Chapter Thirty

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Silence enshrouded the tent in which the trail was taking place,the only noise that was coming in from outside were the innocent laughter and shouts of children.

Ummi Yusuf stood in the middle of the tent,her head held high despite knowing what her faith would be.Aqeelah stood next to her mother,she glared at everyone in the tent especially Zuhaib and Zuhaiba.

Zuhaib and Zuhaiba were seated in the front but to the side next to the Qari,Umar who was in charge of this trial.Once everyone took their seats Umar stood up.

"As Salaam Mu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatu.Bismillahi Rahman Hir Rahim.In the name of Allah,the Most Gracious,the Most merciful.Today we are all her for the trail of Momina Binte Owais who has been accused of attempting to get her step-daughter Zuhaiba Binte Waleed raped,plotting the killing of Yahya Bin Waleed,playing out her own attempt rape and commiting the act of Zinaa despite being married to Waleed Bin Shoaib.Momina Binte Owais has once before stood before this tribe and accounted for commiting Zinaa but then Waleed Bin Shoaib let her go,he has now asked that she be prosecuted.I now call to the front the one who has brought forward Momina Binte Owais' wanting to murder Yahya Bin Waleed,Yusuf Bin Waleed please step forward and relate to us what was told to you."

Yusuf stood up,his face was filled with hurt,sadness as well as anger.He looked at his mother once before looking at Omar.

"Three weeks ago my mother asked me to meet her at the nearby oasis and I did so.Once I got there she asked me if I know under what circumstances she and my father were wedded and I replied yes I did.She then told me that it was no coincidence that my father walked in just when she was about to be raped,she had planned it out.Then she told me that the rape of my sister,Zuhaiba was also not a coincidence but rather a planned move on her part.My mother hired those men to not only rape Zuhaiba but once they had raped her they would have killed her.After that she gave me a bottle with poision in it and instructed me to pour it in Aghi Yahya's tea.I returned to the tribe and immediately went to my father to tell me what my mother told m so that she would be put to trail and no one would dare hurt anyone from this tribe," He looked down in sadness and then looked back up at Umar,"Yes Ummi Yusuf is my mother,she gave birth to me,gave me her milk,raised and nurtured me but I cannot support her in her wicked deeds unlike my sister,Aqeelah has.I cannot allow her to destroy anymore lives that is why I aske for justice for Zuhaiba."

Saying that he turned to go back to his seat but Ummi Yusuf grabbed a hold of his sleeve and gave him a slap when he turned to look at her,his head flying to the side.Ummi Yusuf's face was red with anger and her eyes shone with it.

"You worthless child,if I knew that when you grow up you will do this to me I would have killed you the day you were born.You have cheated the milk that feed you.May you be destroyed."

The women in the tribe gasped at her words and made dua that none of what she said would be accepted as everyone knew that a mother's dua is alwaus accepted.

Yusuf closed his eyes and a tear slipped from under them before he looked at his mother and walked away to his seat.This was a man not afraid to show his tears in front of his tribe because he was a true man.

"Before I can pronounce her guilty there are other people here who have a right towards input in this decision so before I say anything they have to have the first say

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"Before I can pronounce her guilty there are other people here who have a right towards input in this decision so before I say anything they have to have the first say.I would like to start with Waleed Bin Shoaib,please step forward."

Waleed stood up from his chair and took a few steps forward but did not move to the middle of the tent.

"I once let Momina go but now I cannot.Not after I have found out that she was behind my daughter's rape and plotting to kill my son.I want her to be punished so that my children get their justice and I also want Aqeelah to get punished as she knew of her mother's wicked deeds but stayed silent."

Umar nodded at Waleed who then sat back down.

"Next I want Yahya Bin Waleed to step forward as it was his life at stake."

Yahya did the same as his father before speaking but he looked at Ummi Yusuf.

"Ya Ummi Yusuf,if you had asked me even once to give up my position as tribe leader then I would have.I treated you like my own mother.I don not know why you thought of ending my life but I am sorry if I have ever hurt you.Qari Umar I don't know if I have the right to ask that Ummi Yusuf be punished but I know what I say will hold weight on The Last Day so as she is guilty declare her punishment."

Umar nodded at Yahya who sat back down with tears in his eyes and Umar looked at Zuhaib before speaking.

"The next person who is the one who was affected by this case,Her Royal Highness Zuhaiba Binte Waleed.Please step forward."

Zuhaib squeezed Zuhaiba's hand before letting go and she stood up.

"I do not know on which road in life I harmed you Ummi Yusuf neither do I know how I ruined your life Aqeelah.Today as I stand in front of you I have to forget that I am a daughter,mother or sister,today the Zuhaiba standing in front of you is a Queen.I have to think of the two of you as normal citizens not my mother and sister.I was just a child Ummi Yusuf when those men tried to rape me,I was innocent.What was my fault?Was it my fault that I was Raeesa's daughter?Was it my fault that Aqeelah,your house with Zuhaib broke?No none of this was my fault.Ummi Yusuf,today I am not being biased but this decision has to be made.I have forgiven you'll multiple times but now it's enough.Your greed for power and authority has lead you to commit gruesome things as it has lead you to go against your family.I pronounce her guilty and that she be given a sentence that is according to Islamic law."

Saying that Zuhaiba sat down and Qari Umar then spoke.

"As all of those involved in this matter have pronounced Ummi Yusuf guilty,I sentence her to death penalty as for Aqeelah she will be thrown out of the country and she will never be given entry into our country ever."


As Salaam Mu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatu.

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