A night time stroll

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A/N: I know a lot of these have been SAMS I will write some others but I get most of my inspo from videos and the other channels haven't posted stuff that made me really want to write.


Moon's POV:

I was walking in front of Sun as we made our way to the café. It's clear Sun doesn't want to talk about what the creator did to him...but I know he's terrified and I don't how to help. I've been good at this. Sun was always the one calming me down...what would Sun do right now...if that were me?

Think Moon...think, Sun's always been there when you need him why can't you do the same for him?...I can see his whole body trembling, his rays sunk in a little as if he's trying to seem fine. The water bottle in his hand is held tight in his grasp. All signs he is scared...why can I not thing...

Hands! That's it...Sun would hold my hand...he knew I didn't like being touched...so he would just hold my hand...I didn't see it then...but it helped him just as much as it helped me. I just didn't see because he pretended he was ok.

I slowed down my pace until Sun had caught up with me. I hesitated worried I'd make it worse but I gently grabbed his hand and held it. His rays sunk in a little more but they quickly popped back out when he realised what happened. After a few seconds he held my hand. He let a shaky breath...it helped a little...what else can I do...what else did Sun do?


No one's POV:

Moon was still getting used to his new body and he was scared to go to sleep. What if he woke up and couldn't control his body. What if someone else took control. He was scared and he was crying, he couldn't breath. He felt like he was gonna pass out. Then he felt someone grab hold of his hand. It wasn't an angry grab or anything no it was calm. Then he felt a thumb be rubbed up and down the back of his hand.

"It's ok Moon." The voice was calm and Moon realised it was Sun.


"Mhm." Moon let a shaky breath. "It's all gonna be ok...I won't let anything happen...why don't we take a deep breath in for 5." Despite it sounding like he was talking to a child. Moon did as Sun suggested. "Now hold for 6." Moon held his non-existent breath and exhaled when Sun told him to. "Do you feel any better?" Moon felt a tiny bit better...but not a whole lot and so he shook his head.

Sun paused thinking of another way to help him and then he did.



"can you name 5 things you can see for me?"

"uh...That picture of you on the wall...the play house...those boxes. Uh the door and that railing."

"Good, now can you name 4 that you can feel?" Moon felt around for a few seconds.

"Your hand, the floor...my trousers and my hat..." Moon calmed down a little.

"Excellent...uh 3 things you can hear?"

"our voice...voices...the generators and..." Moon tried to pin point something but it was so quiet he couldn't. Sun noticed this and made his rays move just enough to cause a little sound for Moon to identify. "Your rays." Moon's vision wasn't blurry but his heart rate was still quick.

"2 things you can smell?"

Moon paused.

"...disinfectant and oil..." His heart rate went back to normal.

"And one thing can taste?"

"Uh the bolts I ate earlier." Moon had calmed down now.

"Do you want to talk about?" Moon shook his head. "That's ok...I'll be hear if you wanna talk."


Moon's POV:

Right just simple techniques. I can do that.

"Uh Sun?"


"Do you wanna...talk about it?" He thought about it. He didn't say thing for minute before replying.


"Ok...if you wanna stop at any point you can ok?" He nodded at me. We spent a while in the café but after we ate and drank we went to a near by park and sat by the flower bed. Sun likes flowers I remember we were playing minecraft and he got stressed so we made a flower bed. I didn't care for flowers...and once Sun asked me what my favourite was I told him to guess and he blurted out Snapdragon and suddenly I had a favourite. I do think they're pretty cool. I don't know if it was because they had dragon in the name...of if it was how excited he was.

We were sat at the flower bed when he turned to me.

"Moon, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"When you and Solar get close...will you replace me with him? Like Nexus did..." That flaming fucking asshat...did he do that...

"Sun no one could ever come close to you."

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