Behind Your Door

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Avery arrives in Madrid 5 days later, because everything does not go right. In fact, they go extremely wrong.

There are no plane tickets due to severe snowstorms. When she finally finds a last-minute ticket, at 4 am no less, she has to go to Barcelona and stay there for 2 days because there is no way to get to Madrid.

But finally, she is there, in front of Felix's apartment specifically, where she has been standing for the past twenty minutes. A lady with a small child had let her in about fifteen minutes ago and since then she has been waiting for something, anything, as she stood there, right hand resting on the wooden door.

It's mostly calmness, surprisingly, rather than stress that holds her in her place. It is about eight o'clock in the evening and there is one constant sentiment coursing through her mind and body. One solid sentence, and understanding that this is her second chance.

There is no going back after this. Once Felix opens the door, she won't have anything half done, any more regrets, should-have-dones, any more sadness. Things have been shifting and moving and being scattered around. But now that they are almost together, in the same place at the same time, Avery knows they will put everything back together.

And it's not fear that she feels, not anxiety that tells her she should wait. In fact, there is nothing for several minutes. Just her, savoring the moment.

There is the sound of music, coming from inside the apartment. Avery wonders if she is imagining the faintest hint of Felix's voice, humming along. Like he used to do in her house, lying on the couch.

He is right there. Just behind the door.

She knocks on the door, twice, softly. First, there is nothing, then, there are footsteps approaching and then the sound the door handle makes. That split second just before the door is completely open and they see each other.

Then he is right there. Standing there, with a white shirt and dark sweatpants, as if he is home. He looks -

Incredible? Otherworldly? Soft and beautiful and warm and the prettiest person in the whole world?

Also, shocked. He stares at Avery with immense surprise, she hopes that it's mostly good. But she is equally shocked, if not more. She can't help but take a tiny step towards him, lifting her hand up only to freeze mid-way.

"Your hair..." she can only whisper. The music trickles out into the hallway, but it feels as if the time is stretching and sticky, so she can't hear anything other than the humming in her ears. Everything sounds far away, behind stained glass.

Except for Felix, that is.

He opens and closes his mouth, reaching a hand and running it through his hair instinctively, second nature.

"I wanted a change," he says and it is heavenly to hear his voice again. That low, sweet voice, soft as ever.

His hair is much shorter than it was. It hurts to see him after so long, Avery wants to sit him down and memorize everything. Every cell, every twitch of his lips, every centimeter of his skin.

He takes a step back, and mutters "Come in," smiling.

She walks inside, feeling so awkward all of a sudden. What is she supposed to say? Where to begin? How to say what she's been wanting to say?

"This is nice," she says instead, voice every bit unsure as she feels. "Nice place."

Felix stares at her while they both stand in the middle of the living room.

"You didn't expect to see me?" she asks.

Felix shakes his head, huffing out an amused laugh.

"I couldn't wait," she says, "I just wanted to see you, I missed you so much and I wanted to hear y -" she doesn't get to finish that sentence, which is a good thing as she was tearing up already, because Felix is there in a split second, enveloping her in a passionate hug.

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