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Wilbur's pov


My father gave me a nod and closed my door again. I then went to my closet to find a baggy jumper that would cover my wrists and a pair of jeans. I grabbed my coat and reached for my lighter. I put it in my pocket, but suddenly realising that Tommy still had my pack of cigarettes... I do not trust that kid with cigarettes.

I hung my coat back up before I went to my younger brothers room and knocked before I slowly opened the door.

"Hi, Toms..." I spoke quietly, feeling a bit bad of how I snapped at him earlier.

"Hey, Wil. What's up? What got you all dressed?" The blonde haired boy spoke and smiled at me. Yes, my brother is hella annoying at times, but yes, I love his damn goofy smile.

I smiled back at him. A fake one. But that was obvious. I've been fake smiling for so long that I don't even know what my real smile looks like anymore. "I just wanted to ask if you still have my pack of cigarettes..." I spoke slowly, almost as if I was embarrassed to ask about it.

Tommy stood up and went to his drawer, digging under his clothes to find the pack. I assumed he had hidden it in case I was gonna go through his room to find it or something. I know he desperately wanted me to stop smoking, drinking, doing drugs, all that, and start taking care of myself, but I'm at the point that I feel physically ill if I don't get my cigarettes.

Tommy handed over the pack, and I willingly took it... or, I tried. Tommy kept a strong hold on it. He looked me dead in the eyes and spoke coldly. "One." He commanded. "One cigarette. And that's it." He spoke again.

I sighed and nodded in agreement. "Yeah. One... two." I protested, wanting to be able to smoke more than one, knowing I probably wasn't even gonna smoke anyway because it's raining, so i probably can't lit the cig properly anyway.

"No, Wil. One. One cigarette for the rest of the day. You seriously need to fix your smoking habits." The younger protested back, clearly desperately for me to stop smoking.

"Fine." I agreed. "One. If I even can smoke in this weather."

Tommy tilted his head in confusion. "This weather? What do you mean?" He asked. "Are you seriously going out in this rain?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. I like the rain, okay?"

"Fine. But I expect you to come home. I can't lose my brother." Tommy spoke, his last sentence being more quiet, almost saddened.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I didn't exactly know what to expect when he said those words. Expect me to come home...? Can't lose my brother?"

"You know what I mean." He insisted, but due to my confused face, it was clear that I didn't know what he meant.
"Wil... I don't want you being super suicidal on the edge of a bridge, okay?"

I breathed in deeply and exhaled fast. "I won't. I'm not planning on dying anything soon. I'll be back within 20, maybe 30 minutes."

Tommy nodded and let me go again.
I closed the door to his room, quickly going back to my own to get my coat. I stuffed the pack of cigarettes in my pocket and went downstairs.

I grabbed my shoes, got them on, and called out that I was going for a walk and I would be back soon. And after that, I left. I went outside in the rain. The time was about 7:16PM when I left.

I walked a couple of meters away from my house to he out of sight before I started running around a bit. That was before my thighs started hurting. Right... the cuts...

I stopped running and just quietly walked around. I hummed a few different melodies while remembering all the times I would dream about being a musician going on tour all around the world as a kid. And I'm not sure, but I think the thought of it made the corners of my lips tug a bit. A smile... a real smile... it's been a long time since I've felt that.

Before I had noticed, I had suddenly gotten close to Las Nevadas... right... Quackity

I just ignored it but walked by the walls of the casino, staying outside the country. I was only able to do that due to the casino being where the part of the smp thag Quackity owns ends.

I heard the doors of the casino open, and my attention immediately shifted from wherever to the black haired, winged man that ran out of there... it was Quackity... I could tell by the wings.. how thr left one is half burned. If im gonna be honest, the burned wing looks absolutely sick.

Quackity suddenly stopped walking and shifted his attention towards me as he heard me walking. His eyes immediately caught mine, and I couldn't help the sparkle in my eyes.




My eyes met with the last person I'd expect to see in my country. I'm not sure, but I think I felt my heart flutter at the sight of his eyes sparkling... even from a distance, the sparkle was clear... why? Two things: one, why if the one and only Wilbur Soot at MY country?! Two, WHY THE FUCK IS HE MAKING ME FEEL THIS WAY?!?!?

I snapped out my trance and broke eye contact. I started walking towards him and pushed him in the chest. "The fuck do you think you're doing in MY FUCKING COUNTRY?!" I yelled at him. I couldn't tell why he didn't even try to resist as I pushed him in the chest.

He stayed quiet so I pushed him once more, this time pushing him to against a wall. "Answer me you fucking idiot!" I yelled again. "I told you to stay out of Las Nevadas! My country, my rules!"

Finally he wanted to answer me. "Chill! I'm not even in your country. Why would I even want to be in Las Nevadas? This place sucks." Wilbur spoke weirdly calmly... or... more like... emotionless? I dunno, either way, it was creeping me out.

"Just get away from me!" I snapped at him. Again, he had no reaction.

"Sir, if you stopped pinning me against the fucking wall and stopped acting as of you wanted to kiss me, then maybe I could leave you alone." Wilbur smiled cockily at me. But something inside me actually couldn't help but want to kiss him, keep him pinned against the wall close to me.

I noticed Wilbur's hair stating to get soaking wet, and for some reason, it brought my mind completely away from his comment. I was tempted to just kiss him... but I couldn't! That would be weird! He's my rival! And- and... and K-karl... and sapnap... what would they think...? But then again... Karl... he forgot I existed because of his stupid time travelling... and sapnap... he'd choose Karl over anyone else at any day... so why even bother thinking about them. Heck! I could just fucking kiss him and no one would mind! HAH!

Wait... what am I thinking?! K-kissing my rival?! Thats... that's idiotic... pathetic... stupid... I would never... but- but his hair, the way it falls perfectly over his eyes, the way the water of the rain drips down his face... the way he's just there looking at me, so cutely... oh... Oh! Wait... WHAT?!

I was snapped back to reality when Wilbur spoke again, his heavy British accent, obviously in his voice.

"Hey! Quackity... you good, man?" Wilbur spoke as he waved a hand in front of my eyes to get my attention.

I slowly let go of him again before speaking coldly, knowing damn well that I don't mean a single one of those words I said. "I never want to see you around here again."


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