Chapter Nineteen...

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The next morning the city was in an uproar.From the time of Fajar until Zuhar everyone was busy getting ready to proceed to the royal balcony where they would see His Royal Highness,Zuhaib along with that they would get their first glimpse of the smallest royal member.

Zuhaib fixed his bisht while Zuhaiba dressed Zufar in a small tawb and put on head gear on his head.

"Masha'Allah,our son is looking handsome."

"Nam(yes),habib.You are also looking very handsome."

Zuhaib kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear.

"I could ravish you that's how sexy you looking,habiba."

Zuhaiba blushed and again focused on her son who was watching his father with interest before hugging his mother and pushing Zuhaib away.

"My um for me not for you."

He kissed his ummi on the cheek and glared at Zuhaib.The two of them begun having a stare off.Zuhaiba chuckled and reached her hand out to Zuhaib's side.


Zuhaiba had pinched him and he jumped,breaking the stare off.Zufar fist pumped and giggled.

"I won.I won.Abi lost.Abi lost.See mummy I won mean I love you more than Abi."

"Yes my baby.I know you love me more."

Zuhaib pouted and Zuhaiba gave him an amused smile.He didn't care she was first his wife then Zufar's mother.Hold on was he jealous of his own son well that's what it looked like to Zuhaiba.

"Come let's go or else we will be late."

"I don't want to go.I'm not in the mood thanks to your son."

Zuhaib said and walked over to the balcony.

"Zufar why don't you go downstairs while um brings Abi?"

"Ok um."

Zuhaiba put him down and he ran downstairs.Zuhaiba walked to Zuhaib and put her arms around his waist.

"I feel as if Zufar has more rights in you then I have.You always give him more time than you give me.Zufar seems to think only he has rights on you.I don't know what to feel.I feel jealous sometimes,other times I feel angry then I feel happy that if Allah forbids anything happens to me there will be someone to look after you.I think I'm going mad."

"No you not.These are side effects from your medication which messes your moods around and causes you to have all these emotions.I'm sorry that I haven't been splitting my time between Zufar and you.It's just that for the past three years I was only able to spend time with Zufar which now makes me neglect you.I don't mean to,it just happens.I promise from today I'll split my time between the two of you."

Zuhaib turned around and looked at her with a small smile before lowering his lips to hers.

"You better otherwise I will kidnap you for a few days and take you to the secluded desert oasis.Now let's go."

"I will and you won't have to kidnap me."

They begun walking and found Zufar with Umme Zuhaib who was feeding him some sweets.Zuhaiba shook her head,her beloved mother spoiled her son and there was nothing that she could do about it.Umme Zuhaib looked at the couple and smiled on the other hand,Zufar who saw his mother hid another sweet he had behind his back hoping she wouldn't notice.Zuhaiba however had seen but before she could speak Umme Zuhaib spoke.

"Let him be child.Let us proceed for everyone awaits us."


"Let it be habiba,his a child."


"No but's let's go please."

Zuhaiba agreed reluctantly and Zuhaib picked Zufar up.They all walked to the fifth floor and found the others by the door.Everyone was there except for Yusuf who had to leave for his time in the army.They waited and finally the time came.Zuhaib held Zufar in one hand and the other wrapped around his wife's waist.The balcony doors were opened by the guards and they stepped out.The cheering of the crowds grew louder and louder as they saw the family.

The family waved at everyone and then a mike was placed in front of Zuhaib.The crowd went quite and Zuhaib spoke.

"As Salaam Mu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatu.Bismilah Hir Rahman Hir Rahim.I hope that all of the people over whom I have a rule are well as I am well.In a few days time I will be back to ruling my Kingdom which while I was sick was under the care of my wife,your Queen Sheikha Zuhaiba.Jazakalah for the duas of shifah(cure) from each and everyone of you.To my enemies who wished I would die unfortunately Allah didn't want to listen to you'll.Now that I am back I will make sure I know each of my enemies by name so that we may speak.I would now like to welcome the new Crown Prince of Zunran,my son Zufar."

The crowd roared in delight.The takbeer sounded and the people screamed in response.Zuhaib kissed Zufar then turned and kissed Zuhaiba on the lips.

"I love you khalilah."

"I love you more habib."


As Salaam Mu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatu...

Bismilah Hir Rahman Hir Rahim:In the name of Allah,the Most Kind,The Most Merciful

I hope all my readers are fine.I have updated though it's a bit too short.When I find time I will write a longer chapter.Please bear with me grade 11 is hectic.

I hope you like this chapter.

Jazakalah for 30.6K reads and 1.32K likes.This is much more than I expected.Jazakalah so much.

I have a serious question:How do you'll find my story or where do you'll find it?

Fi Amanilah

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