Chapter four!

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They all walked to the hall where the walima was to be held and stopped outside the doors where Zayn and Yusuf awaited them.

"Zuhaib and Zuhaiba shall wait here until the introduction is completed and then they will enter the hall."

"Let us proceed."

She,the two sisters and the two brothers entered the hall and an announcement was made.


The double doors shut behind them leaving Zuhaib and Zuhaiba alone.Zuhaiba made effort to pull her hand from his but he tightened his grip,earning a glare from her.

"Please let go of my hand we are alone."

He turned to face her but before he could say anything they heard the announcement begin so he kept quiet.It was Zayn giving the announcement. 

"Asalam-mu-Allaykum-Wa-Rahmatullahi-Wa-Barakatu.Ahlan-Wa-Sahlan to one and all.Today is a very blessed day as we are to be introduced to my brother King Zuhaib's new bride,the Queen of our nation.We introduce amongst us the new Queen.Please welcome King Zuhaib and Queen Zuhaiba."

Before the doors could open Zuhaiba put her hand on Zuhaib's forearm and he sent her a smile.She also smiled as the doors opened and they entered.Zuhaiba looked ahead and they passed all the people who were present and who's faces represented happiness at their new queen.

They made it to the stage and the crowd looked at their new Queen who would rule alongside of their King.As Zuhaib had though women envied her and men envied him.

They watched as the advisors stepped on to the stage and motioned Zuhaiba front who had been briefed how this would happen stepped forward.An attendant brought forward a golden platter on which rested a Quraan.The chief advisor,Hamza begun to talk.

"Please place your hand on the Quraan."

Zuhaiba did so.

"Repeat after me.I,Zuhaiba Bint Waleed hereby accept my position as Queen of Zunran."

"I,Zuhaiba Bint Waleed hereby accept my position as Queen of Zunran."

"I promise whatever decisions I take will always be in the best interest of my country and people.I promise to never betray my country and people."

"I promise whatever decisions I take will always be in the best interest of my country and people.I promise to never betray my country and people."

"I promise to lead with fairness and equality.I promise to uphold all the laws of Islam in all my rulings.I promise to lead according to the laws of Islam."

"I promise to lead with fairness and equality.I promise to uphold all the laws of Islam in all my rulings.I promise to lead according to the laws of Islam." 

"I now introduce our new Queen.Queen Zuhaiba."

Zuhaiba removed her hand from the Quraan and proceeded to Zuhaib who looked at her with pride.They proceeded to their thrones and at once sat down.Umme Zuhaib removed Zuhaib's head gear and put on his crown and then put on Zuhaiba's crown on her head.


Everyone at once recited the takbeer and it resonated around the room.Zuhaib leaned towards his wife who also moved closer.

"Congratulations you are now my Queen but you've always been my Queen even when you were uncrowned."

Zuhaiba looked into his eyes which held so many feelings which she could not describe.It couldn't be that he married Aqeelah. 

She was about to reply but Umme Zuhaib came to them and they stood up.

"Son take your wife to meet your advisors and the others who sit with you in court."

"Jee ummi."


The Walima had ended and the couple were in their quarters.Zuhaiba had been brought before him to be changed as everyone expected the couple to consummate their wedding but Zuhaiba knew that would not happen.

They had dressed her in a silk gown and her hair let lose.They had left her and she was by the balcony door when he entered.She heard him move across the room and finally behind her.He moved her hair onto her shoulder and kissed her nape.

Zuhaiba's hand tightened on the rail and she knew she had to stop him so she turned and looked at him in the eye.

"You are forgetting our marriage is nothing but a compromise of our lives.I married you only for the sake of my tribe."

Zuhaib looked at her set face and tried not to smile.He had seen her reaction to him.He had also expected such a reaction from her.

"Are you sure?As far as I could remember four years ago we had meant to be married as we were in love and you and I wanted to get married.Due to your decision I had to marry a women who had not loved me and the women who loved me gave me up.

How can you deny the reaction you have to me?If you married me just for the sake of your tribe than answer me why did you take three nights.You could have jut married me and then I would have agreed it was for the sake of your tribe but is that your only reason."

"I can not answer that."

She made to move out of his way but he caught her by the waist and kissed her.She soon overcome her shock and hit her hands on his chest to no avail before giving in to him.He mouth opened under his and he smiled slightly before breaking the kiss.

"As much as I would like to take you here I think it would be better if we went inside."

That night they became one.Zuhaiba's concerns vanished as their bodies twined and they laid in a bliss.

Perhaps everything was meant to be perfect after all.

I know it wasn't great but it was a try.I hope you'll enjoyed it and thanks for reading it.





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