Chapter 5 The Debut of the Abandoned Academy

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Abandoned Academy POV

After a week or so, The Abandoned Academy had finished furnishing up their base. It was far from perfect, but it had become their new home. They have set up 3 different locations that they could flee to in case the main base was found. While they haven't done much to let themselves be known, their deaths were now old news and society began to continue as normal.

The first course of action was their new villain outfits, which they needed to make themselves. Reusing their old hero gear, they implemented it into their villain attire. Momo created their more formal wear, which they would use for meetings.

The next issue was money, yes while Momo could create anything non living, none of them wanted to exploit her quirk. Plus money meant power in the underworld, so it would be good to find a stable income source. However, the groups would not be able to get any normal jobs and they weren't completely ok with stealing yet either.

"We could make a lemonade stand?" Denki jokes. "A business would be helpful, but since we have practically no recognition we're screwed..." Ochaco flopped onto the couch. "Hey, Kyoka. What are you doing?" The class turned to see her typing quickly on the computer they managed to snag.

"Are you...hacking into something?" Momo stood behind her chair and leaned forward to get a better look at the screen. "I've always wanted to put my skills to use. Long before joining UA I've always been interested in those hacker scenes in movies." Kyoka responded.

She was able to hack into the Todoroki and Yaoyorozu families' bank accounts. "Momo, Shoto, mind if we snag some of your parents' money?" "I feel bad for my parents, but they probably won't even realize some of it disappeared./Go for it." The 2 responded. With that, Kyoka drained enough money so that they wouldn't notice that big of a change. She also did this with other rich families to boost the income of the Abandoned Academy.


Since they now had to fend for themselves, Momo and Tenya had developed a system to begin training their quirks. Utilizing what they've learned from Mr. Aizawa, a schedule was created. The class was divided into 5 groups of 3 and 1 group of 4. One of the groups would train their quirks for the whole day, pushing past their limits as much as possible.

The next day, while that group would recover, another group would train. This cycle repeated for a month and due to this intense training, their quirks began to improve a lot quicker. Now they were confident enough to try and take down a pro.

Around lunchtime, they sent out their first hero takedown team, which consisted of the Bakusquad. In Katsuki's words, he was not doing this because Izuku asked him to, but because he wanted to take out some fakes. Each one of them had an earpiece to report back to Izuku who had hacked into multiple camera footage with Kyoka to supervise.

It was a precaution incase backup was needed or more heroes arrived. The current targets were 2 low rank heroes out on patrol. Without even waiting for any order, Katsuki stepped out of the shadows in front of the heroes. "Hey, you. Fight me. Now." He demanded, pointing at the heroes before pointing at the ground.

"Ha, get out of here punk. We don't have time for jokers like you." The 2 heroes stepped forward, about to brush past him. Katsuki shoved both of them back. "Alright fine, I can spare a few minutes to knock some sense into you." The 2 began to prepare for a fight, when Katsuki tossed 2 grenades at them.

Watching the pros begin to panic, Katsuki punched the guy in the face, knocking him down. The grenades didn't go off and the other hero realized the pin wasn't even pulled. "Decoy grenades. You both are fools for not realizing it sooner!" Katsuki taunted, stepping towards the second one.

"Toy-Toy and whoever the f#ck you are. I see you have a J and A on your helmet thingy. Does that stand for Jack@$$?" "Shut up, villain. You won't wi-" Katsuki kicked him in the head while Toy-Toy backed up, charging up her quirk. "I don't even need my damn quirk for this fight, but if you detonate yours you risk both of your lives!"

Toy-Toy changed her mind and booked it. She brought out her phone to ask for backup, but she was caught and thrown back by tape wrapping around her. Katsuki dropped the phone on the ground and smashed it under his foot.

"If you manage to recover from this, remember the Abandoned Academy as the ones who took you down." Katsuki knocked both heroes out. '5 more heroes are approaching your area. You should retreat now-' Kyoka reported through the earpieces. 'Shut it, ears. I'm taking down at least 10 tonight.'

"Dude, mission complete. We should- you know what? Whatever, they're low ranking. Let's beat up some guys!" Ejiro punched his fists together while Katsuki smirked. "Let's do this!" The rest of the bakusquad smiled as they got ready to defeat more pros.


Heroes POV

"Damn it..." Native huffed. 'We're completely outmatched. The 2 at the front attack simultaneously, while the 2 far away from us attack with splashes of acid and tase us if we get too far. Then when we try to escape, another villain launches us back.' a bunch of low ranked pros were already down.

"We came all the way to Hosu for some powerful heroes, instead we got this trash!" The supposed leader of the group shouted. The one named Carnage broke his way through whatever long ranged quirks were thrown at him. As well as tanking any close ranged attacks.

"It's sad, I guess Stain took down a lot of the stronger heroes." Acid Queen stated, swaying side to side, lightly kicking her legs. She was sitting on top of a building, almost as if she was on lookout. Thundershock had disabled any form of communication and even had the audacity to swipe one of the heroes phones and search it for any mobile games.

Abandoned Academy POV

After defeating a small number of heroes they decided to call it a night. Grabbing some spray paint, they wrote 'Abandoned Academy' on the wall with their villain initials underneath. 'You idiots! Enough heroes already saw you guys so leaving your initials there is just flat out informal!!!' Kyoka yelled at them through the earpieces.

'All of you, return to HQ immediately. You all got lucky this time because you faced such low ranking pros, but you got cocky. Erase that and let the word spread on its own. That's an order.' Izuku stated flatly. Mina used her acid to remove the paint and they went back to base, once again intimidated by Izuku.

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