CH. 18 Pillow Ford

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I watch as Stanford eats, still jazzed by the news I shared earlier. It's peaceful sitting under the soft orange light above us, especially now that some of the tension has eased. But as I look closer, I can still see exhaustion lurking in his gaze.

I sigh softly, catching his attention. He swallows mid-bite, blinking as he scans our surroundings, his eyes widening as if he remembers something. "You're still worried, aren't you?" he asks gently. I nod, releasing a heavy breath.

Stanford offers a gentle smile, his tone subdued. "I assure you, it's nothing grave."

I wince at his smile, and he notices. "What...?" he repeats, "Don't believe me? Or...?"

I reach forward, my face tense and awkward. "You have a little something... um—" I pause and point at my teeth, hoping he understands. "Oh!" he fumbles, turning to try to see it. But once he faces me again, it's still there. "Is it gone?"

I chuckle. "Not really—" I smile, gesturing to my own teeth where it is. "It's around..."

He reaches up, searching again. "Here?" I shake my head. "A bit higher..." I motion once more. When he finally finds it, he looks away, embarrassed, and gets the piece out. "Got it?" he checks, and I give him an enthusiastic thumbs up. "Mhm! Pristine as ever." I nod, and I see his face light up.

"Good!" he agrees, then smacks his lips dryly, as if preparing. "About what I wanted to tell you..." My attention sharpens at his tone.

I lean forward, making it clear I'm all ears. With an exhale, he finally speaks up. "I'm going to need some extra help, so I was thinking—" he pauses for a moment, "about seeing if my old college friend can move in."

I tilt my head, a pang of anxiety hitting me like a bullet. "Are you kicking me out...?" I whisper, wide-eyed.

Stanford fumbles over his words, waving his hands in front of him. "No! No! Not at all! I would never—well, not never ever... Maybe? Depends on if you do something deplorable, like kick an innocent dog or something... Point is, I'm not kicking you out."

After he finishes panicking, he slicks back his hair and scratches his neck. I blink at him, relieved that my time here isn't ending. I've grown accustomed to living here and would really miss him. "Glad to know I'm not losing my housing," I chuckle awkwardly.

"I don't even want to think about kicking you out... not until your lease is up, anyway. Then we can discuss things again," he admits, lowering his hands into his lap and clasping them together. I watch as his thumbs nervously circle each other—a habit of his.

"I'm just warning you that I may be adding another roommate."

"I see," I respond, curious. "Well, what are they like?"

Stanford adjusts himself, still nervous. "He's very intelligent, has a wife and kid... works on computers for a living. Though, in my opinion, his talent is wasted."

I snicker. Of course Stanford would associate with fellow nerds. "He's a family man?" I clarify, and he nods.

"He is indeed." His eyes brighten with a nostalgic warmth, easing the tired bags beneath them. "And one of the hardest-working men I know. Other than myself, that is."

"Since he's a family man..." I lean into the couch, noticing the glint in Stanford's eyes as he recalls memories of his friend. "Are you sure he'd want to leave them behind?"

Stanford pauses, drumming his fingers along his legs as he uncrosses them. "I didn't quite think of that," he admits, pursing his lips and mumbling to himself as he considers my question. "I don't think he would want to leave them behind," he concludes with a firm nod. "But—I still wanted to ask. I want to check up on him. He means a lot to me. I actually think you two would get along!"

(Ford x Reader) Hickory PinesWhere stories live. Discover now