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*Marie's POV*
Or so I thought, but it was actually me who fell, and I could feel a beating pain in my head.
I scream, wanting the pain to stop. This is worse than anytime before. This is-
Jack leans down and picks me up yelling and telling our wedding planner to call 911.
I get laid down on a couch and jack squats down right next to me, looking into my eyes.
"Marie baby please be okay darling." He says, beginning to cry.
I try to talk but my brain can't think. I can't think I can't think I can't breathe.
And then my eyes flutter shut.
*Johnson's POV*
Marie's eyes close and I find myself screaming.
The EMT come in and take her away.
"Sir are you related?" He says when I try to get in the back with her.
"I'm her fiancé." I say, my chest heaving up and down.
I look at the love of my life and wider what God has planned for us.
they tell me there's no hope. the cancer is becoming her. she is becoming cancer. all of her body will soon be turned to dust. what am i going to do?
everyone is here. everyone from the kids to the guys. everyone is crying. she lays there. staring blankly at the wall.
"ive been dying for a while, but something inside of me thought that i could make it." she says. "why did i ever have hope? it's hopeless. it's always been hopeless."
Carter is in Nate's arm and Jacob is sitting on the right side of Marie, I'm on her left.
"Mommy can I go with uncle Cameron to get some food?" He asks softly.
She nods, and I watch as him and Cameron walk out of the room.
A preacher comes in her room and sits down next to her bed.
"Miss Marie, I'm told that you want to marry this man?" He says, looking at me. She looks at me with tears in her eyes, and nods slowly.
"Alrighty," he says smiling. "do you Jack take this woman to be your wife? For better or for worse? In sick-" he stops an looks at her.
"I do." I say, smiling, wiping the tears away from my eyes with my free hand. My other is gripping her hand.
"Do you Marie take this man to be your husband? For better or for worse?" He stops there this time.
"I do." She says, smiling at me.
I hear her heart monitor start to slow down, it's happening she's leaving me.
My tears start to fall faster, and the heart monitor gets slower and slower.
"Then by the power invested in me, by the state of California. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."
I look at her pale face and lean in slowly.
I kiss her lips for the last time and I put my forehead against hers, holding it in place, savor in my last seconds with the love of my life.

there is only one thing that I know for sure at this point. I am her life changer, and I might've screwed up her life but dear God I feel as if I made it better in some way and I will make sure her name is not forgotten in this world because she is my world. She is my sun my moon and all my stars. And I know for sure, that I am in love with her, every bit of her.
"I love you my life changer." She says, and I kiss her forehead. Her eyes flutter shut, a small smile on her face, and then her heart monitor beeps to a slow stop.
and I am officially alone in this world.

The end.

Hello beautiful human beings I'm Caitlyn Morgan and I started this book on October 11, 2014. It has by far been my favorite book that I have written, but as you know all good things come to an end. I'm so sorry tat I didn't update more this summer but school is starting soon (literally like in a week eww) and I'm gonna have a lot of responsibilities this year. I'm section leader in band and I'm really proud of that. I also have color guard conditioning all year long for next years color guard so it's gonna be and interesting year. Thank you guys for being on this journey with me. I love you all more than words could describe. Thank you for being the best readers ever and I hope this book can continue to grow as I continue to grow as a writer.
I hope you check out my account to see my new books that will be uploaded soon. It's gonna be a fun journey ladies and gentlemen.
Follow my social medias.
Twitter- @johnsonsspinach
Insta- @gilinskay_


So I guess this is it for this book. Goodbye to all the characters and goodbye to the storyline that I fell in love with since day one.

It was a good journey:))

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