part 1

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I couldn't sit still. My hands were shaking as I sat in my room, repeatedly refreshing the admissions page for Gallifrey University. It was the day I'd been waiting for,
and the tension was unbearable.
My dream university,
the place I'd been imagining myself in for years, was about to reveal whether or not I'd be a part of its next class.

Everyone in the house was on edge.
My mom was bustling around,
trying to keep herself busy,
while my dad was at work, but he'd promised to rush home if there was any news.
I grabbed a few snacks and settled on my bed, determined to keep my nerves in check while I waited for the site to load. Every second felt like an eternity.

I couldn't do this alone.
I picked up my phone and called Grace, my best friend and partner in crime,
who was also waiting to hear back from Gallifrey.

"Hey, Grace! Anything yet?"
I asked, trying to sound calm but failing miserably.

"Nope, still waiting. Ugh, the suspense is killing me!"
Grace replied, echoing my own feelings. We chatted for a bit, trying to distract each other with jokes and gossip about our soon-to-be college lives.

Suddenly, Grace's voice cut through the air with a pitch that made my heart skip a beat.
"Oh my God, Sierra! I got in! I got accepted to Gallifrey!"
she screamed, her excitement palpable through the phone.

"Oh my God, Grace, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!"
I squealed back, momentarily forgetting my own anxiety. Grace's mom was shouting in the background,
and I could hear the celebrations beginning on her end.
It was infectious.
But then it hit me I still didn't know my fate.

Heart pounding,
I refreshed the admissions page once more,
barely able to breathe.
And then,
there it was,
clear as day,

Congratulations, Sierra Levine! You have been accepted to Gallifrey University!

I yelled out.
"Mom! I got in! I'm going to Gallifrey!"
I yelled, my voice probably loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.
My mom came running into the room, tears of joy in her eyes, and hugged me tightly.

"You did it, Sierra! I'm so proud of you!"
she cried, her happiness filling the room.
Grace was still on the line,
screaming with joy, and her mom joined in with a chorus of congratulations.

"I got in too, Grace!"
I shouted back into the phone,
as if she hadn't already guessed from my reaction.
"We're going to Gallifrey together!"

"Yes ! Yes! I'm so excited. "
Grace and I were beside ourselves with excitement,
jumping up and down on opposite ends of the call.
This was it the moment we'd been dreaming about since forever.
I quickly dialed my dad's number,
barely able to contain myself.

"Dad, I got in! Gallifrey accepted me!"
I announced as soon as he picked up.

"That's fantastic news, Sierra! I'm so proud of you, sweetheart!" he exclaimed, his voice full of pride and joy.
"I'm leaving work right now. We're going to celebrate this!"

True to his word, Dad rushed home,
and within no time, Grace and her mom were at our house too. We threw a family party, complete with snacks, laughter, and some pretty awful dance moves.
The living room was filled with the sound of happiness, as we toasted to our success and the new adventures awaiting us.

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