CH.10 Heart to Heart

417 14 27

Stanford POV

I squint at my map while following the buzz of my TMI. It's a chilly autumn day, and my fingers ache from the cold, but I can feel I'm close to a revelation. I decided to bring Y/N along, not entirely sure why, but I think I can trust them with this task. Mostly because their job is to hold the compass. They're the designated compass holder, and I consider that very important!

They catch up to me as I stand proudly atop a hill, having reached it long before they did. I watch them huff and puff, grabbing their knees. They glare up at me. "Why can't you ever slow down?" Their warm breath contrasts with the cold air, puffing out in little clouds as I start walking again.

"I want to get this done before the sun sets fully," I answer.

"I'm an author," they whine. "I'm not used to this much strenuous activity..."

I laugh heartily in response. "So am I."

Y/N doesn't seem to find my retort as humorous. They hiss under their breath, "You're a journalist. You do this all the time. I'm a fantasy writer. We are not the same."

I hold back a chuckle while glancing back at my TMI. They have a point; we aren't the same. But I've come to admire them over these past few months. Y/N is quite resilient for a fantasy author, and they don't shy away from arguing with me. It fills the silence nicely... Is it odd that I enjoy it? I think it is. But it makes even the most mundane events feel extraordinary.

I stand on a large rock for a better vantage point and glance back at Y/N. "What's our position?"

They squint before straightening up. Their thumb glides over the compass glass with surprising grace before barking their response bluntly, "East."

I scribble the direction onto the map, noting the brisk magnetic field details that go with it. "Thank you," I hum, continuing to walk while glancing back to make sure Y/N is keeping up.

Despite their gruff response, their eyes tell me they actually enjoy this trip. I've watched them write their story for a while now, so I've seen every facial expression they can muster—even a pout to mask their enjoyment.

I've seen Y/N get angry at their own characters before! But when I offer to help change their trajectory, they get all prissy with me. They insist it defeats the point, saying the heartache means something, and without it, the characters wouldn't be who they are.

I find myself thinking about that more than I should.

I glance back at Y/N to make sure they're keeping pace. My wandering thoughts make me a bit nervous, so I focus on taking notes on my map. "The TMI says to go this way," I say, pointing with my pen. Y/N follows my gesture and checks the compass. "That way is... Southeast," they comment, and I jot down that bit of information.

"How far do you think we are?" they ask as we decide to take a short break, mostly for their sake. We sit on a chopped tree stump, which has odd markings in its growth lines—little notches and small marks that could resemble a cross or, if you're creative, a top hat. Y/N suggested the top hat when I asked.

"The TMI's currents are getting stronger, but I'm not too sure how far," I reply, shuffling the device back into my pocket. Looking up at the treetops, I estimate it's noon. Y/N uses their palm as a brace, gazing at the sun alongside me. "I think this is the warmest it's going to get..." they comment with a disappointed sigh, huddling their jacket closer. "If we don't make it soon, there's no way we'll find it before sundown..."

They lower their hand to look at me. "I think you're right..." I agree, slipping my hand into my backpack for lunch. It's not much—just a protein bar. But I picked the best one I could find: a perfect balance of protein, carbs, and some vitamins to keep us rejuvenated.

(Ford x Reader) Hickory PinesWhere stories live. Discover now