The Beginning of the End.

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Son Jacob, Father Hank and mom Kelly. A happy family, the son goes to a good school and is the best student, the mother takes care of the household at home. And father goes to work so that everyone can have a good time. Because Hank has a well-paid job, there is no need for Kelly, his wife, to go to work.

But one day it all changed.

One ordinary day, progress came to the company where Hank worked.The boss informed him that they no longer needed him and he received a paltry severance package as consolation.Hank came home devastated by what happened to him at work. He immediately told his wife everything, she consoled him that he would find another job.She said that a lower salary is enough and she will also go to work.Hank is devastated and tells the woman that he won't have to go to work, that he will take care of everything. Kelly replied to her husband, yes, you can do it, you will take care of everything. Even Hank knew that he didn't believe what he was saying, Hank has no school and I don't really know anything about this job, he was lucky.

Two weeks later.

Woman vaor dinner.He doesn't have enough rice, so he goes to his wallet to get some money and send Jacob to the store when he comes back from school.Horrified, he searches every part of the wallet, but there is no money anywhere. He unlocks the safe and nothing there either.He immediately runs to his mobile and looks at the account status and ...
She immediately started thinking what happened, did she get robbed? Did she fall for some scam? After all, my account is well protected, so what happened, she asked herself.Suddenly
BUM! BUM! someone bangs on the door, Kelly thought it must be Hank who came back, but why does the bang on the door have keys after all. She opened the door and there is a drunk Hank who says I can't do it, I can't take care of myself sometimes, what kind of husband am I when I can't even take care of my own family.
The woman tries to calm him down and tells him that it doesn't matter, we'll manage somehow, because I can also go to work. Kelly gets slapped by Hank after what he said and talks I already told you that you will not go to work, but I will somehow take care of it.I will win a lot of money and we will live a good life for the rest of our lives I just need some money ours I lost I need money.He starts yelling at the woman GIVE ME THE MONEY IMMEDIATELY.Kelly will understand where the money is all lost.The woman tells him horrified, we have nothing, all the money is gone, you lost everything.Hank angrily punches Kelly in the face. While he is lying there, someone knocks again. She calls from behind the door, mom, you're at home, it's me, I forgot my keys at home, can you open the door for me.Hank goes to open it. Jacob sees his drunken father in the doorway and his bloody mother lying on the ground.He immediately runs to his mother and asks her if she is okay, mother, you are fine. What did you do dad?She angrily grabs him and says get out of here immediately and don't come back until you are completely sober and ready to fix it.Hank angrily slaps his son as well and says what you dare give me money immediately and they treat me properly.Jacob takes out his wallet and says, well, I'll give you all the money I have saved and my credit card, but don't ever come back and leave us alone. Hank rips the wallet out of his hand and says fine but I wonder how you're going to handle it without a clue.Hank leaves and goes straight to the casino, but there he loses everything again, he also borrows a large amount of money, but if he loses.Unhappy with his life, he stands on the railing of the bridge and says, if only I hadn't been fired from my job, none of this would have happened, now all I have to do is jump down and die. And so he did. Jacob, after getting rid of his father, goes to call an ambulance and says we'll be fine. But mom looks out for him and asks why? Why do it to yourself we could handle it together immediately get out I don't want to to see you do this to your own father YOU ARE A MONSTER.

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