part 3

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I sat on my bed,
staring out the window at the glowing New York skyline,
I felt like the main character in a movie.
The city lights twinkled like a billion little stars,
cars zoomed below like tiny ants,
and the skyscrapers loomed over everything.
Ah, New York the city that never sleeps,
and apparently, neither do I lol .

I popped in my pink earbuds,
letting the peaceful music flow through me,
and couldn't help but think about how lucky I am to have Josh and Grace in my life.
Those two are like a comedy duo that never fails to make me laugh.
I'm convinced they could make a rock crack up.

Then there's Anastasia,
who's been nothing but sweet to us.
She gave us the grand tour of the university like she owned the place.
I swear,
she's probably the mayor of the campus at this point. As I chuckled to myself,
a certain someone crossed my mind.
Ryan Vermont,
with his perfectly tousled hair and those brown eyes.
I remembered how his friends teased him mercilessly when he stared at me during the professor's speech.
He looked at me like I was the last slice of pizza at a college party.

I couldn't help but smile,
my cheeks growing warm at the thought.
But then I realized I was literally grinning at my wall.
Oh great, now I'm blushing because of a guy.
A handsome guy,
but still.
Get a grip, Sierra!

Just then, my mom's voice broke through my thoughts like a foghorn.
"Sierra, dinner's ready!"
she called from downstairs.
Of course,
I was too wrapped up in my own little world to hear her the first time.

"Sierra!" she yelled again, louder this time.

I jumped up,
nearly knocking over my lamp.
Realizing I'd zoned out with the music blaring,
I pulled out my earbuds and shouted back,
"Coming, Mom!"

I made my way downstairs and sat at the table,
where my mom was already serving up dinner.
She looked at me with that mom-like curiosity.
"So, how was your day, sweetheart?"

I took a bite of my food and said,
"It was good! Anastasia showed us around the uni, Grace and Josh were also much happier. You know, the usual."

Mom smiled.
"And so do I right now. "

"Me as well."
I replied as I smiled back.


The next morning,
my alarm blared with all the subtlety of a marching band.
I groaned,
rolling over and hitting the snooze button like it owed me money. Mornings were definitely not my thing,
but university life awaited,
and I had no choice but to drag myself out of bed.

I stumbled into the bathroom,
the mirror reflecting a sleepy chick.
After some serious negotiation with my hair and an enthusiastic amount of toothpaste,
I finally emerged looking somewhat presentable.
My parents were bustling around the kitchen,
getting ready for their day.
Mom was sipping coffee like it was the elixir of life,
while Dad was searching for his keys with the intensity of a treasure hunter.

"Morning, sunshine!"
Mom greeted me with a smile as she set a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me.

"Morning mommy."
I mumbled,
still trying to fully wake up.
"Is it Friday yet?"

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