Paper Rings

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Captain Hook often praised himself for his (in his own opinion, at least) wildly admirable character. Life of villainy and piracy aside, he really was a gentleman! Morgie could vouch for him there. In public, he treated him like a prince, but in private, he ravaged him the way a pirate's lover deserved to be. Their heated first kiss and first time had only grown into more constant and passionate love making sessions and they really couldn't get enough of one another.

And, not that he'd ever get further than politeness and his generic suave charm with women (apart from the occasional drunk kisses he and Maleficent shared), but he knew how to treat a woman. Not Uli, because that shit didn't work on her, but other women. The Princess of Hearts, for example, was definitely worth his chivalry now. He also planned to keep his promise to Uli by not being nice to Bridget in public, which is why he and Morgie were getting ready to go out at night to find her.

"And you're sure you don't want to get her dorm number from your dad?" James asked his boyfriend. Neither of them knew where Bridget slept, so checking Merlin's records felt like the easiest way to find out. And it'd be simple enough.

"Do I really have to tell you 'No' again, James?" Morgie replied with a groan. They were sitting on his restored bed and were just chatting. "He knows I'm not usually nice to her, so if I ask he'd find it suspicious! And if we break into his office and look through his paperwork, we'll trip his security system and then he'll never trust me again!" He exclaimed, looking more panicked with each word.

"Hey, hey." James' hand went over his boyfriend's. "We don't have to go see Bridget immediately, we can just slip her a note in class tomorrow to ask to meet up. We don't have to go near your dad at all, I'm sorry I pushed you."

"It's okay," Morgie mumbled, immediately wrapping his arms around James and burying his face into his shoulder. As he comforted him, he wondered why the son of the notoriously evil Morgana le Fay was way more anxious around his bumbling, yet heroic and supposedly good-natured father. But Morgie certainly didn't pry into his complex relationship with Smee, so he wouldn't pry, either.

"I could go for a cup of tea," he suggested gently, tracing his index finger across Morgie's jawline. "I think you need one, too. It'll calm you. Let's get up and head to the common room, yeah?" With how engrossed his boyfriend could get in his study of magic, James found he often had to remind him to eat. While it wasn't ideal, he liked being able to look after him in this small way. It was the least he could do for the boy who helped him get dressed each morning.

Morgie didn't budge for a moment. He seemed content to stay in James' embrace and almost melt into him, and usually, he'd also be fine with this. "Get up, le Fay," he said firmly. "Tea and biscuits. Come on, you need to eat." He stood up, and the young sorcerer whined as he was pulled away from his touch. "If I didn't have this damn hook, I'd carry you there if I had to."

"Shame. I'm getting up, you win," Morgie replied with a dramatic sigh, standing up and slipping his hand into James'. "I could always try to carry you."

"Oh, yeah? We'll have to try that, love," James said with a smile, in a bit of a flirty way. With how much he'd been smiling the last few days, he swore his cheeks were going to end up hurting. The hurt would be worthwhile, though.

The walk to the student common room felt short. The two VKs, son of Morgana and son of Smee, held hands and waved them back and forth, enjoying the comfortable silence of each other's company and their mutual affection. Soon enough, they reached their destination, and they were greeted to the sight of the very girl they were looking for sitting on the couch, giggling with the boy who was next to her. Princess Bridget and Prince What's-his-name, also of Wonderland, were hunched over a notebook and an assortment of flowers.

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