Part 27

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Chapter 29

The journey from the shores of Meereen to the shores of Kingslanding was not easy. Fighting through the blockade set up by the Slavemasters had not been easy, and in an attempt to help his friends in Meereen, Daemon had personally seen to it that a quarter of the ships had been sunk by his very hands, giving them a lifeline.

"Here," he said as he passed a purse filled with gold coins to the man in charge of the bay to mask the contents of these ships, for if it was known that so men had suddenly landed in the docks with blades and armor, it could bring undue scrutiny towards them.

Already, he had spent a day in the city, mapping out the tunnels underneath the castle as he smuggled his men into the underbelly of the city, which was becoming tenser and tenser as a host gathered in the city, one to be led by his 'dear friend' Jon Connington.'

Daemon moved away from the docks, head pulled down a massive cloak covering him from head to toe as he slid through the crowds and watched the men assemble, young boys with barely any armor on them readying themselves for war, as Jon Conningnton gave a massive speech, trying to rouse up the spirits.

"You will fail. But I will not."



Daemon could barely hold himself together as he stood face-to-face with her. This was her, the real her, the one he had loved all these years, with her raven black hair and sad purple eyes. This was Ashara Dayne.

"Daemon," she gasped out, tears in her eyes, hands clasped over her mouth, as they both took a step towards each other.

"You lived," she asked, and he nodded, his own eyes growing teary.

"Without you. Barely," and their steps got faster and faster until they tried to reach for one another, yet his hand simply passed through her, as if mist, and it broke him.

He turned towards her, guilt rife within him.

"I am sorry for making you go through this, but I will make it right. I promise," he said as he saw her shake her head.

"You don't have to. You have suffered enough," she said as she reached forward and he could feel the softness of her hand as she placed it around her face.

"Let me go. I cannot see you suffer anymore," she pleaded, but he shook his head.

"I have to," with that, he closed his eyes and channelled his power again.

"Wait for me," and with that, he roared.

"TELL ME WHAT I HAVE TO DO!" The whole thing cleared up in a massive storm, and Daemon found himself back in her room, with that Red God in Ashara's body sitting right there on her bed as her life crumbled away.

"You truly are a stubborn one," it taunted as Daemon's grip on his blade tightened.

"Let her go," Daemon spoke vehemently.

"I will. As soon as I do, she will die. Her body has been eaten away by the curse, leaving nothing but a withering shell behind," he said, and as if to accentuate its point, he tore off a flake from her arm, and the skin on her had charred as if thick paper.

"What do you want?" Daemon roared.

"A Dragon's heart," he said, and Daemon stilled as he suddenly heard a loud rumble tear through the castle.


There was a deep roar as a massive shadow passed over the room, making him turn back. He reached for the window curtains and pulled them apart and found the castle in uproar as a massive beast circled the castle, roaring and grumbling.

The Burnt Prince-GOT SI (OC x Ashara Dayne)Where stories live. Discover now