Chapter Five: The Pull of the Past

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*Steve's POV*

As I watched Y/N walk away, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had done something wrong. She had been so open, so at ease during our dance, but then, in an instant, something had shifted. Her sudden departure left me standing on the dance floor, my mind racing to figure out what I might have said to upset her.

Was it something about her past? I had asked a simple question, but her reaction had been anything but simple. It was as if I had touched a nerve, one that she wasn't ready to share. I replayed our conversation over and over in my head, trying to pinpoint the exact moment when things had gone south, but I kept coming up empty.

It didn't make sense. We had only met a few hours ago, but there was something about Y/N that pulled me in, something I couldn't quite explain. She had a quiet strength, a calm confidence that drew people to her. And yet, there was also a vulnerability, a sense that she was hiding something—something big. It was like she was wearing a mask, one that she didn't want anyone to see behind.

But why? Why would she need to hide anything from us? From me? The questions gnawed at me, and I found myself wanting to know more, to understand who Y/N really was and why she had such a strong effect on me. It wasn't just her beauty or her charm, though those were undeniable. It was something deeper, something that resonated with me on a level I didn't fully comprehend.

As I made my way back to my room, I couldn't help but feel frustrated. I had seen so much in my time, experienced more than most people could even imagine. And yet, here I was, stumped by a woman I had just met. It didn't make any sense, but then again, not much in my life did anymore.

I entered my room and closed the door behind me, the silence pressing in. The night had been eventful, but now that it was over, all I could think about was Y/N. Why had she left so abruptly? What was she hiding? And more importantly, why did I care so much?

I undressed and climbed into bed, hoping that sleep would bring some clarity. But as I lay there in the dark, my mind kept drifting back to Y/N—the way she had looked at me during our dance, the way her voice had softened when she talked about music, the way she had smiled when I complimented her.

The feeling that there was something about her that felt familiar, like I had known her in another life, was growing exponentially. But that was impossible, wasn't it? I had been frozen in ice for seventy years, and Y/N wasn't even that old. And yet... I couldn't shake the feeling that we had crossed paths before, that our lives were somehow intertwined.

Eventually, exhaustion began to take over, and I closed my eyes, hoping that sleep would bring some answers. But as I drifted off, all I could think about was Y/N—her smile, her laugh, and the secrets she was keeping hidden.

*Y/N's POV*

I sat on the edge of my bed, my mind spinning from the events of the night. The party had been overwhelming enough, but the dance with Steve had left me reeling. There was something about him that made me feel things I hadn't felt in a long time—something that terrified me.

I had been so careful, so guarded all these years, but one evening with Steve Rogers, and I felt like all my defenses were crumbling. It was crazy—illogical—but it was happening. I was being pulled toward him, drawn in by his kindness, his strength, and the undeniable connection we shared.

But I couldn't afford to fall for him. It would be a disaster—a mess that I wasn't sure I could clean up. I had come here to help, to do my duty, not to get involved in something that could jeopardize everything I had worked so hard to protect. And yet... I couldn't deny the way I felt when I was around him, the way my heart raced whenever he looked at me.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. This was exactly what I had been afraid of. The moment I agreed to join the Avengers, I knew there would be risks—risks that went beyond just the physical dangers of our missions. But I hadn't anticipated this—a pull toward someone who could unravel everything if he ever found out the truth.

A soft chime interrupted my thoughts, and I looked up to see the glowing blue light of JARVIS in the corner of the room. "Miss Y/N, I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"No, JARVIS, it's fine," I replied, grateful for the distraction. "What's up?"

"I wanted to inform you that you have a scheduled training session tomorrow morning at 0700 hours," JARVIS said, his voice calm and precise. "Following that, you will have a briefing regarding your duties and responsibilities as a member of the team. Additionally, you will be receiving your suit tomorrow."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of the suit. "My suit? Already?"

"Yes, Miss Y/N. Mr. Stark worked quickly to ensure it would be ready for you by tomorrow," JARVIS confirmed. "I believe you will find it to your liking."

A smile tugged at my lips. Despite the emotional turmoil I was feeling, the thought of getting my suit—my very own suit—filled me with excitement. It was a symbol of the new chapter I was entering, a sign that I was officially part of the team. The suit represented strength, courage, and everything I had fought for. It was a reminder that I was here for a reason, that I had a purpose.

"Thank you, JARVIS," I said, feeling a little more at ease. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Of course, Miss Y/N," JARVIS replied. "If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask."

"Will do," I said before JARVIS's light faded, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more.

I lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, the events of the day playing over and over in my mind. The encounter with Steve, the dance, the almost-slip of my secret... it was all so overwhelming. But tomorrow was a new day, and with it would come new challenges—challenges that I needed to be ready for.

As I thought about the training session and the briefing, I felt a sense of determination settling over me. I had to stay focused, keep my head in the game. There was too much at stake to let my emotions get the better of me.

But as I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift into sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Would I be able to keep my secret safe? Could I continue to work alongside Steve without letting my feelings get in the way? And most importantly, could I protect the people I cared about without putting them in danger?

The answers weren't clear, but one thing was certain—I had to try. Because as much as I wanted to keep my distance, something inside me was telling me that this was where I was meant to be, that this was where I could finally make a difference.

With that thought in mind, I let the exhaustion of the day pull me under, the promise of a new day waiting on the other side.

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