Part 23

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Chapter 23

The temperature in the room was sweltering hot as Daemon stared at the demonic inhuman form of the Red High Priest Benerro.

"Yet, you are too late," and Daemon stilled at those words.

"And how would you know that?" he questioned and saw the godly human hybrid's lips turn up.

"Ahh, but you forget, it was were my powers which cursed her. Mine, I know everything," he said with a smile.

"I refuse to believe so. I will not give up on her. You speak of how blood has power for her, I will spill rivers of blood if I have to, but I will not give up on her," he spoke resolutely.

"Ohh, yet it could all be so simple. One bow all it will take is one bow. And I shall grant you enough power to save her. You shall become my vessel, the Azhor Ahai, the Lightbringer itself," the diety offered.

"I gave you my answer to that years ago. I will not enslave myself to you!" Daemon answered and felt the air burn besides her.

"Even for her, to save her," he asked and his fist balled up as he gulped down.

"If it is your power that kills her, that takes her away from me. I will not forget that. I will make it my life's purpose to eradicate your worship from this world. I vow that by the time I breathe my last, one would find it easier to sift for a pearl in a desert than a believer of the Red God," he said resolutely.

"You dare threaten a GOD! You CRETIN! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT WOULD BECOME OF THE WORLD IF YOU DESTROY ME? I AM THE ONLY ONE KEEPING THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD AT BAY! YOU DARE THREATEN ME!" the diety's voice raged all around the temple, reverberating from the walls, the power in it so wild and untamed that he saw the stone crack and metal begin to melt.

"I care little for the world. I work to save it, and I wish to carve a future for us, for me and her. And if I cannot even have that, then I would care little if it burns, sinks, or falls to the cold that encroaches from the North," he said, and the temperature in the room was sweltering. Daemon could feel his own mask heat up, and begin to soften on his face as he stared straight into those fiery eyes of the Red God.

"HAHAHAHAAHAAH!" and then the heat lessened, the suffocating heat turning into a gentle warm breeze as the god began to laugh, and the priest's body began to crumble away.

"You truly are worthy of the blood that runs through your veins. Go, then, Dragonborn, and you shall find yourself tested with a great choice in the face of your love. Triumph and I shall spare her from my curse," he saw the priests whole body crumble as a charred husk.

"Fail, and I devour both your souls."



Elia Martell raced through the Halls towards the Council room, where Daemon was. The Kingsguard stood there, guarding the door.

"Is he inside?" she questioned, and the men nodded as they opened the doors for her, and she ran inside.

A whole crew of acolytes and the grand Maester sat there, nursing someone who was covered in blood, and her heart immediately gave out after looking at the bloodied form of the person lying there.

"Daemon," she gasped out, fearing the worst when suddenly she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. She turned around and found herself staring at the masked form of Daemon.

"You!" she gasped. Turning towards the injured person again, she finally noticed the white armor, cloak, and golden hair.

"Ser Jamie," she recognized him immediately, the young knight was pale and clammy, his face covered in blood, as the master tried to stop the bleeding from his arm.

The Burnt Prince-GOT SI (OC x Ashara Dayne)Where stories live. Discover now