part 9

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After what felt like the longest walk of my life,
I finally made it back home.
My face was burning up like a coal set up on fire,
and I was sure anyone who saw me would think I'd been running a marathon.
But no, it was all because of..

As soon as I reached the door,
I fumbled with my keys,
After that all i did was just practically throwing the door open before I dashed inside like a flash.
The second I was in,
I closed the door,
leaned back against it,
and let out the most dramatic sigh.
if my mom heard it she'd assume i've got a man for sure.
My heart was racing so fast I thought it might burst right out of my chest.
I could still feel his presence,
smell his cologne,
It got me.
and I didn't know if I was more embarrassed or thrilled.

"Oh my God,"
I whispered,
burying my face in my hands.
The warmth from my palms only made my blush deepen.
The way he had looked at me,
the way he smiled at me, it was all too much.
I felt like I was going to explode from the amount of feelings bubbling up inside me.

I slowly slid down the door until I was sitting on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest as I tried to calm down.
But there was no calming down.
Not after what had just happened.
I replayed every single moment in my head as I sat there,
and each time I did,
my heart fluttered more.

I picked myself up and wandered over to my bed,
flopping onto it with another dramatic sigh.
I could feel the blush creeping back as I thought about our conversation.
How did I manage to keep it together..
I thought.
My heart was still pounding,
and I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling around inside me.

And that's when the flashback hit me, like a wave of nostalgia.

We were just kids,
running around during a summer break in London.
I remember how lonely he looked that day,
just standing there by himself,
unsure of what to do.
So, being the social butterfly I was (and still am, kinda),
I ran up to him and started talking,
just like that. No hesitation, no second thoughts. And that was the beginning of everything.

Ryan was so shy back then,
just like now.
But once we started hanging out,
he opened up more.
We played together every day,
especially at the beach where our parents would always end up meeting.
It was like fate or something.
We became inseparable, and I guess,
without really knowing it,
we were each other's first loves.

"I remember that rose,"
I whispered to myself,
smiling at the memory.
We were in a small café, surrounded by our friends,
but it felt like it was just the two of us in the whole world. Ryan, being the adorable dork he was,
handed me this tiny rose with the biggest blush on his face.
I remember hugging him so tight, not caring that everyone was watching.
And our parents?
They actually clapped for us.
As the memory played out in my mind,
I could hear Ryan's voice, soft and nostalgic, saying,
"You were basically the first love of my life."
And then,
I remembered my response how I froze up,
cheeks burning, as I stammered,
"I knew it... your presence and your features were nostalgic for me."

He had chuckled then,
his eyes closing in that way that always made my heart skip a beat.
"I know, right?"
he had said,
his voice low and soft, almost like a secret.

"Was i your first love though?"
He asked, his eyes eagerly waiting for a reply.

I froze in my spot.
My eyes widened.
My cheeks reddened.

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