Never mind

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Weeks had passed since that morning when they had talked about their relationship.
Every day, Hotch thought about her, but he didn't know how to proceed, so he kept up the facade of a "professional" relationship.

But something changed today.

He received a call from Emily. She asked him to come to her apartment.

He couldn't help but feel a pang of excitement and anxiety.
He didn't know what was going to happen, but he knew he had to go and talk to her.

A few minutes later, he pulls up outside her apartment, and he takes a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever might happen when he walks through that door.

He walks up to the front door of her apartment, and knocks nervously.
She answers after a moment, and he can feel his heart racing in his chest.
He stands awkwardly for a moment, just staring at her, his eyes rake over her body, and he can't help but notice how good she looks.

As soon as he walk through the door she starts rambling"I know we said we would take it slow, baby steps But I can't Aaron, every time I look at you, I just wanna jump in your arms and kiss you. I wanna be able to call you my boyfriend and spend the night at your house and meet your son.. I know you're worried, that your past is gonna repeat itself But it won't, what happened with Haley Wasn't your fault and it won't happen again" she says, then she looks at him for reaction or something

He stands there, listening to her ramble, and he can feel his heart thump in his chest.
He hadn't expected her to spill out her feelings like that, and for a moment he's speechless.
But he knows she's right. He wants the same things she does, he wants to hold her, be with her. He wants to be able to call her his girlfriend.
He looks at her, a mix of emotions swirling in his chest . "Emily " he says softly

He steps closer and places his hands on her shoulders.
"You're right, " he says, his voice soft and gentle, "I've spent so long being afraid, and I've been so reluctant to let go, but I ... I want those things too, I want to hold you, show you off. I want you to meet Jack"

He takes a deep breath, and then looks into her eyes, his voice firmer and more sure with every word he speaks, " I'm tired of being afraid. I want you. I don't want to take anything "slowly" anymore. I don't want to go on "baby steps" I want all of it. I want you to be my girlfriend. "

"No more "baby steps" but can we not tell the team just yet, I want to meet jack first as your girlfriend before everybody else knows" she says slightly nervous

He thinks for a moment, the thought of keeping their relationship a secret is still a little daunting, but he also likes having her to himself.  
He smiles at the request that she wants to meet Jack first, and he nods, "Okay, we'll keep it a secret. I'd like you to meet Jack first. "

He looks at her, and feels a wave of emotions, excitement, nervousness, eagerness.

He leans in and puts his hands on her waist, pulling her in closer. "But, I also wanna hold you, and do other things, " he says, in a low whisper

She can feel his hands on her waist, their bodies so close together, and her heart skips a beat.

She grins and looks up at him, " what other things? " she teases

He leans down and whispers in her ear, "You know exactly what I'm talking about"

He kisses her neck teasingly, enjoying the way she squirms against him

Her body tingles as his hand moves up her body, and she feels her breath catch in her throat.

She smiles, feeling cheeky, and she leans into him, "Why don't you show me" she whispers

it's as gonna be a long night. He's definitely not going home

Well, that's definitely not baby steps, this is one of my short chapters but it was a good one and i hope you enjoy reading this chapter. I think I'm gonna be mentioning accounts on here that write criminal minds stories /fanfics because I read a lot of them camping this weekend so here's another one: the_grey_lady_weeps ,I just started reading shadows and light and it's amazingly good

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