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*Marie's POV*
I wake up to the sound of silence-
Silence? There hasn't been silence in this household for years. My parents are always arguing.
I walk to Jackson's room and knock on the door.
"Jackson." I say walking in when he doesn't answer.
"Huh?" He says, sitting up with bedhead.
"Why aren't mom and dad arguing?" I ask.
His eyes widen. "I'm not- I don't know." He says, getting up out of bed.
I follow him downstairs and into their bedroom, and I see something I haven't seen in a long time.
My mom crying, and my dad comforting her.
"M-mom?" I get out.
She looks up at us and wipes the tears from her eyes.
"Marie. Jacks. What are you guys doing in here?" My dad asks.
"You guys weren't arguing. And we were worried." Jackson says. "You haven't called me jacks since I was little."
"Why are you crying?" I ask my mom, curiosity getting the better of me.
"We heard that you found out about the incident." She says softly.
I nod my head.
"Who told you?" Jackson says, looking at me.
"Jack and Jack told me because they thought I deserved to know." I say.
"I'm going to hurt him." Jackson said, walking out.
"Jackson!" I scream, following him. "Where are you going?"
He grabs the keys. "To Jack's house."
"Why?" I say, scared.
"I told him not to tell you, and he did anyways! I could tell there was something wrong with you. And this was it. I'm going to-" he stops with his words.
"Your going to what?" I say, putting my hands on my hips.
"I don't know just don't worry about it." He says, walking out and slamming the door in my face. I scream in frustration and go to grab my keys until I see that he grabbed all the keys when he took his own car keys.
"Jackson I hate you!" I holler to nobody.
My mom runs in the room "is everything okay?" She says, hugging me.
"Yeah I just. Gotta go find Jacks." She nods.
I grab my penny board from the family room and rush out the door, knowing there's no way that I can get there before Jackson.
I get to Jack's house and Jackson is already there. Fuck.
I run inside and scream for Jack, running up the stairs as I hear noises coming from up there.
"YOU FUCKING PROMISED YOU LIAR!" Jackson yells as soon as I walk in Johnson's door, throwing a chair at Jack. I watch as it shatters his balcony door.
"Jackson stop!" I yell.
"Marie please dont." Johnson says softly, blood steadily streaming down his face.
"Jack." I whisper.
His eyes are getting heavy but Jackson still persists.
I try to stop him but he's at least three times the size of me.
I'm helpless.
"Jack where's your mom?" I ask.
"Work." He whispers out. Jackson persists throwing stuff- books, chairs, basically anything he can find at Johnson.
I try to think but nothing's working. So I do the first thing that comes to mind.
I grab Johnson's phone off the table and dial Gilinsky's number.
"Yo Johnson." He says. "I'm kinda in the middle of something." then I hear moaning.
"Are you having sex?!" I scream into the phone.
"Marie?" He asks. "What's up"
"Uh jacks getting beat up but don't worry I'll call Sam." I say, hanging up fast.
Johnson weeps in pain and I call Sammy's number.
The lines busy.
There's nothing else I can do.
So I go and sit in front of Jack, breathing heavy.
"Marie." He says, breaths heavy.
"Shh. He's not gonna hurt me." I say.
Jackson looks at me with heavy eyes. I sit there, not moving. Hardly breathing.
Jackson puts the chair down and walks out.
I sigh deeply and turn to face Johnson who's in bad shape.
"What are we gonna do with you?" I whisper.
Jack looks at me. "You shouldn't have came. This could've ended badly."
I wipe the blood from his lip. "I wouldn't leave you alone." Then I kiss him softly.
Just as Gilinsky walks in the room wearing only boxers.
"Perfect timing." I say. "You got here just in time."
"Sorry I was getting-"
"No. I don't want to know about your sex life." I say. "But you could be a hella big help and #1 get some clothes on and then #2 get me a washcloth and some ice."
"For sure man." Gilinsky says, walking out.
Johnson chuckles. "He always says that." I laugh. "Thank you."
I smile. "No problem."
Gilinsky walks back in with sweatpants and a Nebraska sweatshirt on.
He hands me the washcloth and sits down next to me. "Damn bro who's sister you fuck with this time?" He says, trying to make a joke.
"My brothers." I respond, which causes Johnson to burst into hysterical laughter. "He'd probably have beaten your ass too if you were here."
"Must be for telling you about the great incident." Gilinsky says and I nod, cleaning the blood from Johnson's face.
"Okay so anything hurt?" I ask Johnson.
"My ankle." He says.
I examine it. "Don't think it's broken or sprained so we're just gonna put some ice on it and get ya to bed."
"Can I change first?" He asks.
"Yeah. Uh. Gilinsky you wanna-"
"Nope I've got a girl in my bed that I've got to get back to. This is all you sweetheart." He winks. I groan.
Gilinsky leaves and I get Johnson up and sit him on his bed.
"Gym shorts?" He asks me. I nod and grab a pair of black gym shorts.
I help him take his pants off and he slips his gym shorts on.
"You want a shirt or...."
"No." He says, and takes his shirt off.
He lays back in the bed and I put the ice on his ankle.
"I'm gonna-" I start.
"Lay right next to me and let me kiss you and cuddle with you whenever I want." He finishes for me, pulling bak the blanket to make room for me.
I laugh and lay down next to him. He puts the blanket over me and wraps his arms around me.
He cuddles himself into my neck and I giggle.
"Your the best." I say, playing with his hair.
"But your the greatest." He says, making small circles on my back with his fingers. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Sleep." I say. "You need it."
"I don't want to miss anything." He says, yawning. "I don't want to miss you." I kiss his forehead and giggle.
"Marie please don't ever leave me. I can't survive without you."
I contemplate this while he doses off into my chest.
Hell yeah for long ass chapters. And go check out my new fanfic. It's called. "maybe?" (Ps. I'm doing better:) love you guys.

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