None of their buissnes!

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I'll just get straight to it. One thing that really gets on my nerves is when people try to put their nose into something that is none of their buissnes (did I spell it right?). 

Like, one of my best friends has had some troubles with her ex and apparently he liked/likes my sister, so they are kind of not talking now either. My sister went with him and his family to a "water park" some days ago and I just felt it would be right to tell my friend this. So she and I had a conversation via texting about this and about him in general. Somehow he got to know about that from someone and I don't know who or how because niether I nor my friend told anyone about what we said. Anyways, he told my sister and she asked me what my friend and I said and well, I told her. I'm not taking anyones side in that argument because I can't choose between my sister and best friend. 

But after I told my sister and we discussed it for a while, I came to know that my dad had been evasdropping the whole time and he started to tell me off because apparently I was spreading roumors. And I was like what the fuck?! I didn't do anything wrong! I just told my sister what mine and my friend's conversation was about and I told my friend what my sister said and yeah, my dad took that as I was taking my friends side and saying bad things about my sis behind her back. He yelled at me and said something like "family comes first". He's said that like a million times whenever me and my siblings fight. He's like "we're a family, we should be helping each other and not raising our voices on one another" but it's not so FUCKING EASY when everyone are so annoying! We live with each other, so basically now that we have summer break, we see each other 24/7 and that's a lot of time. CAN I GET A BREAK?? I don't need for everyone to tell me what to do or how to act. That just makes me angry. 

But back to the point, my dad didn't even know WHY my sister and friend are fighting, he didn't know anything about my friend's ex and he certainly didn't have enough information to accuse me of siding against my sis and yeah... It just makes me so mad that he came right into the conversation and thought that he just could make it all right my telling me off when he knew nothing. That's not how it works! He should just stay out of it, becasue it's got nothing to do with him at all. And then he had the nerve to say "if anything else happens with your friend, Sofia, you hhave to tell me and I'll call her parents. You should stand up for your sister and not encourage talking behind her back". 

My thoughts on that were something like this. LIKE HELL I WILL TELL YOU! She didn't do anything wrong and you will NOT call her parents! And on top of that, there wasn't even a "real" fight. It's just a really big missunderstanding.

Anyone more than me who hates that? Comment, and I'm sorry that this rant was kind of angry :/ I just hate my parents sometimes. 


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