone around her. But with the wedding creeping closer, Siobhan realized she couldn't keep running from the truth.

And she couldn't stop the wedding alone.

Grabbing a pen and paper, Siobhan began to write. The words spilled out faster than she expected, her hand trembling as she finally admitted what she had been holding back for so long.



I don't even know where to start. I've been thinking about writing this for weeks, but I didn't know what to say. I still don't know if I'm saying the right thing, but I have to try.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for how I reacted that night, for how I've been avoiding you. You didn't deserve that, and I didn't mean to hurt you. I was scared. Scared of what you said, scared of what it meant for us, and scared of what it meant for me.

But the truth is, I feel the same way. I've felt it for a long time, but I didn't know how to handle it. I didn't know how to tell you. And then there was Roger-this wedding-it felt like everything was happening so fast, and I just...I panicked.

I don't love him, Viv. I know that now. I've been lying to myself for months, pretending that I could go through with this wedding, but I can't. I can't marry him. Not when I'm still thinking about you. Not when I'm still wishing things had gone differently that night.

I know I hurt you, and I don't expect you to forgive me. But I need your help. I can't stop this wedding on my own, and I don't know who else to turn to. Please, if there's any part of you that can still stand to talk to me, I need you.

I miss you. I miss us.



Siobhan folded the letter carefully, sealing it in an envelope with shaking hands. The fear of rejection, of ruining everything for good, gnawed at her, but she couldn't let that stop her now. She slipped on her coat and headed out into the night, the cool air biting at her skin as she walked the familiar path to Vivian's apartment.

When she arrived, she hesitated at the door. For a moment, she considered turning back, but the thought of the wedding-the life she was about to trap herself in-gave her the strength she needed. Siobhan slid the letter through the mail slot and walked away, her heart pounding in her chest.


The next morning, Vivian found the letter on the floor just inside her door. She knew the handwriting immediately-Siobhan's flowing script, the one she had seen a hundred times before in notes passed between them, in birthday cards and scribbled grocery lists. Her heart skipped a beat as she held the envelope in her hands, unsure if she should open it.

For months, Vivian had been trying to move on, trying to let go of the hurt and confusion that Siobhan's silence had left behind. But now, with this letter in her hands, everything came rushing back.

She sat down at the kitchen table, slowly opening the envelope, her hands trembling. As she read, her breath caught in her throat. Siobhan liked her back. She had felt the same way all along.

Vivian's heart ached as she read Siobhan's words of regret, her admission of fear, and her plea for help. The anger she had been holding onto for so long began to fade, replaced by something softer-something hopeful.

Vivian set the letter down and grabbed her phone. Her fingers hovered over the screen for a moment before she typed out a message.



I'll help you. Let's meet tonight.



That evening, they sat across from each other in the quiet corner of the café where they had once shared countless moments, their eyes meeting for the first time in what felt like forever. There was still so much to say, so much to untangle, but for the first time in months, the silence between them didn't feel like a wall. It felt like the beginning of something new.

And whatever came next, they would face it together.

A few more chapters left !!!!

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